
  1. C

    Ticking Time Bomb

    I feel like I'm living with a ticking time bomb. Things have been pretty good lately. A few angry outburst but quick to calm and not violent towards me or anyone else UNTIL.... this weekend. We went to Lowe's to run a quick errand, difficult child sees a cooler of large water botttles and wants one. I...
  2. maniacmansion

    new here

    Hi! My difficult child is 11, bi-polar, & ODD. He drives me nuts!! Right now we're doing alright, but every time he loses it it gets a little worse. In a few weeks he goes to court for a change of plea. They're letting him plead down from domestic violence to dis-orderly conduct. I got lucky with the...
  3. totoro

    I can't eat the Heart Cereal!!!!

    OK so I haven't really posted about K too much because well, she isn't doing well... same old story... she is up to 100mg Topamax, and still at 200mg Lamictal. Yeah I know I don't think these are the medications for here or the right combo. I would like to revisit Trileptal maybe with Abilify and the...
  4. J

    switching doctor's

    hi, so i've thought alot past few days on how to handle stuff with this whole "thorazine" drug that was prescribed difficult child. I did my best, worked it through, read the clinical trials, went to the fda site to view the incedences of the drug. At end of day I am not giving it to her. I contacted her...
  5. nvts

    Figured out why I'm nervous about Lithium

    Yay! I know what was bugging me. Now, try and follow my logic (sometimes I confuse myself - I swear, running in cricles does that to me!). difficult child 1 goes into psychiatric hospital for medication assessment two Thurs. ago. They add tenex, increase trileptal and start lowering risperdal. They call me the following...
  6. Chaosuncontained

    Carson has been admitted to a behavioral unit...

    He has been, basically manic, for over 3 weeks. It was heartbreaking to leavwye him there last night. I have a meeting this morning with his doctor and staff. They have a tenative discharge date of April 12. But the told Carson it would be more like 2 weeks. Hes over an hour from us but I will...
  7. R

    Anyone done this medication combo?

    difficult child 2 has moved into full blown Early Onset Bipolar 1 since starting school the beginning of Sept. A lot of mixed symptoms that culminated in aggressive rages. While I was pretty sure he would end up with a BiPolar (BP) diagnosis his psychiatrist was on the fence and stuck with the Mood Disorder not otherwise specified label until a...
  8. M

    Ready to try medications

    I am a bit nervous as we are seeing a new psychiatrist tomorrow. We got rid of our lousy kaiser insurance that had zero support for difficult child in terms of therapy of any kind. I want to try a stimulant for the inattentiveness. I realize that it might not work. But more importantly, I'm realizing that because...
  9. B

    Bipolar medications update

    The doctor just called. They will be taking my daughter off the Concerta, if they can get her to agree to take a new medication. She freaked out and demanded to stay on Concerta, saying she needs it to concentrate. She wasn't even open to a discussion about it. I told the doctor to tell my difficult child that if...
  10. A

    Update on difficult child - Happy Post!

    Well, at long last, we have taken the step on putting him on Risperdal. We are finally comfortable enough with the diagnosis of Tourette's Syndrome and BiPolar (BP) and have had a CAAT scan, EEG, blood tests and have a BiPolar (BP) Specialist who is closely monitoring things. It has been two days on the medication and so far, so...
  11. S

    Suicide warning to be placed on mood stabilizers

    The warning is going to be placed on 11 anticonvulsants including all three of the anticonvulsants used as mood stabilizers -- Lamictal, Tegretol/Trileptal and Depakote as well as Topamax. (ETA: Unlike what is on antidepressants, this is not going to be a black box warning.) Epilepsy Drugs to...
  12. liltreasures

    difficult child manic after right temporal lobectomy

    Hello, This is my first time posting on this forum. I was wondering if anybody has input about our situation. In Sept. 2006, our difficult child, who was 13 at the time, had a temporal lobectomy to remove the seizure focus. The surgery appears to have been successful. Before then, he was already...
  13. nvts

    medications anyone? HELP!!

    Just talked to the Dean of Students at difficult child 1's school. They're getting worried. He's always been a big talker when it comes to frustration. "I'm going to kill (insert professional here). Yesterday, during a meltdown, he blew up saying he was going to kill the bus driver if he didn't get to...
  14. I

    New here and glad I found you!

    :happy: Wow - I did a search on Trileptal and aggression and found this forum! Hurray! I've never known a place where people can understand what my life is like!! (although I am both married to and mother of a difficult child, so I'm hoping to find someone else who knows how that is - anyone on here?)...
  15. Janna

    What To Do When There Are No More medications 2 Try?

    Honestly, I think we've done most of them. This is kind of a follow up to the ADHD thing. We did meet with psychiatrist on Friday, and she was gracious (as always) to go ahead with my thoughts on re-trying the Concerta (just one more time, even though we've tried it two or three times, I keep hoping...
  16. C

    New and glad to find you!

    I have a nearly 7 y/o son with ODD, ADHD, and who knows what else...just wanted to add to the archived thread you may have a ...if: You feel better when he takes his medications! I'm sure I'll post a summary soon...first grade starts tomorrow. No surprise- he said he's not going. We retty much...
  17. Alisonlg

    Input on Mood Stabilizers, I'm working on getting an appointment very soon with the psychiatrist to review difficult child and his medications. I really want him OFF the Adderall and I want to discuss alternatives to adding an SSRI (like Zoloft) to his medication plan, which is what they wanted to add early this week. It's pretty obvious that the...
  18. buddy

    update on difficult child from Buddy

    That boy is upset and scared! I am a little too. So I have given the medication history how many times now? Now the admitting doctor just called and asked for everything. He said he thinks the concerta is causing the aggression and he wants to start Depakote. I respectfully said no, not right...
  19. H

    How do you calm down?

    Carlos has been mostly stable for two years from Seroquel, but yesterday he lost it. It's my fault. Seroquel was helping, but he was unable to feel guilt apparently when he took it. We started weaning him down and trying some natural treatments (which of course did NOT help) and as he got to...
  20. C

    PRN medications

    My son is currently in a physchiatric hospital to get his medications stabilized. During this time (8 LONG days and counting) he has been given PRN medication either by mouth or injection (ativan and more often zypraxia) when he is having a violent meltdown. While the goal is to become satablized...