
  1. G

    HI all...New here

    Hello, I am here with difficult child who is soon to be 6. He has diagnosis' of Early Onset Bi-Polar (EOBP), ADHD, ODD, sensory processing disorder (SPD), Separation Anxiety, and celiac disease. He will choose to not eat for days, and literally starve himself. He has had a feeding tube until this last August and we are praying to keep it out. difficult child is...
  2. R

    Prozac vs Paxil?

    My difficult child has taken Paxil since he was 10 years old. P. doctor #1 prescribed it for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and depression. He also took Clonidine. We tried to take him off of all medications. almost two years ago. But his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) returned and his mood was awful. He ended back on Paxil, eventually at an even higher dose but not...
  3. TeDo

    difficult child 2 is now the problem child . . . . . & "My" difficult child 1 is back

    First, difficult child 2 has always been an act now think later kind of kid. However, what changed his status from easy child/difficult child to difficult child 2 is that he has become increasingly impulsive and his reactions are physical, no matter who it is. He isn't on any medications but has the Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) diagnosis and I know puberty has made things worse...
  4. W

    Medication making meltdowns worse?

    I sat here typing out our story to share with y'all and I realized something.... It seems as if every time we changed/increased medication my son's behavior worsened. I understand the whole medication thing is trial and error, but we've had two psychiatric hospitalizations in less than a year for...
  5. ChiefDramatist

    Increased Aggression - new medications?

    First post! Every forum has its own unwritten rules, so please be patient with me as I learn the ropes!! Thanks! Help! Hubby was the one who found this forum and suggested I join. My difficult child has been on Risperidone for a bit over a year. Her serious Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is nearly controlled, but she is still very...
  6. S

    bad reaction to risperidone?

    I am new here, so I'll try not to make this too long. Here's our background. We have a 10 year old non verbal autistic child. During the summer he started having horrible fits of rage all day long. We finally decided to take him to a psychiatric dr. He was being incredibly aggressive at school...
  7. allhaileris

    Medicines to treat ODD?

    daughter saw a Developmental pediatrician. last week. husband said she didn't get a prescrip, she has to look through the paperwork and results still. Going back on 8/8. She wrote down Impulse Control, Mood Stabilizer and ODD. She asked if she's hypersexual, which she is. husband thinks she asked this because I...
  8. F

    ODD in the adopted child

    Hello everyone, I'm new here :grins: husband and I have been married nearly 20 years, and we have 6 children from the ages of 19 down to twins who are 18 months old. We adopted our 9 year old when he was just turning 2. He is our only adopted child. Our son has developmental disabilities. His...
  9. LastHope

    7 year old daughter suspended :(

    So it's 4 AM and I can't sleep at all - My daughter was suspended today from 2nd grade for kicking a fellow student as well as being disrespectful to the principal and school therapist. Her father and I have been dealing with her ODD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) for at least 5.5 years. She is currently seeing a therapist...
  10. L

    Help with 9 year old daugher

    Our daughter was recently diagnosed with ODD. She mainly displays the behavior at home and with the people who love her most – myself, my husband and my mother (she says she doesn’t misbehave at school because she doesn’t want to embarrass herself). However lately, it seems to be trickling into...
  11. keista

    Is it normal for psychiatrists to miss drug side effects? Am I being paranoid?

    DD1 was on Wellbutrin for a year. Depressive symptoms waned, and anxiety became more clearly defined. Added Paxil 10mg. Seemed like a wonder drug since her anxiety was GREATLY quieted, and in some areas almost non-existent. 2-3 months later she had one 3-4 hour depressive episode (intense...
  12. TiredSoul

    How to teach difficult child to deal with frustration, disappointment, boredom, etc?

    If we manage difficult child’s environment so much as to not allow any disappointing moments or any frustration then we have a mostly content child and no blowups. That would mean not telling him no, not telling him to do anything he doesn’t want to do, buying him poker chips for his online game when he...
  13. forkeeps251

    ADHD and depression

    So lately my 7 yo difficult child has resorted to banging his head against any desk/wall/surface when he is in trouble or frustrated, and has been saying stuff such as "everyone hates me", "everyone wants me dead", "i should just kill myself", etc. Obviously this is heartbreaking and scary for me to hear...
  14. P

    new!-ptsd, Borderline (BPD), adhd, anxiety

    Hi everyone, im a little new to this. My daughter(17) has post traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, adhd, depression, and social anxiety. She currently takes prozac, respidon, and concerta. I am always having problems with her. She was raped at an early age, and has...
  15. I

    Very Concerned

    Several months ago, after trying my 10 y.o. daughter (difficult child 1) on Prozac, it was a disaster. Her meltdowns, which were bad, got out of control at home and school. Took her off the Prozac and they didn't stop. Now after having her heavily medicated on Risperdal, Concerta and now Zoloft, she's...
  16. L

    New here and would love advice from your experience!

    Hi all! I've been behind the scenes for a long time. I'm posting today because I am just at a loss as to what to do. My Twin B (boy, age 9) is just not improving. If anything, things are getting worse. The sadness, eloping, rages, crying ALL the time, screaming about how nobody loves him...
  17. L

    First time posting long time reading

    Hello everyone. This is my first post. I have been reading all of you posts and advice to eachother for over a year. I have been inspired by all of you and have cried for you, your kids and myself and my kids while reading. Not sure why today is the day I decided to jump in...but it is. Last...
  18. forkeeps251

    difficult child is getting a little brother or sister...

    Any suggestions on what I can do to ease difficult child into being a big brother for the first time? He will be 8 by the time the baby gets here. His current diagnosis is speech delayed, ADHD, anxiety disorder, and depression, and we were told to monitor for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). He has BIG impulse control issues. His...
  19. R

    My husband is deployed and my aspie son is on a rampage. HELP!

    Hello all. I hate that it's been a while since I've been on here and now I pop in asking for advice. :( I'm at my wits end and I don't know what to do. I'm hoping someone on here will have suggestions. I'm currently waiting for a return call from my son's psychiatrist and in the meantime I'm just...
  20. M

    Haven't Been on here in awhile, I am at my whits end

    Need some advice: I have twins boys they are 12 and both have adhd and bi polar, My one twin peanut is really having a hard time in school this year, he is being bullied, lying about and not doing his homework, and he doesn't seem to think it is a big deal. Today I got a call from one of his...