
  1. M


    I feel my life force being choked out of me by this anxiety. difficult child calls for me almost every night to lay down with him because he is scared. I can't leave the room or he freaks. I'm not kidding. I don't understand why this is getting worse. I have very few people in my support system and difficult child...
  2. Alisonlg

    And the world begins to crumble...

    It's been a while since I've ventured over here. Life was relatively stable with M for a while and C was getting a bit more managable and both started seeing a therapist they like. School started and M was doing really well at school, but occassionally having a difficult time with the "it's so hard...
  3. H

    Hospitalization #3

    Well, it's been a rough few days, but suffice it to say, difficult child 2 was hospitalized yesterday for his 3rd time. Since his father's death he has steadily spiraled downward. Tuesday night he crossed the line. Through the course of his meltdown he grabbed me by the throat and pinned me to the wall...
  4. Karen & Crew

    medication question

    We see psychiatrist tomorrow afternoon but just curiosity... R was switched to 10 mg Celexa almost 2 weeks ago. He was taking 12.5 mg of Zoloft but it didn't help at all. A couple of things I've noticed in the last couple of weeks that I can't figure out if they're medication related or what... 1. I used...
  5. B

    Antidepressants work no better than Placebos 82% of the time (CNN)

    I heard this today and thought I'd pass it on. I believe it's true, HOWEVER the doctor on TV said that antidepressants DO work on the severely depressed (that's definitely me). I know they work for me. Mild/medium depression not so much--they recommend therapy and exercise. Thought I'd pass it along.
  6. M


    Has anyone taken lexapro or other antidepressants felt nervous? Tense in their bodies? I mainly notice it more when still.....i.e. in bed. Input? THANK YOU.
  7. S

    Effexor withdrawal UPDATE

    difficult child has not taken the Effexor for 3 doses, for the past 2 days he has been miserable, today he is almost unbearable. He said he feels dizzy and his head feels weird (brain zaps) he feels very fatigued. What do I do? We are not planning on starting another AD right away but I did read that...
  8. I


    Hello, My daughter (19 yrs old) just started on Lexapro this week. Just wondering if anyone else has used this drug or knows anything about it.
  9. P

    another medication bites the dust

    HI Just wanted to report on the latest medication trial for difficult child #2 who has Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE), and is quite impulsive, distractable, and very inflexible when he doesn't get his way. Doesn't really fit the childhood bipolar diagnosis very well, closest thing seems to be what Smallworld talked about a while back of...
  10. F

    has anyone dealt with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) & major surgery?

    I am new here & desperately looking for help. My difficult child is 5 (Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)/asperger's, ADHD) and also has a congenital heart defect. He had 2 surgeries as a baby and we just found out this week he needs another open heart surgery. He is extremely anxious as it is and has a lot of trouble with sensory...
  11. klmno

    Bipolar questionairre link

    Since there is question lately (everywhere- not just this forum) if bipolar in children and adolescents is under- or over- diagnosed, I thought others might be interested in this. It's unclear to me if this form is used for him to gather statistical data for an upcoming book or if he (staff)...
  12. Karen & Crew

    Its probably not ADHD after all (m)

    R saw the psychiatrist again y'day. The one we see is completing her fellowship in pediatric/adolescent psychiatry and she said y'day that she had taken R's case file to her supervisor for further review. Her opinion is that he's overdiagnosed and that the bottom-line problem is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Her supervisor...
  13. Alisonlg

    How quickly could an SSRI trigger mania?

    I know it could take weeks, months, up to a year, but could it take less than 48 hrs? The in-laws visited M last night and said he was talking a mile a minute their entire visit and they were "exhausted" by the time they got out of there. They said he was well behaved and he was focused (so...
  14. PumaMami

    Runnin' Crazy - two in crisis

  15. Alisonlg

    psychiatrist's verdict is....

    increase the Tenex to 2 mg a day (1 mg BID from .5 mg BID). I didn't see THAT one coming. He's pretty confident we'll see an improvement in M's increased irritability, lowered tolerance for environmental triggers, and daily outbursts within 3 days to a week. Me, I'm not so sure. Then, it...
  16. totoro

    Interesting article from the New Yorker...

    I hate all of this I just wish there was some way to know what was wrong with our kids for sure!!! I am just convinced 100% that difficult child 1 is Bipolar... how it will develop I am not sure... As Dr. Pavuluri said to us she is a classic Bipolar case. All of the signs and symptoms and the genetics...
  17. D

    back again

    I have not posted for a while, but I guess I have a need to vent somewhere safe. My difficult child is so out of control it is eating me up inside. He is only 7 afterall... His new thing is that "i am not his boss, therefore, he does not have to...) The real kicker is that usually it is something for...
  18. M

    Tantrums, etc.

    Today difficult child had a meltdown because he didn't want to go to his dad's house. He goes for one day every weekend but he was tired this morning and I guess he hadn't prepared for the transition. So here he is yelling that he hates his dad, hates his house, wish he never met him, stop talking to me...
  19. M

    Where we are at now

    So after several visits with the psychiatrist and an evaluation at the autism research clinic, we were told ds has anxiety and adhd. We tried prozac and celexa for the anxiety but it only activated him and made him more aggressive. I would LOVE to try medicating his adhd (severe) but I'm afraid...
  20. A

    Update on 5 yr old daughter

    Hi, remember me (the overnight change). We went for the second blood test for strep, and it was negative. I know the doctor is not up on PANDAS, and I still think he might have missed something. We have an appointment for a full physical next friday, and I am going to ask for a neuro workup...