
  1. Z

    Anyone use vynanse?

    Hi! I haven't posted here in years. I check in when I can though. I have a 10 yr old son who is having trouble in school. He is diagnosed ADHD H/I type and ODD. I have my thoughts about bipolar, but his psychiatrist just blows me off. difficult child had his tonsils and adenoids out in Sept. After he...
  2. J

    New Dignosis

    Well i have been just lurking for a while now. Finally back on for a question or two. My son has ADHD but they recently think he has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I am sure he has that too :) Now school is still horrible having rough days and good days even after he has been on Adderall 15mg for months now. It has...
  3. Shari

    We're trialing Ritalin and...

    OMG. I gave him a short acting dose at 3:45. He has not stopped talking since. His brain is going even faster than his mouth, he's stuttering and having a horrible time keeping up with his thoughts and getting frustrated. He's not moving like a crazy man. Sure is talking like one, tho...
  4. S


    I have a 7 year old son who is very defiant and aggressive with me. He has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on Adderall. I have tried a lot of different counseling and am now seeing an attachment counselor. She thinks he has insecure attachment but not Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). The attachment approach is a lot...
  5. Sheila

    medication adjustment and a compliment

    After about 5+ years of difficult child’s Adderall working well, it stopped working. We’ve been going through one medication adjustment after another. Upped to 30 mg, then back down to 25 mg but added Tenex, then increased Tenex. All to no avail. We went back to the doctor again yesterday afternoon...
  6. F

    I am about to walk away

    Granted I don't really mean that I am going to but living with a child who is NEVER happy is exhausting. I posted this almost exactly a year ago: He has gotten worse. He is never happy and he's usually crying and/or raging over something. He hits me, his siblings, punches walls, and he is...
  7. K


    difficult child went to see therapist yesterday. It is near my work, so for me to leave work, drive and pick him up, bring him back and then return it is like 80 miles. husband doesn't work on Monday's so I had him meet me half way. Then when he got there I was feeling really sick. difficult child wanted dad to take him. So...
  8. jugey

    In a complete mess!

    difficult child is medication free for a week and two days and she's very unstable. She goes from angry to sad so quickly, nobody could keep up. This morning she was hitting herself in the head. She was saying that she thinks she's going mental She was getting this very strange look in her eyes. She was...
  9. shellyd67

    Are we over punishing ?

    Hi all ! It has been a while. Hope all is well. Thank you Jules for your message. I really nice to know how much people care on this site. Things are bad, real bad. difficult child is now 14 and in 7th grade. He is going thru typical teen behavior & his Gfgness is over the top. He is currently suspended from...
  10. A

    In over my head 12 y.o. son with ADHD, Bipolar, CD and ICD/Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)

    This is my first time posting. I don't even know how I got here. I know most people who come to this site are feeling hopeless, I hope to hear from someone who has had any kind of success with their child. I am a stay at home mom with 4 children. My oldest is out of control. He has been in therapy with and...
  11. myeverything04

    Introduction and asking for general imput

    Hello Everyone, I posted a few days ago regarding who to turn too when I felt our pediatrician wasn't grasping the effects Adderall XR was having on my difficult child. It was suggested that I start a new thread and introduce myself and my difficult child a little better. I am looking for imput as to if other...
  12. 2

    Not sure where to go now...

    I am new on here, have been reading the posts for a while now. My difficult child is 11, he was diagnosed as ADHD and ODD in 2003, and added depression in 2007, and Psychosis in June of 2009. We live in a small town with very little resources available locally, he was hospitalized for 7 days during the...
  13. L

    difficult child, Male, 11 yo, ADHD, ODD, (poster boy) HELP

    I found your site last night. What a god send. I'm grateful for all the posts. We need a medication for our difficult child (finally breaking down) to combat ODD stuff. He's currently on Focalin for ADHD -- works well 'til it wears off then LOOK OUT! YIKES! Major BS'er, brat, liar, etc. doctor prescribed Lexapro 5...
  14. robinm1922

    Wellbutrin question

    Hello, difficult child medications were changed two weeks ago. She was diagnosis with depression, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) tendencies along with AD/HD. She is on Clexa 30 mg now and psychiatrist added 100 mg Wellbutrin 2xs a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. She has been on just under two weeks. I haven't seen too much...
  15. TiredSoul

    (PMT) Parent Mgmt Training

    I am wondering if anyone has any information on PMT programs - what has worked, not worked. I am on the verge of spending a lot of money to fly out to the Yale Child Conduct Clinic (and who knows if that will help) - I just can't live like this anymore. Our home is in constant "oppositional...
  16. W

    Cause Of BiPolar (BP)/Other Mood Disorders In Children

    I've seen a lot in the general press about general mental health problems associated with premature infants and those that have some type of birth trauma - common conditions seems to be ADHD and some show increased rates of autism. I have a question. 1. For parents of kids with definitive BiPolar (BP)...
  17. crazymama30

    medication vacation

    I have been thinking about this for some time. Summer vacation is almost here, and I am contemplating removing difficult child from medications to see what happens. He has been on medications of some type for over the last 2-3 years. He has been doing quite well since Christmas. Now, the other side of me wants to...
  18. gcvmom

    medications to blame for manic & obsessive behavior?

    Just thinking out loud again here... I read on a couple of different medical sites that Tenex can induce manic symptoms in children with ADHD, and am now wondering if that explains why difficult child 2 had the wild "flight of ideas" and assuming what strangers were thinking about him, and the physical...
  19. P

    New to forum, advice needed

    This is my first post, and I would like some advice on the right kind of consequences to give our son for his behavior. Brenden is 13, and he has been diagnosed by a neuropsy with a learning disability in math, and slow processing speed. He does not have ADD or ODD, but he can be defiant and...
  20. busywend

    Maybe I have been in denial

    difficult child called from school early this AM to ask if she could come home. Of sourse the response from me is 'huh?, why?'. To which she replied, "I am feeling stressed out and I can not stay here today. I feel like someone is pounding on my chest." Apparently, staying at dad's stresses difficult child out...