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  1. E

    Hey y’all!

    Hello Lothlorien, good to see you. "Sunlight," who has written onto my post, is actually Antsmom. She is one of our old crowd. It's interesting to see how things seem to work out for some people. It was good to read about your children. Love, Esther
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    Hello everyone!

    Oh my goodness!! Antsmom!!! How wonderful to "see" you again. And I'm so pleased to read about your son. It sounds quite similar to mine, with oppositional defiance disorder, and substance abuse, and all the rest. I remember that our greatest problem from age four and a half to thirteen and a...
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    Hello everyone!

    How wonderful that the board is up and running again. I just wanted to say hello to you all, and to let you know that I and all my family are OK. My son Oriel, who was the reason I originally joined this wonderful site (it must have been about 25 years ago), has been living back here with us...
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    Esther…Happy Birthday and how are you?

    LMS, what a gorgeous story. And your way of coping with not getting out of control is so sensible. I am impressed with your ability to find solutions together with your husband. What a wonderful win!!! Love, Esther
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    Esther…Happy Birthday and how are you?

    Tammy, you are so special, I love everything about you. Next time, I hope you win a million dollars. I also do the lottery at least once a week, and at least I gain some good dreams!!! I never win, of course. Love, Esther
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    Esther…Happy Birthday and how are you?

    Tammy, you are the greatest! Yes, I am more in touch with you than with any of the other older board members, although I am still in touch with "Marge" and "Marge's Man," ever since I met them both times I was in Australia visiting Oriel. But I do remember that wonderful time we had at Fran's...
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    Has anyone heard from EstherfromJerusalem?

    Thanks Crayola. Yes, I and my family are fine. My soldier grandson who was quite badly injured is recovering quite well, although he will never be 100 percent again -- he has limited use of one arm and all sorts of other injuries, but he is now allowed back to work half-time and he can drive a...
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    Has anyone heard from EstherfromJerusalem?

    Dear Tammy and all my dear friends here on the board, It is truly heart-warming to know that you all care. Yes, here in Israel we are going through really difficult times. Last night the atmosphere was quite different, it was almost jolly. I know that sounds strange, but we know here in Israel...
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    Stages of pain

    Michelle Nathan, I can't give you advice because I haven't been through all that you have, but I wanted you to know that when I read this, I felt your pain so strongly. I too have a son who took us through a lot of stages, but it wasn't as extreme as what you have described. I haven't written...
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    Has anyone heard from EstherfromJerusalem?

    OMG lms, $$6,000!!! Amazing. I hope you really enjoyed losing it all, and having a good time while you do so. I don't understand why your dog gets your glasses and tears them up. I never heard of a dog doing that!! Anyway, we are doing OK here. Crayola asked whether we are safe: Yes, so far...
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    My son passed away last week

    Dear Nandina, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Love, Esther
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    Has anyone heard from EstherfromJerusalem?

    Hello all! Sorry I haven't written sooner. I appreciate everyone's concern. Lovemysons, I'll try to answer your questions. The oldest one is OK. He comes home about once a fortnight for a couple of days. He's got five children (oldest one is 10, youngest one is one and three months, he got...
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    Has anyone heard from EstherfromJerusalem?

    I'm so happy to be back. It feels like coming home to my family. Love, Esther
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    Has anyone heard from EstherfromJerusalem?

    P.S. I have to update my details: I am 78 today, so it is all six years old. The main differences are that to date we have 39 grandchildren, 6 of them married, and 12 great grandchildren. And Oriel has been living back here in Israel for the last five years.
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    Has anyone heard from EstherfromJerusalem?

    Hurrah! I managed to log in. I must have done something wrong previously. Anyway, here I am, and I was able to read (just not to write) and it was so heartwarming to see all your posts and your concern. I see that Lovemysons has actually given you my information. So I will just tell you, it is a...
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    My son entered rehab yesterday

    Dear Brokeninside, Copa is right -- some of us whose children detoxed in rehab have moved on. But I do actually come here almost every day and see what's going on. I just don't feel the same need to write any more. Let me just tell you: Hang in there. My son was in Australia for 9 years and we...
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    Our son passed away last Thanksgiving morning

    LMS, that is such a beautiful tribute to Jarod. I have no words. Just send you a big strong hug. Love, Esther
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    Squatter final update

    What a relief! I am so pleased for you. What a horrible experience this has been. Love, Esther
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    Squatter update

    I am praying for you, Nomad. That it will be over soon. Love, Esther
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    I've just read through this whole thread. Nomad and Busy, I know what I have gone through (and still go through) with my son is nothing compared to what you two have gone through and are still going through. But I wanted to say to you that my heart is aching for you. And that I think it is...