
  1. K

    New behavior

    It's been a while, we have been on vacation. During the vacation some issues came up that are new and I am not quite sure how to handle it. Anxiety level really shoots through the roof. He admitted he doesn't like feeling scared all the time. Tried talking to him, but doesn't help his fears...
  2. Nancy423

    can anyone help?

    Hi again. I've not been around in the last month. School is keeping me very busy and difficult child is sliding downhill as well. I was reminded yesterday that she's a 6-7year old in an 11 year old's body. So it could be that everyone might be asking more than she can handle?? We just had her IEP on...
  3. flutterby

    medication questions

    We have pretty much run out of AD's to try - unless we want to try the tryciclics (sp). Nothing has helped much (Zoloft, Welbutrin, Celexa, Lexapro, etc), and Prozac made difficult child intensely depressed complete with suicidal ideation and, at one point, a note and a plan. We are currently doing a medication...
  4. J

    Lexapro side effects - do they go away?

    difficult child 2 has been taking Lexapro for almost 2 months, now. We started her at 2.5mg because she has had side effects to all the SSRI's in the past. We thought maybe some of the side effects were due to her chronic illness coming out and not the SSRI's so we are trying again. She took 2.5 mg for a...
  5. gcvmom

    Another skin picking thought...

    difficult child 1 is still picking at his upper arms, and now one of his knees has scabs on it from picking. Something jogged my memory about a medication he was taking up until the start of the summer which was right around when the skin picking took off. We dropped the Elavil (a tricyclic) he was taking for his...
  6. K


    What do you think. Several years ago when difficult child had been on Lamictal for 3 years we tried lexapro. Ten mg. difficult child didn't sleep for days. Then psychiatrist added remeron (sp?). Then he was so totally messed up we had to start from scratch. He started back on Lamictal - his request last fall. Not...
  7. J

    Migraine medications

    easy child started taking Anafranil on Monday. It seems to be helping her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) a little already but she is still having headaches daily. I called her neurologist to see if there is anything she can take for migraines for pain short term while we figure out if the anafranil is working. He said there is...
  8. J

    now i'm loosing it

    hi, this isnt good i'm supposed to be ok for her and now it seems i'm loosing it yet agian and while at work. i'm afraid to take xanax here. don't know how it's going Occupational Therapist (OT) make me feel been a hwile. i've had bad day obviously. hard time iwth her this morning, i climb all the way up to...
  9. klmno

    bipolar questions

    For those familiar with bipolar, could a 10-11 yo be triggered into major depression (1st time), then go into a manic state for 2-3mos., then be stable for 8-9 mos., then go into major depression for 1-2 mos., then manic state for 1 mo., then appear to be cycling back and forth every 2 weeks...
  10. jannie

    easy child starting zoloft today

    So--since April I've been tossing and turning regarding medications for my easy child/difficult child. He's always had issues, but not nearly as bad as difficult child so we've been less agressive in treating. Last spring we took him to an experienced psychologist. She saw symptoms of adhd/anxiety/mild depression. April 06 he...
  11. S

    New psychiatrist today...nervous

    I am so tired to seeing new Psychiatrists for difficult child 1....I swear for years it's all I did. Constantly searching for answers and NOT ONE of them has ever agreed on a diagnoses...I guess this should have been my first clue. So for the last year, we've been somewhat MIA from any psychiatrist's office (a...
  12. flutterby

    psychiatrist appointment

    I really don't know what I think about this psychiatrist. She spoke a few more words this time other than, "Ahhhh. Ok.", but....just but. She put difficult child on clonidine (sp?) 0.1mg to help with sleep. Said difficult child could take it with the 100mg trazodone because difficult child says the trazodone isn't working all that...
  13. TiredSoul

    Day 15 on Intuniv - HELP PLEASE

    Today is day 15 on 1 mg Intuniv. Tomorrow we are supposed to go to 2 mg. Tonight difficult child is so completely out of control. He is belligerent, combative, quarrelsome, antagonistic, contentious!!! He is annoying everyone! He is in all of our faces. He is acting like a crazed maniac. Looking back...
  14. K

    Hello everyone

    Sorry I haven't posted much. I have been trying to read every now and then to keep up with everyone. Well, School starts Tuesday...and I assume another year of stress. difficult child has had an ok summer. Better than I expected. Wasn't out riding in peoples cars. Staying away from parties and those...
  15. C

    Need to know I did the right thing

    I haven't posted on here in sometime, but felt the need to today. This weekend, my 10 year old difficult child had one of her worst meltdowns yet. She ended up throwing a chair at me and I called 911. We ended up in the ER, where the psychiatric there did nothing other than tell us to follow-up with her...
  16. T

    New diagnosis

    My son has had health problems since 13 months. He had his first seizure then. He also has asthma, allergies (gets 2 shots once a week), was recently diagnosed with Aspergers and ODD. I've known for years that there was something "different" about my son. He is 11. The fits started at about...
  17. W

    Just want 2 dr's to agree.

    neuropsychologist says my 7yr has had Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on left side of his brain. psychiatric. says he has AS. Pediat. says it's ODD. He had a brain MRI last week and showed nothing...SO Now what do we do?
  18. gcvmom

    difficult child 1 becoming more hostile

    We've been having a lot of problems with difficult child 1's behavior the past few months. He provokes his sibs verbally and physically (name calling, poking, spitting, threatening to hit, etc.) and then when they react he gets violent. He is argumentative with both husband and I and gets confrontational and...
  19. F

    Thoughts/Advice for medication

    It's been a while since I've been back here. We are at our wit's end with our eight year old son's behavior. He is currently on 200 mg. Seroquel, 10 mg. Lexapro, 30 mg. Metadate. His raging outbursts are far worse than ever. We have spent nine months at this psychiatric clinic, and it seems...
  20. E

    Theft & difficult child's

    What do you got? I need ideas! I need help! I need suggestions, tips, whatever. Gfg15 stole yet again this week from someone at school. My kid needs help! And I do NOT know how to help her! It hurts so very bad to watch her keep making these poor choices. PMIC staff have told the school to...