
  1. M


    d started his summer routine this week. T and TH he has tutoring. MWF he has daycamp activities and at night, Taekwando. For the most part, it's been a good (and full) week. He did have a meltdown last night after the class. He just cried out of frustration. It's a pretty strict class...
  2. robinm1922

    Here we go again!

    This has been a rough two weeks let me tell you all! I go to the Neuropsychologist have a great appointment there. He thinks difficult child may have ADD/ADHD at least a mild case along with ODD. He told me the ODD is a "garden" type diagnosis but she shows some signs. Get approval for testing insurance is...
  3. L

    New here!

    Hello everyone. Hoping I will be able to find some info and support here. I have a 10yr old son who was diagnosed with ODD and learning disorders not otherwise specified. He is currently taking Strattera 40mg in the AM and Seroquel 25mg in the evenings. The Seroquel is being bumped up to 50mg XL tomorrow to...
  4. D

    Better Sit Down for This One...

    Hello All-- I am SOOO aggravated right now...so I am sorry if this turns into a rambling rant. We had a psychiatrist appointment this evening--mostly to get difficult child's Celexa script refilled.... And psychiatrist began asking difficult child how she is doing in school. Well, she had a little sob story that despite trying really...
  5. D

    How important is the diagnosis?

    Hello All-- As you may know, my daughter, difficult child, was diagnosed with ADD (despite having no symptoms of ADD), ODD, and more recently Depression and Anxiety. When she was little--I suspected Aspergers...but my theory was dismissed almost immediately because doctors said difficult child's eye-contact "seems...
  6. klmno

    bipolar questions

    For those familiar with bipolar, could a 10-11 yo be triggered into major depression (1st time), then go into a manic state for 2-3mos., then be stable for 8-9 mos., then go into major depression for 1-2 mos., then manic state for 1 mo., then appear to be cycling back and forth every 2 weeks...
  7. Alisonlg

    What do I do?

    Ok...so, things were going rather well with M, as you all know, with the exception of the increasing irritability and building bottled anger, which we addressed with the psychiatrist and he advised us to increase the Tenex and said that we should see an immediate improvement. Fast forward to today...
  8. klmno

    Bipolar questionairre link

    Since there is question lately (everywhere- not just this forum) if bipolar in children and adolescents is under- or over- diagnosed, I thought others might be interested in this. It's unclear to me if this form is used for him to gather statistical data for an upcoming book or if he (staff)...
  9. totoro

    Interesting article from the New Yorker...

    I hate all of this I just wish there was some way to know what was wrong with our kids for sure!!! I am just convinced 100% that difficult child 1 is Bipolar... how it will develop I am not sure... As Dr. Pavuluri said to us she is a classic Bipolar case. All of the signs and symptoms and the genetics...
  10. twistedfrog


    Just found this place and am not sure where to post this so thought this forum would work. My husband and I have been dealing with our daughter and her issues for so long now that it has started to have a negative impact on our marriage and our son. Let me back up a bit. Our daughter was...
  11. M

    Ready to try medications

    I am a bit nervous as we are seeing a new psychiatrist tomorrow. We got rid of our lousy kaiser insurance that had zero support for difficult child in terms of therapy of any kind. I want to try a stimulant for the inattentiveness. I realize that it might not work. But more importantly, I'm realizing that because...
  12. K


    Ok..difficult child went to the doctor the other day, after about 6 months. I asked about the evaluations mentioned here. It is a big medical complex and they do all those tests, but I was told no need to do that, it would be a waste of money. he has shown that he CAN be good. He increased Lamictal to...
  13. K

    Newbie ... in desparate need of help ...

    ... or just some friendly voices ... My situation is fairly complex, and yet simple at the same time. I figure I'll give some background first so that everyone gets an idea of who we are. I'm a 33 year old divorced mother of five. I live in a merged family with my SO. Two of our children...
  14. sickandtired

    New and introducing...

    I can't tell you all how glad I am to have found this wonderful comfort zone. I have a 4 1/2 year old son by my husband, and a almost 6 yr. old daughter from a sd (sperm donor). My son is my problem. I haven't had a chance to get him evaluated exstensively but was evaluated once but a learning...
  15. L

    I'm New--Intro

    Hello, all. I have been lurking for a little over a month, I guess, since I began to suspect that my 4yo boy might have ODD. I've been researching and thinking and reading and now think he has some of the symptoms, but I'm not sure he would get a diagnosis. For example, he is not wantonly...
  16. Karen & Crew

    He's having a BAD day & I'm ready to scream

    I dunno what's up with R today but I'm absolutely ready to run away from home. He was uncontrollable this am when we had to take daughter to do her dance revue pix. From there we had to run an errand at the mall and he was worse. He has destroyed his room and when anything is said about it or any...
  17. loves_rainy_days

    Newbie that desperately needs help

    Hi! New here and in desperate need of help. My 9yr old has ADHD and possible Oppositional Defiance Disorder. His behavior is getting out of control and my boyfriend and I have tried everything under the sun to help him understand what behavior is acceptable and what isn't. He is a sweet kid...
  18. T

    difficult child's stealing has reached a whole new level - HELP!?

    difficult child escalated with his stealing by opening SO's wallet yesterday and taking $20 from it. difficult child did this while SO was outside working on his car on his day off from work. difficult child was the only one in the house and decided to help himself! We discovered the theft only after he and daughter were picked up by...
  19. I

    New here and glad I found you!

    :happy: Wow - I did a search on Trileptal and aggression and found this forum! Hurray! I've never known a place where people can understand what my life is like!! (although I am both married to and mother of a difficult child, so I'm hoping to find someone else who knows how that is - anyone on here?)...
  20. smallworld

    Welcome Julie!

    Julie, I took the liberty of pasting your post into its own thread so our members can welcome you properly: Good Morning everyone, my name is Julie and I am new.I don't even know if I am doing this right because I am really bad at computers.You all seem so kind. I have 2 kids Maddie is 12 and...