
  1. S

    Empathy for difficult child

    I was hoping there was some advice out there that I can pout to good use. I feel that on most days my difficult child does very well, meaning we are able to somewhat control his surroundings and limit his outbursts and anxiety. What I am struggling with the most is my easy child has NO empathy toward his little...
  2. Californiablonde

    difficult child 2's grades

    I just got an email of difficult child 2's grades. So far he is doing SO much better than last year. He has all A's except for one D+ in Science. He is missing one assignment in that class and as soon as he makes it up the grade will go back up. He has an A+ in reading. He has been completing all of his...
  3. M

    Questions about the use of Risperidone...

    Hello.... Im totally new here and I and needing help with dealing with mt soon to be 7 year old son. My heart is broken for him and I am just wanting my little boy back. A little back story. He has always been a very high strung little boy but his behaivors started to get out of hand around...
  4. F

    Where to start

    Hey everyone. First time poster. Forgive me if this thread was placed in the wrong forum, or if it runs a little long. I'm 28, and I'm not a parent. I'm posting this on behalf of my parents, who are in their early 70's. My parents are raising my 14-year old and 9-year old nephews (their...
  5. Malika


    Okay, this is an old chestnut but... I watched a programme here on TV last night about ADHD children, which was quite interesting. As usual, I recognised my own J in the descriptions - children who find it difficult to tolerate frustration, who are aggressive with other children and fascinated...
  6. TiredSoul

    EVERYTHING is a battle - I am TIRED!

    Getting difficult child to do ANYTHING is a battle. Brushing teeth, combing hair, showers, homework, going to Cub Scouts... etc. I am so tired of nagging all the time and fighting all of these battles. Actually 2 things are not a battle for the most part - 1) going to bed, 2) getting up. Everything else...
  7. R

    Strugglin' horribly with 11 year old with Conduct Disorder & Personality Disorder

    Good afternoon all. I am new to this site but very happy to have come across it. Perhaps, I can find a spark of hope again. I am completely exhausted today from stress and anxiety and not sleeping well last night so this won't be long, but I promise to return with more energy. I am a...
  8. S

    Stealing sugar??

    I am new here, so forgive me if this topic has been covered...I'm just at my wits end. I don't even know where to begin. I guess I will stick to the most current issue. My 13-year-old stepdaughter has been stealing and hoarding sugar. Not candy or junk (although she has in the past)...but...
  9. L

    Help! I have an 8 yr old boy with ADHD and ODD

    Hello all, This is my first time posting and I'm glad I've found this site. My son is 8 and was diagnosed almost a year ago with ADHD and ODD. We started therapy with a female therapist, but he didn't trust her and refused to cooperate. I had to literally drag him into his last visit and...
  10. K

    Before Adderall; After Adderall

    My son's problems occur almost entirely at school, so I rely on his teacher's notes to determine if medication is helping. So here is one of her notes before Adderall: difficult child starts off the day in my room. He kept climbing on his chair and trying to stand on the back of it. I asked him to sit...
  11. C


    Well found this site while googling the internet. I am a mother of two boys. My oldest (12) is the source of head banging frustration. He was diagnosed with ADHD/ODD about 4 years ago. He was on concerta for 2 years and then taken off (at the recommendation of the doctor) For a year he did very...
  12. N

    Hope this is not a stupid question...what is normal?

    I have lived for 5 yrs with my precious difficult child whom I love very much. Our lives were in a constant uproar because of his behaviors that all of it over time seemed like a very normal lifestyle and behaviors even though I knew they were all abnormal. Now that we have him on medications and seemed to have...
  13. R

    New to Boards...Need some advice

    my stepson will be 8 in July. He has been diagnosed ADHD for almost a year now and currently being tested for possible bipolar (his bio mom is bipolar) hes a great kid, very sweet and sensitive but there are times when i dont know what to do..far too many lately. ive noticed changes over the...
  14. N

    Still haven't filled the RX for Risperdal

    I know I have mentioned this before, so please forgive me for venting about it again. I am just trying to figure out what to do and it helps to talk about it. My son's dr gave him a RX for Risperdal for his moods and to help with his aggression and hitting himself, etc..that was over a week...
  15. Janna

    ADHD medication Advice

    Well, we have an appointment with the Partial psychiatrist Friday for Dyl. I haven't kept up to date on all the newest, latest, greatest medications out there for ADHD symptoms - and I'm just lookin' to see if anyone knows anything new or has had luck with something after trying others and having none LOL! Dylan...
  16. TiredSoul

    Executive Functions Impaired in ADD/ADHD

    I think this is a good diagram/explanation of the deficits one can have with AD/HD. I plan to share it with Bubby's teachers. Activation: organizing tasks and materials, estimating time, prioritizing tasks, and getting started on work tasks. Patients with ADD describe chronic...
  17. JJJ

    Sometimes ADD can be downright funny

    :rofl: Piglet has ADD, much more spacey than impulsive but she does have her moments. While she was gone today, I installed a bidet onto our master bath toilet. (I'm sure you can see where this is going...) She went in our bathroom and saw the new button on the toilet so she pushed it. A...
  18. M

    First Grader, ADD, ODD some autistic signs:

    Those of you with children in grade school diagnosed with ADD and ODD, what medications have worked best with your children thus far? Can you tell that talk therapy really helps? (Stepmom of Logan 6 yrs old) C
  19. A

    Pediatrician agreed inatt add is likely

    So we are going to try vyvanse. He is going on school trip wednesday to Friday so we will start on saturday so I can see ow he does, feels. I'm praying this help him!
  20. D

    Help! I don't think I will get through summer with 10 year with ODD/ADD

    I am about at the end of my rope. 10 year old daughter is driving me into anxiety/depression. Displays the following symptoms of ODD/ADD: --Argumentative almost all the time --Annoying on purpose --Blames everyone else for things --Negative --Talks about friends constantly and changes...