families of bipolar

  1. TerryJ2

    He just argues and argues

    OMG, I am so sick of it. Doesn't matter how many books I've read and how much counseling we've been through. It seems like nothing changes. He's just got that huge sense of entitlement. He's been lagging and dragging all wk, finding all sorts of things to eat that make him sick, then staying up...
  2. K

    Horrible and scary weekend

    I am on my way out right now. So must be quick. I am terrified. difficult child lost it, blew up, totally out of control, worse than I ever saw. We had attempted to go to dinner with easy child, his birthday is tomorrow and we were having his birthday dinner. All was fine until we got there. We took two cars...
  3. Shari

    Spect scans and medication question

    I haven't posted a lot lately, either my own threads or response to others because wee difficult child has been very, very "off" for a month or longer. I would say he qualifies as manic. Even sleep patterns have changed. A few times, we have had to use our emerency PRN medication to knock him down. Except...
  4. X

    Should I Hospitalize My Son?

    My 8 yr old son has been having violent rages, self-injury, and injuring others on and off since he was 4 years old. Each year as his illness progresses, new symptoms, and psycosis appears. He was diagnosed at age 5 with Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, and sensory processing disorder (SPD). Now at age 8... things are changing...
  5. M

    Weaning off Risperidone

    My daughter (age 6) was prescribed Daytrana (a nightmare), then tenex (no effect) then Risperidone (current medication) for her undiagnosed behavior issues. Temper tantrums, rages, non-compliance, general nastiness, hyperactive whatever you want to call it. The Risperidone seemed to work after...
  6. T


    Hi, Bug's neuropsychologist raised the possibility of bipolar disorder recently and I'm trying to learn as much about it as I can. Right now, his diagnoses are Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), and Sensory Integration Disorder (SID). He also shows some signs of NLD. He is almost 7 yo. Bug has always been a very hyper child...
  7. S

    4 yo Very Defiant son

    First off let me say that it feels good to have found this forum because I know that I will get support from people that understand what I am going through rather than people trying to tell me that my son’s actions are normal “boy” behaviors. My son is 4 years old and very violent...
  8. T

    New to Forum/difficult child home from inpatient tonight

    Hello! I am new to the forum. I stumbled onto the site while doing a google search while I'm at home waiting for my SO to get home with our difficult child (7, adhd, odd,cd, possible cobd). Over the last couple of months we had been seeing an escalation in difficult child's oppositional and aggressive tendencies which...
  9. TerryJ2

    Ins pd 100% of the psychiatric hospital!!!

    Woo hoo! That's the best news I've heard in a long time. We picked up difficult child after lunch today. First, we talked to the soc wkr. He was American and had no accent. :) He said difficult child's notable characteristics are that he is extremely impulsive, very stubborn, and that his intelligence was way up...
  10. D


    My 9 yo Daughter has been put on Depakote along with her risperdal and clonidine for her manic state. Is there anything that I should look out for? Does anyone have anything to tell me about Depakote? Good or Bad.
  11. T

    My four year old is abusive!

    I am new to this, but I hope I can find some support from others dealing with similar situations as I am. I am a stay-at-home mom of two boys. My oldest is four years old and my youngest is seven months old. Somedays, I feel like my four year old is possessed! He will be nice and using his...
  12. M

    i am at my last straw(new here)

    First of,i am Alex and my difficult child is 6 and in Special Education for adhd,odd and borderline bipolar.In his IEP he is under emotionaly disturbance and other health impairment.We have had issius with him since he was only 2.To make a long story short,he has been medicated for almost 2 years now,but never on...
  13. Stef

    psychiatrist Says- Can't Help

    difficult child and I went for a "medication management" review with the beloved psychiatrist, and were told that basically nothing more than what's being prescribed will help him. Presently difficult child takes Risperal .5mg x 2/day. We were originally told that .5mg x 2 would be a starting dose, and we'd most likely go up a...
  14. S

    First appointment and frustrated

    Ok not really a First First Appointment but first with a psychiatrist. Been seeing a counselor for our son who is 5 and has been diagnosed with ODD and ADD. The counselor recommended this psychiatrist so that we could look into getting my DS on medication before we try behavior mod. He has a...
  15. B


    I introduced myself on the general board but I have 2 difficult child under the age of 6, and one difficult child that is 8yrs old. Technically though his maturity level is low so he can sometimes fit here, lol. He is doing well right now most days though. My difficult child#3 and #2 are more challenging most days. I have been...
  16. neednewtechnique

    First time visit at inpatient facility

    Okay, today was the first day we were able to go visit difficult child at the inpatient facility she was placed at earlier this week. I do not think the visit went well at all. She was nice and all, not mean or angry or in a bad mood, but my confidence level in the facility itself kinda plummetted and...
  17. Dara

    They want to medicate without knowing what he has!

    I spoke to the neurologist today because Sammy's behavior has spiraled out of control at home again but worse. We have an appointment at the Mayo Clinic in late april or may but that seems a long time to wait without doing anything. ANyways, I called the Neurologist thinking that he would want...
  18. cutedimples

    another lost friendship

    I got a call today from the mother of my son's favorite friend asking me not to allow Jake to come over anymore. Their friendship is relatively new and started so promisingly, but as usual, Jake's anger and lack of social skills alienated him again. And afterwards, I was so upset but tried so...
  19. smallworld

    Newsweek article on childhood bipolar

    This week's cover story in Newsweek details the life of a boy with bipolar disorder. Some of it rings all too true.
  20. TerryJ2

    Halloween--no medications!!!

    I am so exhausted. I dropped difficult child off at a friend's house last night for trick-or-treating. The mom promised to give him his medications. (Clonidine and Vistaril.) It was nice to be able to leave him, because I dressed up, too, and went to a small party. difficult child's friend's mom had friends over, eating and...