families of bipolar

  1. D


    My son Seth, is 10 years old and in the 5th grade. He has behaviour issues at school that the teachers and I have discussed. He has been placed in the In School Suspension program several times for his behavior. The teachers and I stay in contact daily. He brings home all of his classwork, and...
  2. B

    Bipolar medications?? Spoke to doctor today

    Thank you all for the input. I spoke to her therapist today and her doctor. I actually thought it was going to be a fight, but good news, my difficult child will be getting a neuropsychologist exam, MRI and an EEG. She will also be taken off the Concerta and starting Lamictal. The doctor says she wants to leave my...
  3. B

    Newbie, barely functioning with worry over difficult child!

    I don't even know where to start. difficult child is 15, and my biological daughter. I left my verbally abusive husband in 1995, and they've only seen each other once since. He's just not capable of being a father, and doesn't try. difficult child was diagnosis with ADHD @age 7, depression @age 12, and ODD & not otherwise specified mood disorder...
  4. H

    Newbie @ her wits end...looking for help.

    Hello everyone: I am very new to this support site, so please bear with me as I don't yet know all of the lingo here. I will try my best, and I'm sorry if this is too long. I am desperate for help. I have a child, or difficult child, who is the age of 12 right now. He is my youngest of 3 boys and...
  5. M

    Just labeled Conduct Disorder

    I have a 15 year old son. He just started a special school two months ago for Emo. Disturbed kids. He had been diagnosis with bipolar when he was 8 years old because he was having severe rage episodes. Around the time he was 5 years old I had a very serious psychiatric breakdown. I was really sick for...
  6. dixiegirl34

    new here DS 12 yrwith ADHD,ODD,Anxiety...HELP!

    We are seeing a new counselor for a very increased sexual interest latley. To the point I'm worried. He seems really obsessed since he's been blocked ont he internet by our filters many many times trying to reach really nasty sites. And he has been caught with horrible pictures. With all his...
  7. E

    New Here..Thank God you exist...Need help badly

  8. sweetiegirlz

    Theories on conduct disorders THEN vs.NOW?

    This question came up in my college class some months back. I did ask my teacher about conduct disorders and this generation, vs. the 70's and before. 1) Why did we not seem to have this trend as kids? I remember being parented in do or die fashion. and school was not the school of today as in...
  9. J

    Newbie with Lots of questions :)

    Hi everyone :) I'm Judy. I'm so happy I found this place as I've been looking for a support for a while now :) Our ds4 is quite a little puzzle. He was born into our hearts when he was 8 days old. He was prenatally exposed to drugs and alcohol and his birth mother had a history of mental...
  10. M

    What's the word -- confused? Frustrated? Angry?

    Hi, I am new here. I found the link and when I read the "soft place to land." I immediately signed on. I am not the biological parent of the 12 yo that's being hmmm...my best teacher. I hope that doesn't exclude me from this group. However, I am living with her in a family setting. There are...
  11. G

    can someone offer help-new info

    NEW INFO AT BOTTOM I am a single mother of 3 children with special needs 2 have adhd, and 1 has adhd with ODD and Conduct disoder his odd is fading but the conduct disorder is becoming more and more disruptive. I am supposed to be trying to get work and dealing with him is there any other...
  12. B

    new to the site

    Mine and my wife's journey is much like yours. We adopted three children (siblings) out of the state foster care system. That was over five years ago. While the younger to children (now 10 and 12) have assimilated quite well, my oldest son (15 today) has progessively gotten worse. Diagnosed with...
  13. southernmomma

    ADHD/ODD underlying causes

    Hey everyone, tomorrow is difficult child's first appointment. with a 2nd dr. to get a 2nd opinion. I have read a lot of info on ODD and there are a lot of underlying problems/causes, etc. What can you guys tell me about things like that? I don't want to be unprepared. Thanx
  14. L

    new here and in real need of support

    My daughter is 15 and we've been dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), ODD, and ADHD for years. Recently she's been demonstrating some conduct disorders behaviors. I'm really feeling hopeless and at my wits ends. My daughters therapist suggested I find a support forum to reach out to. I hopin' finding some...
  15. 3

    NEW and falling apart at the seams; need help!

    Hello everyone! I am new and very thankful I found this board to help me cope at a time I feel like my whole world is crumbling in my home. I have a 7yr old daughter who although has not yet been diagnosed (going to psch. on 23rd) we have very strong feelings she is ODD. The odd behavior was...
  16. Lothlorien

    ADHD/ADD vs. Bipolar

    It appears to me, from reading many many posts over the years that children with ADD/ADHD have meltdowns, but not necessarily the "Raging", am I right? The reason I am asking is because I am slowly coming to the realization that I really don't think Missy is actually ADD/ADHD, but rather may...
  17. M

    new and flailing

    I'm new to this group as of today...I was searching around for someplace to vent. I think I need help. My daughters are 10 yrs and 2yrs and I have gotten to a point where I dread coming home from work because I don't want to be around them. My older one especially. She has been in and out of...
  18. T

    New to Group

    Hello: I am new to the group and just wanted to indroduce myself. After reading many of your posts it looks like I'll feel right at home here. I belong to an epilpesy group as well but my son's seizures do not cause me the daily problems that his behavior does so, I am glad to have found this...
  19. K

    difficult child's school vs. outside of school

    I know so many of you have kids that are fine at school, but not so at home. Anyone have the opposite? With difficult child it seems as if school is a torture. He is fine when he is outside of school at functions such as baseball, or even school functions like the socials (dances). Not much problem at...
  20. F

    New & here's my story (for today)

    I'm truly exhausted today & can't believe it took this long to figure out a support group would be SO wonderful! I don't even know where to begin. I don't exactly recall where it started. Since every day begins with a battle, it's hard to pinpoint when the battle became a full-blown war. I...