
  1. crazymama30


    Next time I think difficult child is on too much of a stimulant, or does not need one, hit me! HARD! I took him back to 15mg of Daytrana since Friday. by yesterday he was completely out of control, hyper, rude, and today he was unbearable. I was yelling at him when I was calmly speaking, he was in tears all...
  2. B

    Concerta 54 "It makes me so jittery, but I can concentrate better"

    Any suggestions on what to do? Jumper came home and her eyes literally looked like they were glowing. I found out her dad had been forgetting to give her her ADHD medications so I quickly took over that duty and she took Concerta 54 mgs. for the first time in days. It was also her first 54 mg. dose...
  3. gcvmom

    Ugh. difficult child 1 home early with a funky tummy...

    and I'm sure it's related to his GI issues. They took his temp in the office and no fever. He told his dad his pain was a 7/10 when husband collected him around 11:30 this morning. Came home and slept for about 90 minutes. Ate some tomato soup (with Miralax :) ). Looks like he's in a bit of...
  4. B

    I'm afraid to give my daughter ADHD medication. Help?

    As everyone knows, I had a daughter who abused meth and ADHD medications were a big part of it. She would put the drugs into a pillcrusher and they'd snort them alone or with other drugs. It was her main drug of choice before she quit. Fast forwards... I have a lovely thirteen year old daughter who is...
  5. gcvmom

    Mr. Hyde at the top of his game this morning.

    He is provocative, oppositional, loud, annoying, hostile when confronted, obnoxious, irritating... did I say annoying? :frowny: And oppositional? I don't know WHY my buttons are so easily pushed this morning, but difficult child 1 has been exceptionally oppositional and obnoxious this morning. Perhaps he...
  6. R

    Ritlin warnings

    I suscribe to a doctor's newsletter ( you can PM me for his name if you are intrested as I do not think we are allowed to post that info) and found this in my mailbox today. I had my son on Ritlin for a couple of years and never was I told that he was at risk of severe complications. I tryed the...
  7. crazymama30


    So now difficult child is acting up. He got super angry with me as I talked with his therapist last week about an incident at school. This week he got just as angry with me as I told her about psychiatrist changing his medications. He heard me talking her before his visit today, gave me a super dirty look as he went...
  8. gcvmom

    Arrrgh! (Pirate-speak for "difficult child 1 is shutting down again!")

    I don't know if it's because his medical procedure is coming up on Friday, or if something else is going on, but difficult child 1 is behaving as if his medications are not working the past few days. Yesterday, his patch fizzled out by 3pm or so and I could not get him to do much on his assignments after his...
  9. K

    Before Adderall; After Adderall

    My son's problems occur almost entirely at school, so I rely on his teacher's notes to determine if medication is helping. So here is one of her notes before Adderall: difficult child starts off the day in my room. He kept climbing on his chair and trying to stand on the back of it. I asked him to sit...
  10. D

    New here

    I just joined today and I am not quite sure how to begin. my daughter is 9 and will turn 10 next week. we have been dealing with behaviorial issues since she was 2. the terrible 2's led into 3, 4 and beyond. we found out when she was in kindergarten that she had learning issue. she was...
  11. flutterby

    psychiatrist appointment

    Apparently there was some huge misunderstanding with the psychiatrist's office. I thought that I was supposed to go the first time alone, and then schedule difficult child. That didn't seem weird to me as that's how it's almost always been with every mental health professional she's seen. But, no. I get there...
  12. crazymama30

    normal or not?

    Now I have a question. difficult child has been occupying himself all day. ALL DAY without being annoying or needy. For the last 3 hours, give or take, he has been playing legos. Is this normal or obsessed/driven behavior? when I go in to talk to him he is pleasant and responds, not ticked off because...
  13. gcvmom

    Freaking out a little over difficult child

    He had an abdominal xray (KUB) on Monday because of all the GI issues he's been having. I already knew he was constipated because of the stool sample I managed to collect on Friday (and he hasn't had a bm since). When we were there, the tech showed us that he was indeed FOS, though not as bad...
  14. gcvmom

    Okay, another drug question...

    difficult child 1 used to be on Lexapro (for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)) and Elavil (for IBS) up until last Spring. I dropped the Elavil (low dose of 10mg) because I figured he wouldn't need it during the less stressful days of Summer. At our July check-in, psychiatrist said he thought some of the previous ODD behaviors we'd had in...
  15. gcvmom

    Turned in home/hospital form today for difficult child 1

    While I know this is the right thing to do for him, I feel sad about this. Sigh. It's just one more difficult child aspect of our life. difficult child 1 is home sick again today because of his IBS, but he is actually feeling better than yesterday. But he still feels sick even though there's no pain right now. He had...
  16. gcvmom

    Concerned that difficult child 1 seems to need more stimulant these days...

    and am wondering if the nasty BiPolar (BP) monster is ramping up for an appearance in this kid. The past week or two he definitely is over the top in his behavior late afternoons, depsite having his patch on and it not being anywhere near time for it to wear off. He takes a 20mg booster of Focalin and a...
  17. A

    we switched medications and I see a change

    for the worse. Maybe. I hate this. Too soon to tell if it was a bad or good switch. We need some relief from these behaviors! difficult child has been switched from Risperdal to Abilify. He's been on 2 mgs at night. Today we added the 2 mg. in the a.m. He's weepy, being obsessive about needing a quarter...
  18. crazymama30


    difficult child is being a &^%%%*** tonight. I am ready to duck tape his mouth shut. He is argueing, over reacting to everything (I bumped very lightly his forhead, and he screamed several times about how I hit him in the eye) slamming the door repeatedly. I am going to wait and see if he gets better in...
  19. H

    another newbie---day tx now reccommended

    I posted last week as a complete newbie, and was so grateful for your responses. This week has continued the downward spiral, and we’re now looking at a day treatment program for anxiety/school refusal, with a potential opening by week’s end. I’m wondering how many of you have been down this...
  20. I

    I think my son has a moter running him with no breakes

    My 10 year old just won't shut down . Its like he has a moter driving him with no breaks . How do you stop the bedtime fight ? That is exactally what it turns into after he pushes me and pushes me to see how far he can . Then in the A.M. It is jeck to get him going . I have tried...