oppositional defiant disorder

  1. totoro

    medication ? Tenex...

    Hi my understanding family!!! I feel so horrible ugh! Well We started the Tenex on Thursday, .5mg @ 3pm and then she does that in the a.m. as well. I have read up on it and the side affects etc... but want anyone who actually *knows* lol Or your opinions!!! So far she has still been angry...
  2. maniacmansion

    new here

    Hi! My difficult child is 11, bi-polar, & ODD. He drives me nuts!! Right now we're doing alright, but every time he loses it it gets a little worse. In a few weeks he goes to court for a change of plea. They're letting him plead down from domestic violence to dis-orderly conduct. I got lucky with the...
  3. K

    Intuniv ...anyone?

    New medication. Originally for high blood pressure, but proves to work for ADHD. difficult child is to take it at night because causes sleepiness. Dr. said it is not new, more imporved. Use to have to take it 3x's a day and people would fall asleep. Now this is a once a day pill. Anyone have...
  4. C

    New here, not new to any of this

    Hi, not sure where to start and probably the full history is not necessary. I have 3 boys. Oldest is ADHD/BiPolar/Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified. I spent many a year on forums, boards, with therapists, specialists, etc. It took from age 7 to age 11 to stabilize him on medication (I am so glad that's over). He's...
  5. TerryJ2

    D average and in-school suspension

    husband and I met with-the principal and difficult child's teacher last wk. Our original plan was merely to give them the results of difficult child's testing. The test results still are not typed up, however :sick: so we just told them what we knew. And they had their own paperwork prepared. Turns out that difficult child has a D average...
  6. J

    switching doctor's

    hi, so i've thought alot past few days on how to handle stuff with this whole "thorazine" drug that was prescribed difficult child. I did my best, worked it through, read the clinical trials, went to the fda site to view the incedences of the drug. At end of day I am not giving it to her. I contacted her...
  7. T

    Quick Question on ADHD medications

    My 6 yr old son has been diagnosed ADHD. Atm he is being treated with 20 mg of Ritalin LA and 10 mg Chlonidine at night to peal him of ceiling into bed. Since upping the dosage to 20 mg there seems to be more agressive traits coming out. For example, in Summer School, when asked to come...
  8. C

    Battle weary indeed

    Hi, I just found this site and I'm slowly working my way through the posts. I can't tell you how happy I am to find others in the same situation as I am! I'm a 50 year old grandmother who has had custody of 4 grandkids for about 5 1/2 years now. Currently a fantastic 16 year old girl, an...
  9. C


    Hi, New here and first post. I have a very angry 10 year old daughter. I don't want to get into all the details surrounding the root of her problems but to make a long story short. The divorce of me and her father and her fathers suicide has added fuel to the fire. She is disrespectful...
  10. F

    Help with defiant 13-yr-old daughter

    My wife and I are trying to figure out how to help our 13-yr-old difficult child, fostered since 2 days old, adopted at 3. Mom drank during pregnancy. No confirmed diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)/Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE), but all the signs are there, shared by birth brother, also our difficult child (15 yrs). Other kids in picture: 9-yr-old difficult child boy, also...
  11. T

    Is he ready yet?

    So I had to put my 10 year old difficult child back into treatment at a residential facitlity. They are trying to wean him off the celexa with the thought that it is overstimulating him. Now he's calling four times a day saying how much he misses home and cries. The last time I took him off of the celexa...
  12. P-nut2004

    Need medication advice!

    Ok so I've been doing some research online on difficult children medications (concerta, risperdal & zoloft) and I think I'm more confused now than I was when I started. Concerta info says it should not be given to ADHD kids with anxiety, which difficult child is diagnosis'd with and has serious issues with. Zoloft says it is only...
  13. B

    Question for Parents of ODC Kids

    Good morning! I was wondering if I could pick your brains, please. My difficult child, who is 11, was diagnosed over the summer with general anxiety disorder and ODD. I had him seem by a psychiatrist about two years ago and he said that he thought difficult child had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). At the time I thought he was too young for medications...
  14. L

    Looking for support/ideas

    Hi, this is my first time posting. I have 2 boys - difficult child 1 who is 13, ADHD, but pretty stable and easy to deal with. Then I have difficult child 2 who is 10 and has been difficult from the get-go. He has all the classic behaviors that would define ODD. Have been seeing psychologists off and on since 1st grade...
  15. H

    Kiddo's bad medication reactions, we looking at this again?

    Okay, so some of you kind of have an idea of what I go through with my difficult child. She reads meaning into things that aren't there and then blows up. She had the suicidal thoughts/rages reaction to both Celexa and Risperdal, and some kind of foot pain thing going on with them, too. Last night the foot...
  16. K

    At my wits end any little help would be appreciated!

    Hi there I have a 9 yr. old son who was dxd with ODD and ADHD when he was 3yrs old I didn't put him on medication till he hit the first grade. Then we started behaviour therapy also. This past year he was finally diagnosed with sensory issues and some type of learning disability in the language area...
  17. S

    I need more help for difficult child, and don't know where to look or what to do.

    difficult child seems to be falling further away from us. I am not sure where to turn. She has a p'doctor appointment on the 6th, and therapist on the 12th. She does ok, but then falls asleep on the couch, and then can't/won't get up to do H.W. or shower. How do I convince people that she needs help, and that we are...
  18. C

    Just found this group and SO grateful!

    Hi, everyone! I am a mother to 2 difficult children, both girls, age 11 and 5. I feel like I am truly losing my mind. difficult child 1 (who will actually be 11 in 10 days) just started her third week of partial hospitalization. It looks like we will end up with diagnoses of ADHD-combined and ODD, with heavy emphasis on...
  19. M

    Really could use some input...it is two against one here

    I am angry with my son's insurance company, with his psychiatrist, his therapist and his caseworker. They don't seem to realize that I do have a brain and may know what is best for my child. Okay....neither he or his brother are my biologically born children. They were born to my son and his...
  20. M

    medication Changes

    Little Bear was put on a new medication yesterday by his Dr. because he had a major rage at school Mon. that lasted for 30min and included hitting, kicking, biting, bad language. He had to be restrained of course and was suspended for 2 days. I talked to his Dr. and she believes he is definitly...