
  1. totoro

    She is driving us nuts...

    difficult child has reached her therapeutic level of Trileptal... 600mg total a day. She is down to .25mg Risperdal bid. She is NON-STOP all day, hyper, oppositional, anxious, defiant, labile, clingy, fidgety, insecure, unable to focus, she is cycling up and down all day... very negative and she said today...
  2. C

    any advice

    My daughter has not been officially diagnosed with anything other than anxiety but has bipolar tendencies and similarities to oppositional defiance disorder. She is currently on Abilify which seemed to work at first and now doesn't. We would like to have her medicine changed but have to wait...
  3. J

    pysch just gave difficult child risperdal

    hi went to doctor today with-difficult child. he basically leaves it up to me what to put her on, it's beyond ridiculous. i have to sit there and make an uneducated guess as to what medication to put her on with-o any info on the medication. he rushes me out the door. it's so hard. so i said we've tried ap's, ssri's...
  4. A

    We went to the neuropsychologist!

    And.....tada! They are saying difficult child has Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). A mixture of stuff: hyperactivity, impulsivity, lack of focus; difficulty related to people/creatures; mood issues; and some large and small motor difficulties. All of which I told them, then they saw for themselves. They cannot say Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) (or Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE)) because...
  5. P

    Need input before psychiatrist tomorrow

    Hi difficult child 2 has been on Abilify (very low dose) for a few years for impulsivity, getting in other kids' space etc. He has major focus issues. executive function etc. Stimulants made him miserable, have tried just about everything else. (Abilify is only AP though). We finally decided to...
  6. gcvmom

    Bumping medications (again) for difficult child 2

    We're still on the road towards stability with difficult child 2 -- and I guess we're not quite there yet, but I don't think it's going to take too much longer. At least I hope. Gee, he's 12 1/2 and first started medications at the age of 4 1/2... I guess 8 years of trial and error isn't so bad if it will mean he...
  7. klmno

    At a loss

    difficult child tells me today that he wants to drink or smoke or something because he doesn't feel the way he should. OK, so I tell him this means the medications are not right yet and we need to discuss this with psychiatrist. I asked if he had been doing anything- he said sneaking and smoking cigarettes sometimes. I say...
  8. Liahona

    ITS WORKING!!!!!

    The psychiatrist upped the risperdal to 1mg and its working to stop the mania! He has only taken this dose for 2 days. This morning he was defiant, punching, throwing, ect.... Then he took his medications and a few hours latter he was cleaning his room and letting difficult child 2 play with his toy. It was like a...
  9. L

    Desperate Mom

    I have posted here once before but it has been a little while. I am in urgent need of advice. My daughter (now 19) was diagnosed with Bipolar last fall and was put on Respirdal which did some good but caused a lot of weight gain. Her psychiatrist switched her to Abilify a little over a week ago. She has...
  10. T

    How to help the ADHD in a Bipolar Child?

    difficult child's school (yes, his therapeutic day school) is reporting that his hperactivity is out of control. Now my SO learned this info from his ex (difficult child's mom) so we have not yet heard it directly from the school. Being Bipolar, he is not on any ADHD medications because they have not worked inthe past. The...
  11. I

    Medication questions again

    So, in the past we've tried 2 other SSRI's for my difficult child's aside from the Celexa they are both currently on. Every time we upped the dose from 10 to 20 on the other SSRI's, disaster ensued. They got rage-y and angry and just impossible to deal with. We've been on Celexa 10 mg for 9 months and...
  12. Wiped Out

    Wearing me down

    Such a frustrating weekend here due to difficult child. He has been in a demanding and ornery mood. He flies off the handle at the least little thing. If he doesn't want to hear something he'll just scream at me to shut up. He tells me how much he hates me and in the next breath is begging me to play a...
  13. dirtmama

    just when i thought things couln't get worse

    per new psychiatrist, we have switched from abilify to risperdal. and went with-out concerta yesterday and this morning.(not pretty) i was thinking his abusive/manic/aggressive behavior maybe rebound. but after the morning of not being able to send difficult child to school. sending brother to grampa's house for the...
  14. J

    Im new to this site

    My name is Jessica and I have 4 children. My one daughter is 8 yrs,old and she has been diagnosed with ADHD/ Bipolar. I noticed when she was very young that something was not right. She was a very agressive with others, she had a lot of trouble siteing still and was very distructive!! I started...
  15. Janna

    Now That I Got B*tchy

    psychiatrist is willing to talk to me. Oh well, whatever I have to do. I received several emails from her today. The nicest after she found out I filed a complaint. Whatever's necessary....she's pleasant and communicative and I can be the same. She believes the issues are related to "a Bipolar...
  16. W

    Exhausted and Back to Square One

    I'm so tired of this problem. Background: Stepson is 11 and has a whole host of problems, that all boil down to he feels absolutely, profoundly sorry for himself and believes he should be king of the family with everyone scurrying around dedicated to pleasing him, and since that doesn't...
  17. juliabohemian

    Is it wrong that I don't even like her anymore?

    This is my first post here, so I realize that this is probably disgustingly rhetorical. Allow me to explain. I'm a 31 year old mother of two. I have Adhd, depression and a borderline personality disorder of my own. My almost 8 year old daughter has severe Adhd with ODD. My husband and 5 year...