Has anyone heard from EstherfromJerusalem?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
oh my...condolences on the loss of your beloved Rocky. It's very hard to lose a pet. They are sometimes our deepest friends.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Nomad. We miss him deeply. He was always right next to us. Dear husband tears up so easily over just the mention of him. They were bonded. It was a very special relationship.


Well-Known Member
Praying for you and your family Esther. Stay safe and please post to let us know how you all are doing now.



Well-Known Member
Dear Tammy and all my dear friends here on the board,

It is truly heart-warming to know that you all care. Yes, here in Israel we are going through really difficult times. Last night the atmosphere was quite different, it was almost jolly. I know that sounds strange, but we know here in Israel that we have very good defense things in place to thwart off attacks, and I suppose also because of all the tension we have been undergoing lately, it was as if finally something was actually going to happen. So we were warned that our country was about to be attacked, and then we were told that missiles were on their way and we were told to prepare our safe rooms and be ready to go into them. And then we started to hear explosions and the siren went so we went into our safe rooms. Actually, our "safe room" is one particular corner of our apartment that has no outside walls, and we quickly grab two chairs and go and sit there with our radio and our mobile phones. It was just after one in the morning, but sirens were going off up and down the country, and people were filming the rockets that were all intercepted by our defenses. Our children and grandchildren were sending us messages and sending us films they had taken of the "fireworks" in the sky where they live. I know it sounds ridiculous, but the atmosphere in the country was just positive. Today the country is going back to normal.

My family is so huge, we have just had a wedding of a granddaughter. A grandson is getting married in July, another grandson is going to be bar mitzva on May 8, a great grandchild is due to be born next week, so we are really being kept busy with family stuff, which is wonderful. Of course there are no excuses -- we have to be present at every occasion. My husband says that our job these days is to just be there and smile, and hug. That's our job in life. And to give presents, of course!!!

So that's my update. Love to you all.

Love, Esther


Well-Known Member
Wow! Your description of the attack is so vivid. I’m so glad your country has a spectacular defense system in place and that no harm came to you. I personally think Iran should be wiped off the map!

Yes…family time. Sounds beautiful. All of these happy occasions for you and your husband to be a part of and enjoy.

It’s so nice to hear from you Esther. We love you. Keep us posted!

Take care,


Well-Known Member
Hi Esther…
I hope you are doing well and that your sons and grandsons are okay.

It is Mother’s Day today in the US and I am missing my Jarod terribly. He always used to make a special point, no matter his circumstances, to contact me and tell me he loved me and how much he appreciated me on this day. He even thanked me for bringing him into this World, remarkably, a week before he died.

We were very close. I probably concentrated on him the most while raising my children because he was the middle child and I was concerned about the statistics surrounding middle children.

He was probably even my favorite. Yes..I know we’re not supposed to have favorites but he was so different and so much like his mama with bipolar disorder, artistic traits, profound thinking, and similar musical taste.

Anyway…I’ll be leaving for the Casino soon to forget about my troubles.
I hope you are having a good day in Israel. Having raised 8 children like you have you should be celebrated too.

Love you
Take care,


Well-Known Member
Thanks Crayola. Yes, I and my family are fine. My soldier grandson who was quite badly injured is recovering quite well, although he will never be 100 percent again -- he has limited use of one arm and all sorts of other injuries, but he is now allowed back to work half-time and he can drive a car again, and he has a girlfriend, so I'm content with that.

Thanks for your concern.

Love, Esther