As an update to my other thread, I received a call this afternoon that a bed had opened up. We brought him in tonight. He took it better than we expected. He said he didn't want to go. We told him it was a safety issue and we needed him to be safe for all of our sakes (including him). It...
After reading Desperate's thread I got inspired to post about this. It's nothing new, but I thought those of us dealing with this issue could sort of touch base and share what is working.
Manster is eating all the time. I have to physically stand in front of the kitchen at times to say...
yup i'm back and have mos. and mos. of venting......... so READ at your own risk lol.
difficult child, what can i say ms. thing wanted off the medications about 7 mos. ago so i said ok we'll give it a shot (best time prior to serious hormonal fluctuations) we did it. needless to say when June came...
Gfg15 was hospitalized July 25 to July 30. Her last hospitalization was in April. Both times she went because she said the voices she hears are telling her to kill herself or hurt herself.
This last hospitalization she reported some feeble attempts at hurting herself - 1) tried to 'smother'...
In my absence at the Ohio shindig, it sounds like difficult child 2 has continued to have sleep issues.
He called me at the airport at 6:30 this morning to ask when I'd be home, to tell me he'd made me brownies last night (:happy:), and to inform me that he never went to sleep :surprised1:. My sister in law had...
hi i am the mother of a child who is diagnosed with generalized epliepsy and adhd and oppositional defiance disorder. he is three and a half years old. he throws massive fits with screaming and crying sometimes it seems for no reason at all. he has good days when he is awesome and days that are...
I'm asking for collective good thoughts from the board as we finally take the step towards an official diagnosis for manster. He's been nonstop clearing his throat this morning, hopefully he'll do it for the doctor. I'll post an upate later. Thanks for the ongoing support you've all given me over the...
I know I caused some of reactions of course reinforce some of the behavior but it is so hard to not react negatively to being hit or called names. He doesn't have concerta on board yet or the clonidine extra morning tab dose (he has the patches on and they were bumped up).
Please forgive me tonight, these questions are weighing heavy on my mind. I know that these are purely opinion and each person will have a different viewpoint depending on where they are at in their journey but would you please consider these and give me your advice:
After checking my difficult child into...
We are fostering/adopting our difficult child; today marks the 5th month he has lived with us. Until this week, things were going relatively well; so much so that we were ready to move forward with another foster/adoption.
Academically, he is doing really well - he is in Special Education due to his emotional...
Hello everyone. I'm new to this site and actually new to talking to anyone outside of my immediate family about my son and his "issues". I can use all the advice I can get and hopefully something will work, besides the not so great advice family members give.
My husband and I have a 6 year...
difficult child 1's new-ish therapist recommended that we drop French and Biology and add a resource class. I told me to send a letter to the school requesting this under OHI (we have a 504 now and not an IEP, though he does have an IHP (H being Health) because of his medical issues). He said unless difficult child 1 wants...
We've been adviced by the psychiatrist to put difficult child face down on the floor and sit on his bum holding his hands beside his body when he becomes physickly out of control.....we used it twice and I hated the shame and hurt and humiliation on his face afterwards.
I dont like using this method......I also...
completely out of it at the hospital when we saw him today. He almost seemed rather zombieish. Still at the same time he was very moody. It was very hard to see him so out of it.
Right now they have stopped giving him Lamictal and switched him to Depakote. Although he has been on Depakote...
Sooooooo....we are still waiting for our neuropsychologist appointment and difficult child is still off the stims - for 2 1/2 weeks now.
In some ways things are good - in general his mood is much elevated - but he has days (like today) when he is 'wide-open' - will not stop talking, moving, dancing, making noise, etc...
families of bipolar
oppositional defiant disorder
My wife and I are new members. We have a 16 year old son who was originally diagnosed as ADHD about 12 years ago. He's been somewhat controllable until he hit around 15, now he's out of control. His mouth toward us would shock a drunken sailor, he's been in trouble with the law, doesn't...
My Son has explosive temper tantrums that involve Hitting me spitting on me throwing objects at me while saying he hates me and calling me names telling me that he is the boss and im not in charge of him. At school he is basically the same way he runs off school property and hits the students...
The nurse just called and said difficult child has a stomach ache and headache "in his eyes." I told her he gets migraines and food sensitivity headaches and he's probably been eating crummy foods. I just discovered that he'd eaten half a container of Reddi Whip (my fault, I should have never purchased it...
Let me say like the rest did that I'm happy to have found this site! Reading through alot of these comments has opened my eyes ALOT!
Here's my situation....
I have an 7 almost 8 yr old difficult child.. He's always been a difficult child only 2 hours old and was pushing himself away from me in the hospital lol...