
  1. crazymama30

    Any difficult children on Daytrana Patch?

    psychiatrist is thinking of puting difficult child on Daytrana once he is stable on the Lamictal, which is working great. He is on 75mg now, and I do see results. We will go to 100mgs Lamictal in 2 more weeks. Anyways, just thought I would reasearch Daytrana now, and start here. Thanks
  2. crazymama30

    He's lying

    That is what difficult child son was yelling at me as a very angry, wet (from the hot tub) came storming down the street. Then difficult child goes to a bush and throws something in it. Apparently difficult child had a lighter and was trying to light the bushes in the mans yard on fire! That was after he ran through the man's...
  3. Chaosuncontained

    Freaked out on Focalin...

    This morning, at 9am, I gave Carson his second dose of Focalin (umm, expensive medicine). An hour and a half later he went BESERK. He was banging his PSP3 controller into the wall--leaving a hole. Because he wasn't doing well at his game. He was screaming and then crying. Hard to console...
  4. N


    Anyone have any luck with Vyvanse? My son's psychiatrist wants to try him on Vyvanse because Adderall is just not working for him. He's only on 10 mg daily of Adderall, but everytime we try to raise the dose, he gets very emotional and can get aggressive and mean. I told the psychiatrist that I know he needs...
  5. R

    Ritlin warnings

    I suscribe to a doctor's newsletter ( you can PM me for his name if you are intrested as I do not think we are allowed to post that info) and found this in my mailbox today. I had my son on Ritlin for a couple of years and never was I told that he was at risk of severe complications. I tryed the...
  6. P

    Need input before psychiatrist tomorrow

    Hi difficult child 2 has been on Abilify (very low dose) for a few years for impulsivity, getting in other kids' space etc. He has major focus issues. executive function etc. Stimulants made him miserable, have tried just about everything else. (Abilify is only AP though). We finally decided to...
  7. I

    I think my son has a moter running him with no breakes

    My 10 year old just won't shut down . Its like he has a moter driving him with no breaks . How do you stop the bedtime fight ? That is exactally what it turns into after he pushes me and pushes me to see how far he can . Then in the A.M. It is jeck to get him going . I have tried...
  8. M

    How to handle "rebound" effect of stimulant?

    I'm curious how some of you may have handled this - we have tried stimulants with varying degrees of success, but the most successful was Methylphenidate - night and day effect with my difficult children. The problem is when they come off it, they are absolutely hell on wheels. We tried some of the longer...
  9. J

    Anyone Have Experience with Focalin?

    psychiatrist suggested it was time to try to address ADHD issue again since difficult child has been stable on Depakote, Abilify, Straterra and Tenex. We are eliminating Straterra and dropping Tenex so he should be done with-that one in a week. Introduced Focalin ER today. difficult child has never done well with-stims (Ritalin...
  10. jannie

    double dosage today oops

    This morning husband and I had plans to be out of the house for about 7 hours to attend a party for a friend from college. Somehow as we were running around getting ready we each gave difficult child 2 his medicine; so he recieved double dosage. I stayed pretty calm and called the docs and pharmacy to make...
  11. K

    difficult child update

    Day 2 with Adderall. He called me at work at 11am and was extremely upset. Just found out he received 5 detentions for something last week. He screamed something not nice at the teacher then walked out of class and slammed the door. He denies it. Then tries to say he was using his cool off...
  12. K


    I don't even know if I spelled it right. But I did read about it, I looked up so many medication's I hope I can remember. Seems as if most ADHD medications have "anxiety, agitation" as a side effect. That worries me since that is always present. difficult child and I wanted to address the anxiety first. But that...
  13. P

    Of Bipolar, Bedwetting and Stimulants

    OK, I have rasied this question with several Dr.s with no luck and so now I need to bring it to the experts - yes I know that I should have came here first :) When 'Junior' (my pre-sociopathic buddy) was placed on 5mg of Adderal (in addition to his Depakote and Seraquel for Bipolar) his...
  14. L

    When medication started, how soon did you see results?

    As my almost-6-year-old is screaming downstairs, I am looking forward to our first psychiatrist appointment. Would you mind sharing your first medication experiences for your soon were medication's effects experienced and what were they? Thank you so much!
  15. Z

    Anyone use vynanse?

    Hi! I haven't posted here in years. I check in when I can though. I have a 10 yr old son who is having trouble in school. He is diagnosed ADHD H/I type and ODD. I have my thoughts about bipolar, but his psychiatrist just blows me off. difficult child had his tonsils and adenoids out in Sept. After he...
  16. I

    Kids who react badly to stimulants...

    I'm looking to find any advice from parents whose children react badly to stimulants. My difficult child has tried Concerta, Adderrall, the patch (Daytrana) and all have caused horrible side effects, primarily: - not eating - difficulty falling asleep - violent outbursts - facial tics - psychosis (like...
  17. --Eleanor--

    ADD-advice on medications?

    We're off to see the pediatrician tomorrow for a medication check, and I'm going to lobby hard to try something other than Ritalin for my son. He basically can't stay on any task at all (particularly at school) without some kind of medications at this point, but he becomes a totally evil monster when he's...
  18. crazymama30

    medication vacation

    I have been thinking about this for some time. Summer vacation is almost here, and I am contemplating removing difficult child from medications to see what happens. He has been on medications of some type for over the last 2-3 years. He has been doing quite well since Christmas. Now, the other side of me wants to...
  19. crazymama30

    do stims "build up"

    in peoples' systems? difficult child was doing good, great with daytrana. In the last 2 days things have been awful. Very upset, wound up, tearful about tiny things, and VERY argumentative. I guess he almost got kicked out of the pool today for a disagreement with another child, and then argued with the...
  20. B

    Mood Stabilizers & Stimulants?

    Hi all, My son has been rage free/meltdown free for 5 months now. Yeah no violence and more managable. At first we were just so grateful for not being bitten, etc etc. Now we really need to start to once again try to address the adhd symptoms. Prior to mood stabilizers and the proper diagnosis, we...