
  1. N

    Question and Thoughts on respidol?

    So today was day 5 of Clonidine. We are seeing some improvment, she seems to be a little more calm at home. Last night was a really good night for her, not alot of the fighting and talking back. Today seems to be a little more rough, both at school and at home. And I totally know that we are...
  2. buddy

    Hospital just called

    They said I refused to let difficult child attend their school time, I said no, I refused to allow for an open dialog from school and hospital. He doesn't have any homework, only reading 5 minutes a night and recording it. I will bring that form for them. They said, well it is crossed out, I said I was not...
  3. buddy

    General Ramblings and stuff....

    Well, lets see... first Q's doctor called and all the blood test results were great, no diabetes, not thyroid issues, no anything except even with 1000 units of Vitamin D it was still lowish....but it is much closer to normal. He has not been gaining at the rate he was... well at least his...
  4. buddy

    psychiatric hospital school called, a little bit of good news. will update more tonight....

    :applause:Yeah for difficult child! School teacher called to say that for the last two days he has done wonderful in psychiatric hospital school! She said that he needs 1:1 at all times (yup) and that it took till yesterday (well he had a lot on his plate so...) for him to be able to stay in the room with other kids...
  5. buddy

    Update on Buddy's difficult child

    Well, today they upped the lithium (300 in morn, 300 in evening) they are not seeing any side effects, or any effects but it is early. Yesterday night he was ok when I visited, I gave him a list of things to try to work for (halloween, horseback riding, etc.) and he read it intently. sure...
  6. B

    Trazadone timing

    Ok, so here it is, when difficult child was recently inpatient, the psychiatrist not only added Lithium ER to his medications, but added Trazadone for sleep. difficult child has had huge problems sleeping. difficult child is taking 150 mg Trazadone. He takes all his medications at about 7pm (either my daughter or I visually watch him). Anyway, some...
  7. buddy

    I should have caught this one...

    Q woke last night...middle of the night and he never just gets up and goes to the bathroom. At least i have him convinced he doesn't have to ask to go to the bathroom anymore, did that for years. but he still yells Goodnight mom, I love you and waits for a response so if I dont wake fully or...
  8. wakeupcall

    I slapped him silly.

    I've HAD it!!!! The disrespect and rudeness is getting totally out of control. It doesn't matter what consequence I can think of....twelve years of them and they still don't work. I had his mouth one too many times this evening and little gestures like me telling him to stop something...
  9. Stef


    Hi: My son somewhat recently had his medications changed to place him on Risperdal. He was previously on Depakote and Clonidine. The psychiatric felt that Risperdal would adress his aggresive behavior better than the Depakote. When I read up on Risperdal though, it says it can increase agressiveness 26% of...
  10. cutedimples

    another lost friendship

    I got a call today from the mother of my son's favorite friend asking me not to allow Jake to come over anymore. Their friendship is relatively new and started so promisingly, but as usual, Jake's anger and lack of social skills alienated him again. And afterwards, I was so upset but tried so...
  11. F

    Drugs?No drugs?Some drugs?

  12. wakeupcall

    medication help, please. High Blood Pressure!

    My difficult child has a medication check next week, but I've stumbled on a little problem, I think. difficult child started Lithium Carbonate ER about two months ago, has had blood levels taken and seems to be at a theraputic level of 1.2. At the last appointment. I asked if it was possible for me to give him 1/2 tab. of...
  13. H

    Could this be bipolar?

    I am new to this site, which someone recommended to me. I have been reading the boards for a few weeks and decided to go ahead post and get some feedback on my situation. I have an 8 year old son who has been difficult since he was a toddler. He has seen a couple of psychiatrists and one gave...
  14. gcvmom

    Attended NARSAD's Healthy Minds Across America yesterday

    I highly recommend attending this FREE public event on mental health if you live anywhere near one of the lecture locations: The talk I attended had three WONDERFUL...
  15. J

    switching doctor's

    hi, so i've thought alot past few days on how to handle stuff with this whole "thorazine" drug that was prescribed difficult child. I did my best, worked it through, read the clinical trials, went to the fda site to view the incedences of the drug. At end of day I am not giving it to her. I contacted her...
  16. J

    need some thoughts

    hi to all hope everyone is well. i have little difficult child who will be going in for testing 2/27 until then we're flying by the seat of our pants at home and school, no medication's right now. sleep is so difficult for her. for all of us. i just finished an hour phone call with difficult child's old pyschdoc. an...
  17. nvts

    Figured out why I'm nervous about Lithium

    Yay! I know what was bugging me. Now, try and follow my logic (sometimes I confuse myself - I swear, running in cricles does that to me!). difficult child 1 goes into psychiatric hospital for medication assessment two Thurs. ago. They add tenex, increase trileptal and start lowering risperdal. They call me the following...
  18. W

    Seroquel and Abilify together?

    difficult child just turned 11 last week, and had a pretty stable 18 months since his five months stint in residential in 2007-2008. By stable I mean no physical violence towards people and no auditory hallucinations. We've had the usual impulsive behavior, food gorging/hoarding, lots of lying, and unless...
  19. H

    Talked to doctor's office (not happy need advice)

    Now, we've established that Zyprexa at bedtime doesn't work for kiddo, right? Right. Hyper, leg pains, etc. She's also eating like a lumberjack, even when she's full she's still hungry. Called doctor's office. They want to cut back the Zyprexa to the previous 5mg taken at bedtime and add Abilify in...
  20. jcox

    Elijah day three in hospital/sick and anxious

    :sick: I went to see Elijah again this afternoon. Hubby had to stay home because my ten year old did not feel well. She has a fever, sore throat, headache, etc. I also had a meeting with the nutritionist from there. Right when I got there they gave me a few minutes to visit with Elijah first...