
  1. N

    difficult child & School Troubles

    If you have read my previous posts, difficult child has been in & out of trouble at school for the past 3 or 4 years. Being typical parents, we have denied that he had issues, and always thought he would grow out of it. He wasn't that bad at home, just at school. Yesterday we had our weekly visit with...
  2. T

    So tired of being hit by difficult child

    Hi, I'm exhausted and fed up today. difficult child generally is doing much better these days, especially at school. He has made a number of friends (including a BEST friend), he is doing great academically, and his anxiety level is way down. But, he is still hitting and threatening husband, easy child, and me on a...
  3. K

    medication issues

    difficult child definately has ADHD. The ODD seems to have quietly, slowly gotten better. Still very stubborn. In the past two years he has tried Concerta, Focalin, Adderall and now Vyvanse. ALL put him in an extremely bad, angry, scary mood. So angry he is scared. He is taking 50mg's of Zoloft...
  4. R

    My first time!

    OK, this is the first time i have EVER done anything like this! I dont even usually talk to anyone about my son because I really didnt think anyone else could understand. My son is 12 years old. He has always been a "difficult" child. He was not diagnosed until fall of 2006 with ADHD. Last...
  5. gcvmom

    Camp ends tomorrow -- good week overall!

    difficult child 2 had only one timeout today -- YAY! Again, for minor stuff. No violence, no inappropriate behavior with other kids. I think the Seroquel bump is working, but I'm not sure if this is truly enough yet. He's still a bit impulsive in the late afternoon now (at least we're getting a couple...
  6. A

    Carving profanity into skin now

    Well the rap boy is back. I am so sad to be here. I thought we were on our way up. Things were getting soooo much better. I thought I had my boy back. You may remember he was breaking things at my school as a "prank" and trespassed onto an abandoned property and was arrested, and was...
  7. C

    She made her choice

    I have given my difficult child 3 weeks since we found that she had stolen money and jewelry from us to clean up her life. I guess her time is up. I found drug evidence in her purse 2 days ago and confronted her today after husband and I had agreed on a plan. Her option was treatment through our medical...
  8. S

    advice needed for adhd medication

    Has anyone's child tried Vyvanse? If so can you tell me what you think of it? My 9 yr. is currently on 54mg concerta and i don't like it or at least it doesn't suit him well. I would like to find something else with a lower dose. He has tried adderall but that didnt work well either. He was on...
  9. K

    psychiatrist / new medications today

    I do not like difficult child's psychiatrist. Never listens. Talks real quick and gives him a new drug and shoots him out the door. All within 10 minutes. After therapist said Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and ADHD and we discussed this and decided to treat the anxiety first, I called Friday to make an appointment. Today was the...
  10. Stella

    difficult child refuses medications

    My difficult child had a complete melt down last night. Her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) seems to be getting worse. The meltdown last night was due to the fact that I lost one of her toys (her tamagochie). She asked for it before she went to bed and when i couldn't find it anywhere she became hysterical. This went on for about...
  11. K

    psychiatrist / difficult child / medication

    It was another awful night last night, and again just before psychiatrist appointment today. Yesterday also difficult child had the "electircal shocking" feeling from going off Zoloft, he couldn't handle it, things happened at school, then home. Soo, school called Crisis intervention yesterday. Twice in one...
  12. &

    new medication for difficult child??

    Well we had to go to the Dr. today and my difficult child has been back on strattera 100 mg now for about 3mnths for ADHD (which I must say I really think it is more depression angry issues) but I told the Dr. and she decided it was ADHD...But he is still having his mood swings and the Dr. was lucky enough...
  13. Z

    Talked to the principal regarding suspension

    He told me that difficult child was hitting/kicking the portable classroom at one point in the day yesterday. Then he was sent to the resource room. Then in there he was yelling and being disruptive so she sent him to the office. When it was lunch time he was sent to the cafeteria. Then he proceeded to...
  14. TerryJ2

    PS2 at 3 a.m.

    Last night I checked on difficult child ... he wasn't in bed ... I woke up husband and asked where difficult child was ... turned out he was downstairs playing PS2, he leg hanging over the arm of the La-Z-Boy, a huge hunk of chocolate in his hand. The only reason I kept my voice down was because I was too tired to shout...
  15. K

    New psychiatrist appointment...interesting

    You all know that I wanted a new psychiatrist for a long time. Due to insurance it was just difficult to do. Mental Health insurance changed this year and the psychiatrist that was recommended was on there. (just in time for me losing my job) difficult child had an appointment this morning. Suppose to be one hour...
  16. totoro

    MSNBC report questioning generic AD's...

    I have read that a lot of generics are not as good as the original, that they do not have to follow the same "recipe" to the letter... of course most doctor's say they are the same... I am on generic Zoloft- Sertraline... I have asked. Hmmm Maybe I will ask again...
  17. B

    Our own good/bad experiences with medications for our kids

    Someone suggested this and I thought it was a good idea. We have to remember that everyone is different and that this isn't a "yes" or "no" on anything, just our own children's experineces. I'll start. Ritalin was my son's first medication and it didn't do anything much for him. He was then put on...
  18. Z

    Anyone use vynanse?

    Hi! I haven't posted here in years. I check in when I can though. I have a 10 yr old son who is having trouble in school. He is diagnosed ADHD H/I type and ODD. I have my thoughts about bipolar, but his psychiatrist just blows me off. difficult child had his tonsils and adenoids out in Sept. After he...
  19. krittengirl

    Does seeing a neurologist help any?

    Hi, I'm new here. I have 4 children, 3 of whom have some type of issues going on. The one I'm really needing help with is my 7 year old daughter. She has been diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified, and ADHD. She sees a counselor regularly at The Center for Autism, a local clinic in my area. She has been...
  20. Jamieh

    Questions about Vyvanse

    So E has been taking Vyvanse for a few weeks. he is taking around 12-15mg every morning. It's hard to tell exactly how much because of the way it's dissolved and measured out. But most days I'm able to get his dosage pretty good and he does well on it. But it wears off after 9 hours and he is CRAZY...