19 year old son on k2


New Member
Hi and welcome,

We asked our son to leave 3 weeks ago and this board has been there for me through our ups and downs. Hang in there and keep in touch. Let us know how things are going.



New Member
well,,hospital called they are bringing him home today,,said he is doing good. Dont understand how that can be after 3 days but what do i know. He told the Dr this morning that i hate him. I really hope he doesnt feel that way i just hate his ways ... Just kinda got me down afraid he didnt get enough help.


Well-Known Member
The hospital is bringing him home? I agree thatthree days is not going to do much except possibly detox him and perhaps ger him started on some medications. I'll be interested to hear what they say when they bring him home. What are their follow-up plans for him and are they recommending some kind of drug treatment program.



Oh boy have I been there! The first place we sent difficult child to, we had her committed. They kept her 9 days and sent her home. The second place discharged her after 2 days. Neither place did ANY good at all. Matter of fact, nothing did. Nothing until she got tired of living the way she was and that took two years of being a homeless drug addict. Now she is working the program and doing what she needs to in a sober living apartment. It is not lock down and she can leave any time, but she hasn't. We pay for it until she is working and can contribute, but I am more than happy to send the check each week as long as she is there doing what she needs to.

Perhaps look into one of those in your area?


New Member
We were at work when they dropped him off,,no call as to when it would be or nothing. Wife called and ask why they didnt send him to rehab,said they couldnt without drugs in his system!! what a joke!! anyways,,he was there for 30 minutes him and his mom get into argument,,,she makes him leave. I meet with him after work tell him we cant live like this he has to figure something out. He is staying with a friend that as far as we know is pretty straight she actually has plans for her future!! He does seem to be doing better but i cant get past the gut feeling it will get bad again!!


New Member
I have the same problem. It is just me, his father died when he was two. he will be 19 this month. I don't know what to do.


New Member
My son 19 same thing don't know what to do. He is still finishing highschool,does not want to get a job. Any suggestion how we can help him,please. Thank you


My 36-year old son and his girlfriend have been using spice for years. It is more dangerous than pot. They smoke it. They smoke thin cigars. Since it is so addictive, I believe they would have to withdraw in a treatment program, but I am not sure. It is a fairly new drug, and the effects have not been studied, as far as I know.

I was going to a substance abuse counselor. She filled me in on the dangers.