conduct disorder in children

  1. B

    War in my house at 2 am....

    Well, last night was complete and utter chaos in my house. My difficult child is making us all nuts!!! She called me at around 10 minutes to 1 and asked if I would leave the door unlocked until 1:30, she was walking home. (some of you know, I lock the door at 1, if she isn't home she gets locked out until...
  2. caryatid

    caryatid's difficult child (ADD/Sensory Integration Disorder (SID))

    Hello! I'm new here and was directed to this forum from another one that I am on. I'm also new to dealing with conduct disorders. It's not that the disorder itself is new in my family, just that up until now we had just assumed his symptoms were a normal expression of stress. I'm jumping ahead...
  3. R

    So many possibilities..

    Hi all, I've just come across this forum and am hoping to get a bit of feedback on my step son, or even just a bit of support. I can't find many support forums which seems bad considering the amount of troubled children out there. Backstory - difficult child lived with his Mum and Dad (my now fiancee)...
  4. Otto von Bismark

    I guess I am that person who only shows up when I need something. Emergency again.

    Sorry I haven't been around to be a help to people when they were down and we were up. There's a reason, though. One kid went off to college, I started grad school, and my son wasn't a disaster for a short time, so we were actually able to breathe and relax for a while. I also don't have much to...
  5. DammitJanet

    some info on discipline from a psychiatrist

    Spend unstructured time together Schedule 15 minutes each day with your child, to do whatever he wants to. Playing together helps repair the parent-child bond and lays the groundwork for positive reinforcement in the future. Praise good behavior immediately and often Positive reinforcement is...
  6. L

    So worried about my 5-year old son (long) need help

    My son has been difficult - aggressive, negative, purposefully bothering, since I can remember. He is a twin and his twin sister has some medical issues. I had postpartum depression pretty bad after they were born and I often feel horribly guilty about what I may have missed giving the kids in...
  7. TiredSoul

    Does this sound like a neuropsychological evaluation?

    Ok so finally got a referral to a Children's hospital to have difficult child evaluated. I told the pediatrician that I wanted a referral to one of two places in our area for a neuropsychologist evaluation. They left a message today to do the intake questionnaire. Are there any questions I should ask when I call back...
  8. B

    Newbie, barely functioning with worry over difficult child!

    I don't even know where to start. difficult child is 15, and my biological daughter. I left my verbally abusive husband in 1995, and they've only seen each other once since. He's just not capable of being a father, and doesn't try. difficult child was diagnosis with ADHD @age 7, depression @age 12, and ODD & not otherwise specified mood disorder...
  9. Star*

    SPED school is not special

    hi - Went to IEP update meeting today. Wasnt going to go - but after the school making Dude leave the school property for loitering and walking 2 miles to our mechanics office - I thought I would go and see if it was a fair meeting. I sat silent (not my usual m/o) listened to the teachers...
  10. V

    (I'm New) and I don't want to be around my child anymore

    I have a 12 year old son, who was diagnosis'd with BiPolar (BP) and ADHD years ago. We have been through tons of medication changes and have had many ups and downs (more downs then ups) We'd tried every form of discipline; time outs, spanking, taking away his electronics, grounding from friends, along with patience and...
  11. K

    new here..need help with violent difficult child, please help!

    I feel like ahuge weight has been lifted since finding this forum. I am married to awonderful man and we are raising our 7 children together. I have 3 from aprevious marriage and he has 4. We both have sole custody with no involvement ofthe other biological parents. The oldest2 are adults so we...
  12. C

    Aren't I just the big bad witch

    I have been a member of this board for a very long time. I pop in and out I can finally find the time. About 6 months ago, we sent our difficult child across the country to live with her grandfather. It was an agonizing decision but it really came down to a choice of losing her to the streets in the...
  13. canthandleitanymore

    I'm new here...

    Hi all, I’m new to this forum. New and desperate. My SO has a 10 ¾ y.o. son who is out of control and intolerable to be around. I am so ashamed to say that I really think I hate this kid. His dad even says that. I don’t know all the acronyms and don’t want to use his name, so I’ll call the...
  14. H

    GRG was kicked out of therapy

    Ok, his therapist was AWFUL, but the only one who I could find that would take our private insurance. So here's how it went. We go in, DS instantly goes to the toys, like always, I sat down and told him about our week (which wasn't as bad as normal, but it involved kicking our other son in...
  15. A

    First post and long introduction/vent - 6yo son with- ADHD combo and CD

    Hello Everyone! I've been poking around this site on and off for many years while my son was undiagnosed, but knowing that my child was different from others even with people closest to me (and even better, strangers) trying to convince me otherwise. It's a little unsettling and darn right...
  16. O

    I feel so alone

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. I have a 17 year old son who has ruined my life. To type that sounds awful, but its true. And the guilt tears me up for thinking these thoughts, but it doesn't make it any less true. I have raised him as a mostly single mother. He is an only child. His dad has...
  17. L

    New here

    hi everyone new here and thought id post well today has been a bad day,ma son has been supended today due to his behaviour at school.He refused to do school work then started to be rude,difiant and wouldnt listen to teachers this was him in 45 mins got a call from them I ended going to the...
  18. H

    Newbie @ her wits end...looking for help.

    Hello everyone: I am very new to this support site, so please bear with me as I don't yet know all of the lingo here. I will try my best, and I'm sorry if this is too long. I am desperate for help. I have a child, or difficult child, who is the age of 12 right now. He is my youngest of 3 boys and...
  19. klmno


    difficult child is approved for medicaid! PO wants difficult child sent to state juvy- everyone else is ok with Residential Treatment Center (RTC). I rec'd a letter from Residential Treatment Center (RTC) and they have approved difficult child for acceptance. Assuming judge is ok with it and doesn't send difficult child to detention, he could go back to where he is now until funding is approved for Residential Treatment Center (RTC)...
  20. change

    true conduct disorder???

    I don't know what to think. I've read a ton about ODD, CD, Bi-Polar, etc. and my children's birth mother was bi-polar. If you look-up my previous posts, you'll see what went on with my children and see what is going on right now with my daughter. In the past couple of months alone, she has been...