
  1. J

    Medication Crossroad? Any thoughts/experience?

    difficult child's psychiatrist is wanting to try another d**n medication. psychiatrist absolutely believes that difficult child is bipolar and ADHD. Now I had a neuropsychologist done at an early age and it agreed with a mood disorder. Even though it was independent, I don't think it was as thorough and again he was young. He saw a pediatrician...
  2. klmno


    Hi everyone! I know I haven't posted in a while but will be posting some today. psychiatrist rx'd ativan for difficult child yesterday to use PRN and he said not to use it often. Has anyone had any experience with this that I should be aware of (adverse reactions, side effects, interactions, etc)? What about when...
  3. gcvmom

    Trialing very low-dose clonazepam...

    for difficult child 2's Sydenham's tremor. He's not doing too bad his first day off Risperdal after the lovely dystonic dance yesterday. A little reactive. A little trouble cocentrating even with his Daytrana patch today. We'll get the new rx filled tomorrow. I may wait 'til the weekend to try this...
  4. gcvmom

    difficult child 1 may be trying Clonidine for IBS of all things...

    What have others here used it for? What did it help, what did it make worse?
  5. Chantillylace

    ADHD Medication Questions

    My son is 4 (getting close to 5 now) and has ADHD. In July, we tried a Daytrana 10mg patch for 10 days. He did great for the first 7 days... although he wasn't sleeping well and would only eat a few bites for lunch. The problem is that he started to have a terrible crash about an hour after...
  6. C

    How do you handle failed classes (ADHD)? Do you take away anything ?

    Do you not let them play outside or go to their extra activities.. no electronics until the grades go up? What do I do? Hes on Daytrana Patch was 10mg over two weeks did nothing, now I put 15mg over a week ago and teacher said no improvement. Im going to his Dr for the new prescription 2morrow...
  7. C

    Sons Out Of His School..It Just Lovely $%^&

    Well, son will be pulled out today as they are working on the paperwork. I cant get up there yet to sign as I cant physically get him in the car and make sure he sits still in the car to withdraw him. So somehow I gotta get up there today to sign it. He thinks hes going to be home schooled...
  8. C

    pediatrician says diagnosis :V40.9 UNS MENTAL/BEHAVIORAL PROBLEM...

    for both kids. He thinks Anxiety still for daughter and showing some signs of Aspergers (but he cant say on the diagnose because she did get worse at her new school so he knows something is wrong but not sure. He mainly asked her about depression and friends, how her school work is, etc. Asked...
  9. M

    Bipolar disorder and Stimulants for ADHD Symptoms

    Little Bear is being referred to a great children's hospital in our state and we are now waiting for his appointment to their psychiatry clinic. It takes 6-8 weeks after referral to be called for an appointment. so I am trying to get all my question's together now. We have tried all kinds of medications and...
  10. B

    Need ADHD homework strategies

    Hi all, With my difficult child's seizure disorder well under control for years now, it's become extremely clear that he has ADHD. therapist, who knows him well and runs camps and therapy groups for kids with ADHD, says difficult child is just textbook. I think that's all the diagnosis I need but if we decide to medicate I'm...
  11. crazymama30

    school problems, ADHD or Hypomanic?

    Alright ladies, help me out. difficult child started out the school year badly, very emotional about alot of things. We increased his Lamictal from 150mg to 200mg, and things got better. Now, he is sooo hyper. He is on the go, cannot sit still, cannot quit talking. But he is not defiant. If I ask him...
  12. H

    Another newbie...

    Hi all, I'm new here and grateful for your support, insight, and help. Our middle son has struggled, intermittently, throughout life. He actually performs well, or has until this year. With the start of Middle School, he's making a spectacular nosedive that's heartwrenching to watch. He's...
  13. M

    How to handle "rebound" effect of stimulant?

    I'm curious how some of you may have handled this - we have tried stimulants with varying degrees of success, but the most successful was Methylphenidate - night and day effect with my difficult children. The problem is when they come off it, they are absolutely hell on wheels. We tried some of the longer...
  14. S

    Tired and feeling hopeless...

    I'm back. It's been awhile since I was on here and I used a different name them - it was butterflydreams. Anyway, life has been very hectic since this last summer. I am no longer working, I am going to school full time now. My daughter took the GED in May and aced it! She is now...
  15. Janna

    ADHD medication Advice

    Well, we have an appointment with the Partial psychiatrist Friday for Dyl. I haven't kept up to date on all the newest, latest, greatest medications out there for ADHD symptoms - and I'm just lookin' to see if anyone knows anything new or has had luck with something after trying others and having none LOL! Dylan...
  16. C

    Im Back With medication Questions...Daytrana Patch mg

    Hi All, well, I just cant stay away no sense in my closing my account again. Hopefully you all except me back! ;) Ok so here is whats going on... Son off and on better, so is daughter, but son is starting new medications and still in process of going to to be tested ( next month new tests!!!) Son is...
  17. G

    What's next with ADHD medications

    At the end of the school year Mr. I had been on an increased dose of Concerta. (36mg. up from 27) At the higher dose he had stomach aches, had stopped eating, (and I think growing too) and had periods of spacing out like he was over medicated. I convinced his parents to let me get a lower dose...
  18. C

    Single mom with-8 year old with- ADHD on Ritalin. aggressive, defiant, out of control Help!

    I am at my wits end with my son. He has been on methylphenidate for about a year and a half now for adhd and it apparently makes a big difference at school. At home is another story. By the time he gets home his medications are wearing off and it is a nightmare. He'll kick walls, throw things, scream...
  19. N


    Anyone have any luck with Vyvanse? My son's psychiatrist wants to try him on Vyvanse because Adderall is just not working for him. He's only on 10 mg daily of Adderall, but everytime we try to raise the dose, he gets very emotional and can get aggressive and mean. I told the psychiatrist that I know he needs...
  20. Chaosuncontained

    Freaked out on Focalin...

    This morning, at 9am, I gave Carson his second dose of Focalin (umm, expensive medicine). An hour and a half later he went BESERK. He was banging his PSP3 controller into the wall--leaving a hole. Because he wasn't doing well at his game. He was screaming and then crying. Hard to console...