
  1. TerryJ2

    He can bring me down in a nanosecond

    Decided to give difficult child's girlfriend's mom a break from chauffeuring, so I picked up the kids from school to take them to a movie (difficult child got passes for his birthday). Texted difficult child and all was fine, listened to carols on the way, and was happy, happy, happy, singing along to Dionne Warwick. Until I got to school...
  2. N

    Really in need of answers

    My 8 year old has been diagnosis with ODD/ADHD. the last year and a half has been nothing short of horrible. She's been on a number of different medications, and nothing is helping. She can't take stimulants, so she's taking strattrea for the ADHD, also depakote and clonidine for aggression. And just came off...
  3. S

    Introducing myself

    I've been lurking on the forum for a week or so now, reading and learning. I thought it was time to introduce myself; the forum has already proved to be a huge help in our ongoing struggle to find effective treatment for our difficult child. I'm a divorced and re-married (not officially yet, lol) single...
  4. T

    Clonidine Help!!!

    For those of you that remember me-I posted Mommy wants to cry. My 3 1/2 year old difficult child was put on Clonidine 0.025 mg @ 1 ml at bedtime. That started Tuesday night. I gave him 1 ml tuesday night and he slept all night and A LOT of Wednesday. On Wednesday night I figured 1 ml was too much so I gave...
  5. TerryJ2

    Ohh difficult child hasn't been this ramped up for a long time!

    difficult child's girlfriend is out of town at her dad's house. (Parents are divorced.) Every time one of them goes out of town, they get in a big fight. They don't know how to deal with-it. Last night I woke up at 1 a.m. and found difficult child in the LR SHOUTING, "f-this, f-that, you hurt me more than anyone has in my whole...
  6. crazymama30


    So is tenex a quick acting medication? If not how long to see results? Just curious.
  7. TerryJ2

    Driver's Ed update

    difficult child has had his permit for 3 weeks now. We are all still alive. No dents on the car. Two bottles of wine sipped and slurped by moi. Only one argument from difficult child, which earned him a week with no driving. Mostly back roads, but yesterday went 9 miles and did 10 signal lights. He loves having me...
  8. S

    non stimulant vs. stimulant medications

    I haven't posted here in a while. We took my son to the cardiologist just to make sure he could take an adhd medication called procentra. My son is 11 totally non verbal autistic. The dr. said it was ok for him to take the medication. We started out at 2mls in the am and 2mls after lunch. This medication did...
  9. buddy

    Q is repeating a demand over and over and over and over and over and over....

    Now he is walking up the stairs to make sure I hear it louder and louder. He heard someone outside and decided to start saying I needed to unlock the new locks I put in. So he was at the computer saying , "come on do the lock" now he has said it at least 100 times and is getting closer and...
  10. TerryJ2

    difficult child is having heart palpitations and nosebleeds

    He thought it was his lithium, so I spoke with-the pharmacist, who said, yes, it could be ... what is his blood level? Oops. I made an appointment. for Friday. Meanwhile, I'm going to call the dr and see if we can break the pills in half or get a 150 mg called in. Sigh. It was going so well, I was even...
  11. P


    My son was officially Diagnosed with ADHD combined and ODD. He is 6 years old. I am a single mother and I am just really burnt out. He was on Tenex and Clonidine and Meletonin, Which helped him calm down his behavior a lot, he was still very active and had meltdowns, but they decreased...
  12. crazymama30


    So we started difficult child son on propanolol a couple weeks ago, started at 5mg twice a day for a week and just bumped up to 10mg twice a day starting last night and this morning. I really hope what I am seeing today is a result of the medication and not just a good day. Once his medications were in his system, he...
  13. buddy

    never posting how q is doing again!

    Really rough night. There are extenuating circumstances ....I chose not to give the extra zyprexa dose the dr said I could do and have used for school days the past week and a.half be ause he has been so great and with his so into his races today i juzt didnt see it.coming.....and also, it...
  14. 4

    Worst night ever!!

    I feel like crying this morning because I am so, so, so tired and annoyed. Cooper was up all night off and on. At first he cried his legs hurt, then he was thirsty, then his legs again...over and over. He woke up like 15 times to come get in my bed, I took him back to bed, he comes back. Last...
  15. P

    Help son expelled from kindergarten

    I'm new here I have lurked here and there. My son is 5 years old and he has been suspended for the third time in 3 weeks. He has only attended school maybe 3 times this month. He was diagnosed with anxiety from one Dr, but the Dr passed and we were just getting started with his diagnosis. The...
  16. C

    So Tired of Defiance and Verbal Abuse

    I feel totally defeated by my 13 year old son. He has always been difficult to deal with mentally, but when he was younger I could handle it. The last 2 years have been exhausting. Every day is a battle to get him up and to school. He has been suspended numerous times for disrespecting...
  17. TerryJ2

    Met with-therapist to discuss placement for difficult child

    Sigh. He doesn't think it will "stick" after difficult child gets out, especially if I only send him for 1 yr. He also said that between the two programs I narrowed it down to, difficult child's depression is secondary to the Asperger's. (by the way, he said it took him a long time to get on board with, since difficult child is so high...
  18. Malika

    Update on J

    J had a big tantrum this evening. I suppose that's the word for it - one could also call it an explosion, or a grand voiding of emotion/fatigue/over-stimulation. We had a quiet morning at home, J watching television and me reading him stories, then he went out for a bit to visit the 3 year...
  19. PlainJane

    Every interaction escalates to a blow up fight..what do we do, not talk to difficult child ever?

    My difficult child is only 5, almost 6. Every interaction ends in a fight. Ask him nicely how his day went...he gets annoyed, asks inapproriate questions, contradicts himself, lies. Ask him to do something (please put on your shoes) and screaming, yelling, or maybe odd questions. He asks questions...
  20. M

    Manster off medications

    It's not pretty. Ex is of the mindset that the cure is worse than the disease.. or something like that. Blaming the very issues that precipiated medications ON the medications now. Manster decided not to take the night time ones because he wanted to stay up later (clonidine) and then forgot the morning ones...