
  1. Lothlorien

    ADHD/ADD vs. Bipolar

    It appears to me, from reading many many posts over the years that children with ADD/ADHD have meltdowns, but not necessarily the "Raging", am I right? The reason I am asking is because I am slowly coming to the realization that I really don't think Missy is actually ADD/ADHD, but rather may...
  2. Big Bad Kitty

    Welcome, Joskids!

    I took your posts and started a new one with a new title so it would not get lost in the shuffle: _____________________________________________________________________ OK, all you experts . . . calling on you for help. I'm new here. We have a 7 year old, adopted son, beautiful child, does...
  3. K

    difficult child's school vs. outside of school

    I know so many of you have kids that are fine at school, but not so at home. Anyone have the opposite? With difficult child it seems as if school is a torture. He is fine when he is outside of school at functions such as baseball, or even school functions like the socials (dances). Not much problem at...
  4. F

    New & here's my story (for today)

    I'm truly exhausted today & can't believe it took this long to figure out a support group would be SO wonderful! I don't even know where to begin. I don't exactly recall where it started. Since every day begins with a battle, it's hard to pinpoint when the battle became a full-blown war. I...
  5. L

    Need Help

    I am a male, middle school teacher in New Jersey and I am looking for help regarding a student. I don't know if he qualifies as a conduct disorder under this site or any other definition. This 10-11 year old boy has demonstrated extreme emotional reactions to grades or missed work. He has an...
  6. caryatid

    caryatid's difficult child (ADD/Sensory Integration Disorder (SID))

    Hello! I'm new here and was directed to this forum from another one that I am on. I'm also new to dealing with conduct disorders. It's not that the disorder itself is new in my family, just that up until now we had just assumed his symptoms were a normal expression of stress. I'm jumping ahead...
  7. H

    ODD, the teen years

    Hi, I am new to this site so if I do this wrong, bear with me. My daughter was diagnosed with ODD when she was six. She is now 15 and we are really struggling. She is about to go to a youth Psychiatric program, she lives there during the week and comes home for the weekends. (for one month) This...
  8. Sheila

    ADHD and Learning Disability (LD) articles

    Click on to access: Larry Silver, M.D. Larry Silver, M.D., is the author of Dr. Larry Silver's Advice to Parents on AD/HD and The Misunderstood Child: Understanding and Coping with Your Child's Learning Disabilities. He is also a clinical professor...
  9. K

    Need Help

    I just cannot do this anymore. I am so tired. husband is no help, tries to justify difficult child's actions. I get the calls from school, I difficult child's calls. difficult child has no friends, trouble doing work in school. Mostly refuses to do it. Calls teachers names, gets kicked out recently on a daily basis. He is in S.E...
  10. ?

    List of Our Chapters! for Our Book!

    I am archiving this list in the "Our Book" archive, as well as posting it here, so that it can be found if the topics, that rhymed! Cool! Anyway, here are the chapters! Let me know if you can think of ones that I've missed! Take care and let's get everyone on board to...
  11. L

    New here

    hi everyone new here and thought id post well today has been a bad day,ma son has been supended today due to his behaviour at school.He refused to do school work then started to be rude,difiant and wouldnt listen to teachers this was him in 45 mins got a call from them I ended going to the...
  12. ?

    School Issues --- Stories in Here

  13. shellyd67

    Concerta ????

    Hi everyone ! I am hoping some of you may be able to give me some advice and feedback on Concerta. I will try to make a VERY LONG story short. lol My 10yr old difficult child is on his 3rd medication (diagnosed with ADHD/ODD) We have had minimal benefits with any medication at this point. He is now on 36mg of...
  14. C

    update on concerta....

    medications told the story....loud and clear. we have a new psychiatrist, and i say that with such relief it isnt even funny. in defense of the other psychiatrist's, he DID have more info than they did...but he's my new hero i have never, in my life, seen what i saw when she was on concerta. we did only 2 days at...
  15. B

    Concerta 54 "It makes me so jittery, but I can concentrate better"

    Any suggestions on what to do? Jumper came home and her eyes literally looked like they were glowing. I found out her dad had been forgetting to give her her ADHD medications so I quickly took over that duty and she took Concerta 54 mgs. for the first time in days. It was also her first 54 mg. dose...
  16. H

    ADHD Advice

    Hello- I am new to this group and I am wondering if you guys could give me some advice. I will try not to jump all over the place so I don't confuse you. :) My son- a twin, he is 10 was diagnosed with ADHD in 1st grade. He is a very loving, caring kid. He is sensative and he loves to...
  17. R

    Institutionalised 13 yo son still threatening suicide

    Hi to all, I am hopeful someone can help us. My husband passed away 4 weeks ago in a motorbike accident. He was a loving, supportive step father to my 2 children. I have a 13 year old son and 8 year old daughter. All my grief aside, my 13 year old son has gone off the edge of reality. He is...
  18. C


    Hi! I'm new to this forum. I have two daughters ages 10 and 8. My youngest was diagnosed with ADD a couple months ago and has been taking concerta for it. She has made remarkable improvements in school and seems to be adjusting well to the medication. If anyone here has or has had a child on...
  19. F

    What is going ON with my 15 year old daughter??

    This is going to be long. For the most part, daughter had been bordering on being a easy child all of her life. She met her milestones SUPER early (very, very verbal at an early age, taught herself to read at 3, always scored highest in her grade on standardized testing, etc) and was generally just a happy...
  20. TiredSoul

    Decreasing Intuniv - Wth is going on?

    Today is day 4 of a lower dose of Intuniv. difficult child is wild crazy! Drunk-like... falling around, stumbling, and way more accident prone. Oh and crying and hyper and goofy - but also giving me hugs and compliments which he doesn't do a lot. WTH? Can all this really be because of the lower dose of...