
  1. AZ_SheilaC

    The Rubber Room

    Don't know about anyone else, but dealing with a child with conduct disorder is the most frustrating, disappointing, annoying, horrifying, exhausting, obnoxious thing on this planet. My son has been oppositional defiant for two years. Any little change in routine and it's 20 minutes of being...
  2. TiredSoul

    I've charted all the stims he has taken for nearly 3 years

    I've charted all the stimulants my son has taken for nearly the past 3 years. Here is the pattern I am seeing: At the lowest doses, it is not effective. The next dose up curbs some of the annoying behaviors, but not totally effective in any way (although way better than when he is...
  3. A

    How do you know where to start when.......

    difficult child can't explain what is going on! I don't know which health professional to start with because difficult child cannot really put into words what is happening. It started with him going to the nurses' office for headache medicine. The nurse called and said he has visited there daily since last Friday...
  4. shellyd67

    Could use some advice

    difficult child has his quarterly medication check on Thursday (BiPolar (BP), height, weight, side effects, etc.) He has been taking Concerta for over a year now and just recently he has complained that his stomach is really bothering him "because of my medicine" Anyhow, we have tried Strattera and Intuniv. No luck...
  5. K


    I don't even know if I spelled it right. But I did read about it, I looked up so many medication's I hope I can remember. Seems as if most ADHD medications have "anxiety, agitation" as a side effect. That worries me since that is always present. difficult child and I wanted to address the anxiety first. But that...
  6. Chaosuncontained

    I hate meeting with the teachers...

    Carson (my ADHD wonder boy) is 9. Was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 4. Dad and I have joint custody of him and his two youngest siblings (our oldest is on her own and having her own awful problems). I have them part of the week, he has them the other part). Last year, right before school...
  7. flutterby

    I'm so confused

    difficult child and I saw therapist together. The ADD questionnaire that difficult child had completed last week - and which therapist did, in fact, tell difficult child that I would have to complete it as well - rates difficult child as "classic" ADD. therapist said she scored over the top. She also said that our responses to the questions were very...
  8. W

    HUGE Blowup tonight

    And was so close to having to call, it's like he KNOWS where the line is and he will NOT cross it. It took a lot of people convincing me (once someone TOLD me that was even on option) that it was ok to call 911 if he should become a threat to himself or others..and I finally have told...
  9. B

    ADD/no co-morbids/I'm afraid, but she's starting Concerta and a school vent

    My daughter was tested on that computer test for ADD (she isn't hyperactive). She flunked it handily and told the doctor she couldn't concentrate. Just yesterday, she had her three year IEP and the teachers all grinned and told me and hub what a GREAT KID she is and how she has NO attentional...
  10. K

    I am really scared for difficult child

    I saw therapist yesterday per his request. I saw him two weeks ago also and he told me both times difficult child has such severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and ADHD that the biggest challenge is getting him to survive. I asked him specifically yesterday if he was saying difficult child is going to die. He said getting him to survive until 18...
  11. M

    The Good, The Bad, and The Out and Out UGLY

    Have not had a chance to update here on what has been going on since I last posted. I did take my Daniel to the psychiatrist and I DID get his medications changed. He was kept on the Clonidine 0.1mg at night and the Depakote ER 500mg at night but what was added was Haldo 0.5mg and Lexapro 10mg. He...
  12. T

    So tired of being hit by difficult child

    Hi, I'm exhausted and fed up today. difficult child generally is doing much better these days, especially at school. He has made a number of friends (including a BEST friend), he is doing great academically, and his anxiety level is way down. But, he is still hitting and threatening husband, easy child, and me on a...
  13. robinm1922

    Strattera anyone?

    Hello, A quick run down, I brought difficult child to neuropsychologist and he thinks there is enough evidence to suggest she has a slight case of ADHD/ADD and has suggested a non stimulant medication for treatment. He can't prescribe but asked me to check with her dr to see if they would be willing to...
  14. K

    medication issues

    difficult child definately has ADHD. The ODD seems to have quietly, slowly gotten better. Still very stubborn. In the past two years he has tried Concerta, Focalin, Adderall and now Vyvanse. ALL put him in an extremely bad, angry, scary mood. So angry he is scared. He is taking 50mg's of Zoloft...
  15. S


    difficult child is 10. Diagnosed ADHD for approximately 3 years. On 37mg Concerta. We've been having issues with impulse control and hyperactivity. His pediatrician just prescribed Clonidine (.05 right before bedtime) in addition to his Concerta. Of course research turns up cases of sudden death when...
  16. M

    Considering a stimulant

    We have always steered away from considering a stimulant due to manster's anxiety. Plus now with his Tourette's Syndrome we have to be very careful not to exacerbate tics. But with his exec functioning stuff, distractibility, difficulty staying on task and all the other typical ADHD behavior I'm thinking about it. I...
  17. R

    My first time!

    OK, this is the first time i have EVER done anything like this! I dont even usually talk to anyone about my son because I really didnt think anyone else could understand. My son is 12 years old. He has always been a "difficult" child. He was not diagnosed until fall of 2006 with ADHD. Last...
  18. A

    New - need advice

    Hi there! I am the mother of a very defiant 7 year old son. I am at my wit's end and am now considering military camp as a last resort. We're (my husband and I) new at this, because our 12 year old and his 17 year old never had behavioral issues. We don't know what to do. Any help is greatly...
  19. R

    When is too much concerta too much?

    Hi Everyone: We had our difficult child on Concerta of 27 mg. We hadn't been to a psychiatric for evaulation since our original diagnosis several years ago. Our family Dr. retired and we were given a new one who is very antimedication. He prescribes the Concerta based on weight not on conditions etc. We visited...
  20. M


    I'm new here and need some help. Husband and myself greeted yesterday afternoon by 2 deputies that escorted our 10 year old son from his bus after an incident in which he lost control and started to assault a girl who was taunting him and then the bus driver. Back story-DS diag with odd/mood...