
  1. D

    ODD & Tenex

    After 2+ exhausting years of increasingly bad behaivor from my now 4 year old son, I turned to the internet for help and came across this site and others like it. I read article upon article and researched mood disorders, ADHD, Autism, everything I could come across until I found an article on...
  2. H

    Another newbie...

    Hi all, I'm new here and grateful for your support, insight, and help. Our middle son has struggled, intermittently, throughout life. He actually performs well, or has until this year. With the start of Middle School, he's making a spectacular nosedive that's heartwrenching to watch. He's...
  3. S

    Mother of an 8 year old out of control Aspergers child!

    Hi, I'm new to this site hoping to find other parents that are in my same situation. Someone to listen to me vent and let me listen while they vent. My son was diagnosed last year with Aspergers. He was a very good baby until he started school and thats when it became worse. Right now he is...
  4. TerryJ2

    What's with the biting thing?

    Sigh. Just when we get 1 or 2 behaviors under control, another one crops up. The other day, difficult child bit my hand. Hard. Drew blood. He was already ramped up and I made it worse by being sarcastic, and when he started in on me by screaming in my ear and making every sentence start with-"F" I lost it...
  5. whatamess

    Ritalin and the perfect/horrible day(s)

    Ok guys, help me out here. difficult child started on 5mg/2x a day of ritalin almost two weeks ago, after a few days of no change the plan was to up it to 10mg/2x a day. On day 5 of the medications difficult child had a spectacular morning at school, refused afternoon medications and was aggressive and acting out. Tuesday took...
  6. M

    How to handle "rebound" effect of stimulant?

    I'm curious how some of you may have handled this - we have tried stimulants with varying degrees of success, but the most successful was Methylphenidate - night and day effect with my difficult children. The problem is when they come off it, they are absolutely hell on wheels. We tried some of the longer...
  7. TiredSoul

    Day 15 on Intuniv - HELP PLEASE

    Today is day 15 on 1 mg Intuniv. Tomorrow we are supposed to go to 2 mg. Tonight difficult child is so completely out of control. He is belligerent, combative, quarrelsome, antagonistic, contentious!!! He is annoying everyone! He is in all of our faces. He is acting like a crazed maniac. Looking back...
  8. whatamess

    Stimulant ----> how long to effect mood

    Hi guys- taking my son off Strattera for the final time. We gave it 3+ months and the irritability has been crazy, not to mention the positive effects have gone by the wayside (slight increase in focus, relatively less fidgety). I am going to try a stimulant for his ADHD symptoms (we tried...
  9. G

    Behavior After Medication

    My 5 year old son has just been diagnosed by a child psychologist as ADHD, and I am meeting with his pediatrician tomorrow morning to go over medication options. He is having an extremely hard time in school and extra-curricular activities to the point where he has nightmares about getting in...
  10. TerryJ2

    difficult child trying Imiprimene

    Hi all, we visited the psychiatrist today. We are trying Imiprimene, which I'd wanted b4 we wasted our time (and difficult child's health) on Prozac and Zoloft, but you know how you have to jump through hoops. I hope this works. We have to do a blood draw in 6 wks. It also helps with-bedwetting and is...
  11. C


    Well found this site while googling the internet. I am a mother of two boys. My oldest (12) is the source of head banging frustration. He was diagnosed with ADHD/ODD about 4 years ago. He was on concerta for 2 years and then taken off (at the recommendation of the doctor) For a year he did very...
  12. Janna

    ADHD medication Advice

    Well, we have an appointment with the Partial psychiatrist Friday for Dyl. I haven't kept up to date on all the newest, latest, greatest medications out there for ADHD symptoms - and I'm just lookin' to see if anyone knows anything new or has had luck with something after trying others and having none LOL! Dylan...
  13. B

    ADD medications? Is it a miracle or just too soon?

    Jumper has all A's in school now except for her nemesis Geometry and she got a C on her Geometry test and has a C+ as a grade overall. I know the year is young, but she has never started out this well. She told me she is not using her notes much during her tests. Jumper is on not even a high...
  14. M

    I'm glad I found this site I need advice

    I've always though my son was adhd or add but never took him to the doctor for it he turned 3 in May and we just relocated to a different state and this new dr seen him once I didn't even mention his behavior he seen and asked quetions then prescribed him ritlin .25mg and clonidine .1mg. Since...
  15. C

    New here, ready to hang my son by his toenails.

    First, I'm not exactly sure how I found this group and my son does not have any diagnosis but after reading through many of your posts I think this is the right place for me to find support, which I am desperately needing at this moment. My husband and I have 4 children. Our oldest son is 14...
  16. C

    Im Back With medication Questions...Daytrana Patch mg

    Hi All, well, I just cant stay away no sense in my closing my account again. Hopefully you all except me back! ;) Ok so here is whats going on... Son off and on better, so is daughter, but son is starting new medications and still in process of going to to be tested ( next month new tests!!!) Son is...
  17. K

    Before Adderall; After Adderall

    My son's problems occur almost entirely at school, so I rely on his teacher's notes to determine if medication is helping. So here is one of her notes before Adderall: difficult child starts off the day in my room. He kept climbing on his chair and trying to stand on the back of it. I asked him to sit...
  18. TerryJ2

    Back on Concerta ...

    It was too good to last. In fact, over a week too long. The first three days were okay, but moving on up to 2 wks, boy, oh boy, what a cranky, mean boy! Luckily, we had an appointment with-the psychiatrist yesterday, and he listened to the symptoms and the explanations (the drugs stores ran out, difficult child is always mad...
  19. S

    OK, we go to the psychiatrist tmrw for ADHD medications

    The psychiatrist is leaning towards Concerta. I asked earlier about this, I just wan tmy ducks in a row prior to heading tin there. I hate being ill prepared. I know several of you mentioned the crash. How long does the medication work? And, what happens when it wears off? Am I going to be dealing with...
  20. G

    What's next with ADHD medications

    At the end of the school year Mr. I had been on an increased dose of Concerta. (36mg. up from 27) At the higher dose he had stomach aches, had stopped eating, (and I think growing too) and had periods of spacing out like he was over medicated. I convinced his parents to let me get a lower dose...