
  1. W

    For those with older kids (well, older than 8)

    My difficult child has a diagnosis of mood disorder and severe ADHD which may or may not be correct. If we go on that, though... I've been told how to change my parenting style (which I'm sick to death of hearing) and how to literally walk AROUND this child. I'm supposed to get down to his level (but far enough...
  2. T

    Considering placement in ED room

    Hi, I haven't been around for quite a while...I didn't have internet access for a long time. A lot has happened with us in the past few months. difficult child now has a diagnosis of BiPolar (BP) 1, along with Tourette's Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and ADHD. He is in a mainstream second grade class with a full-time, 1:1 aide. That worked well last...
  3. S

    medications combos - questions

    I know there is no "standard" for medications and what may work for one, won't work for another, but I'm just wondering, on average, whether your difficult child is on 1, 2, 3 or 4 different types of medications. difficult child is diagnosed Aspie / ADHD. So far, he's been taking a stimulant and a anti-anxiety/depressant. The...
  4. S


    Hi everyone, I come read these forums now and again when I just can't take being a parent of a difficult child anymore, but have never posted before. It is so nice to know I'm not alone. My daughter is diagnosed ADHD (by neurologist) and ODD/Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (by psychologist), and I'm beginning to suspect she's...
  5. P-nut2004

    At wits end...

    Hi everyone, I just joined today after hours of searching for a site like this. My difficult child is my youngest child (7) & is currently running my household. She is diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Temper Dysregulation Disorder (which P-Dr says is the new 'childhood bipolar') and auditory...
  6. Z

    New to group, been lurking for awhile

    Forgive me if starting a new thread isn't the proper way to introduce myself. Anyway, I've turned to online chat groups for support for difficult children since my daughter was a toddler--many times in the wee hours of the night--trying to find the strength to get through another day. But I...
  7. P

    SSri bad reaction?

    HI My youngest has been on Zoloft for two weeks (one week at 25 mg and one week at 50 mg). His behavior has become increasingly disruptive in class and he was suspended yesterday for the second time in a week for kicking a kid hard, apparently pretty much unprovoked. He is a big physical kid...
  8. shellyd67

    Summertime and medications ....

    I am once again on my favorite site looking for advice from all you wonderful parents ! Here is my dilemma, difficult child who is ADHD/ODD loves to sleep late when he is able. With summertime around the corner I am dreading attempting to wake him every morning to give him his daily dose of Concerta ( as...
  9. T

    Help with medications!

    My 14 year old son was diagnosed last year with Bipolar, ADHD, and ODD. We've been messing with medications for a year now, with the plan to get his moods stabilized first before worrying about his ability to focus. He was doing pretty good with a combination of depakote and abilify, so over the...
  10. I

    Mouthy and out of control teen!

    As I sit here in tears, I was thinking to I the only mother dealing with this? Hopefully I can find some help or someone who can genuinely say that they have been there and doesn't judge. I am a stay at home mom of two. My husband is out of town alot so I am home to deal with the craziness most...
  11. G

    Zoloft and Aggression

    My difficult child is on zoloft for anxiety, and in the past three months, her behavior has been deteroriating. She snaps and gets frustrated easily, fights back more readily and has become even more defiant and aggressive. In fact, she's reverted back to behavior we haven't seen in nearly two years. Has...
  12. J

    At the End of My Rope

    Today has been a VERY challenging day with B2... I am not sure if it is caused by the change in routine after coming home from the weekend at the lake or if his medications just arent working today. His behavior has been almost as bad as it was before he went on his medications 3 weeks ago. He is back to...
  13. overwhelmed...


    I don't know quite where to begin here... I just came across this site today. My situation is probably not much different than anyone elses here, but for me it is wholly overwhelming. I fell in love with a man who at the time had a beautiful 9 year old little girl. About 6 months before...
  14. Wiynter

    New here, exhausted, and at the end of my tether

    Well, to make a really long story sort of short, a year ago today difficult child was released from her first psychiatric hospital stay for brandishing a knife at herself and her stepdad, and threatening to kill herself because the dogs interrupted her youtube viewing. Things seem to have only gotten worse. She may not...
  15. B

    WHY would a fourteen year old have such a poor short term memory? Any ideas?

    We have a nightmare going on at school because we were tricked into signing an IEP last year that dismisses my daughter N. from Special Education. They told us she could just go back to Special Education anytime if she had problems...hahaha. Now they're saying "Well, you signed her out of it so it will take a...
  16. L

    first post

    I'm lost and so depressed. I thought we battled the demons and came out ahead. It was all a dream. History 17 year old son, adhd, oppisitional defiant alll adhd medications failed and progressively getting worse. Last year at this time, as a junior, punching wholes in walls, flunking school not going...
  17. 2

    Trouble on the homefront

    I am always fighting with my son. He is ADHD/ODD and I am Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), so we just don't get on well. I am on medications because it really does help my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), but my husband is against medications for my son even though I'm the one that deals with him 23 out of 24 hours - and he's HYPER and WILD and IMPULSIVE and...
  18. 4

    New here...hoping to lighten the load

    Hello all! I am glad to find this group. I am new here and have been reading through the threads and I feel as if I am walking in to meet my biological family after having been in an adopted for my entire life. This journey of motherhood for me has not been without its excitement. Really its...
  19. A

    Truely At-Wits-End

    I have been visiting this site on and off for quite awhile now and have received encouragement from afar but now, I am at a real loss. My difficult child has struggled his whole life. Last year we just wanted school to be done and over with. We had a pretty good summer with very little issues. School...
  20. dirtmama

    Help me understand bipolar in children

    Good morning! I'm overwelmed and confused. My difficult child has an adhd diagnosis. but it's definetly more than that. I'm waiting to get him in to see neuropsychologist.(he's on a waiting list) Been doing alot of research. difficult child has symptoms of every mental illness and disorder out there. the has aspie traits (many) and...