
  1. A

    need medications advice

    Hey y'all - I KNOW you are not doctors, but at this point I am feeling that the experience of the group is far better than my son's dr's advice. At our last appointment. his dr. actually shrugged and apologized for not knowing how to help us... Also - my son is having a neuropsychologist exam in January...
  2. M

    Medication Possibilities

    I was just wondering what possible medication combinations would work for a child diagnosed with anxiety (social, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and separation) and ADHD, AS signs and the possibility of underlying bipolar. I have to get back into the psychiatrist because the prozac just made him more oppositional and hyper so I didn't...
  3. totoro

    medication ? Tenex...

    Hi my understanding family!!! I feel so horrible ugh! Well We started the Tenex on Thursday, .5mg @ 3pm and then she does that in the a.m. as well. I have read up on it and the side affects etc... but want anyone who actually *knows* lol Or your opinions!!! So far she has still been angry...
  4. M

    How long do I have to put up with it? A truthful non-exagerated vent/rant

    I don't care what labels they give difficult child... he's (name calling). I don't know how long i can keep living with this (name calling) He'll be 16 in May. He's aggressive, never showers, no chores, damages the house... I feel like a maid/non-person, not happy, yelling vicious cycle - husband (ugh...
  5. P

    Need input before psychiatrist tomorrow

    Hi difficult child 2 has been on Abilify (very low dose) for a few years for impulsivity, getting in other kids' space etc. He has major focus issues. executive function etc. Stimulants made him miserable, have tried just about everything else. (Abilify is only AP though). We finally decided to...
  6. Janna

    Now That I Got B*tchy

    psychiatrist is willing to talk to me. Oh well, whatever I have to do. I received several emails from her today. The nicest after she found out I filed a complaint. Whatever's necessary....she's pleasant and communicative and I can be the same. She believes the issues are related to "a Bipolar...
  7. M

    New medication choices

    Hi all, I haven't posted for awhile. difficult child is now 13. His diagnosis is Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/not otherwise specified, ODD, ADD. He's been on Abilify & tenex for a long time, years. We've kept him on those after trials of many other medications, as these worked out the best. difficult child is maxed out on the dosage for both. He's still very defiant &...
  8. M

    difficult child & games

    Nothing seems to exist for difficult child besides his video games & food. That is all he cares about. He doesn't care about his hygiene or anyone else. He is on the max dose of abilify and tenex and has been on these medications for a very long time. His counseler at school said she noticed he has been very...
  9. jannie

    Just so tired of this !!!!!!!!

    easy child is at it again.... He has been in his room since 6:00 !!!!! He has NOT done his homework. He has NOT showered....and he is staying up all night. It is so hard to get this child to budge when he sets his mind to it....He's actually just reading....which is a miracle because for most of the...
  10. totoro

    Bye-Bye Tenex & psychiatrist3 said Bipolar!!!

    Well I had a long talk with psychiatrist3 tonight. I had everyday written down and just started reading them off and K's rxn's since starting Tenex!!! I then explained my fears about trying to treat the ADHD symptoms etc. "I would really like to focus on mood stability" He actually said "well with a...
  11. --Eleanor--

    ADD-advice on medications?

    We're off to see the pediatrician tomorrow for a medication check, and I'm going to lobby hard to try something other than Ritalin for my son. He basically can't stay on any task at all (particularly at school) without some kind of medications at this point, but he becomes a totally evil monster when he's...
  12. Janna

    So -

    we kicked the Geodon. Was stimulating (I'm laughing, because wouldn't that be typical of my son?). Our choices are, very obviously, limited. The doctor, again (if you remember, he tried this once), suggested the Tegretol. There is an interaction warning with Lithium and Tegretol. After I reminded...
  13. totoro

    Kids can not be diagnosis'd BiPolar (BP), nor Mood-Disorder...

    My husband is taking a walk... I am drinking a Mocktail and eating chocolate... OK, What??? Do you just Follow the DSM-IV guidelines??? Or do you agree that young children can indeed have cycling maybe even rapid cycling? Indicative of a Mood Disorder or Early Onset Bi-Polar (EOBP) showing that the symptoms can be...
  14. P

    Depression or bipolar?

    We go back to see the psychiatrist next week on difficult child 2. I am tearing out my hair, and am at the point where all I can think to do is find a way to try to help myself detach and try to destress in a major way--seems like I can't help my son at all. And he is only 9. His major symptoms are irritabililty...
  15. R

    Please Advise!

    Hi...I have a 5 year old son recently diagnosed with ODD and ADHD. My neurologist prescribed Abilify to treat his anxiety issues, and outbursts. All the info I can find is for kids 10 and up. Has anyone had any experience with this medication? I am frightened by the warnings. Please advise!!
  16. laurensmyprincess

    Clonidine -- your experiences and advice please

    My daughter has been prescribed clonidine to help with impulsivity, hyperness and general aggression. She has attention issues too, and i know this drug is not as affective for attention. She has epilepsy though so this was considered the best drug to try even though it is not a first line drug...
  17. M

    Weaning off Risperidone

    My daughter (age 6) was prescribed Daytrana (a nightmare), then tenex (no effect) then Risperidone (current medication) for her undiagnosed behavior issues. Temper tantrums, rages, non-compliance, general nastiness, hyperactive whatever you want to call it. The Risperidone seemed to work after...
  18. J

    Medications for Impulsivity

    Under the pressure of a court date on Tuesday and possible foster care placement or time in custody, difficult child is now willing to take some medication. Earlier this year he rejected the suggestion from a psychiatrist (who he only saw that one time) of something to control his impulsivity (especially a...
  19. A


    has anyone had experience with this drug? My difficult child is now taking it, with a dramatic turn for the better. She is so different. She is almost back to her normal self. Which was a great improvement from the very difficult weeks preceding the change in medications (that is why I haven't been around very...