Yes..i do see what you mean. That has occurred to me as well. And, I know, my son has used that as a way to deflect the accountability away from himself. He is planning to move out in the next couple of months (or at least he's seriously thinking about it) with a couple of friends. When I hear him talk about it..I let him do the thinking and just try and bite my lip and just listen.
The fact that HE is thinking about it, and YOU aren't forcing it is a good sign, right? Even if his "plans" sound absurd, and destined to fail, they are still plans. Since I got in with my aunt and uncle, I have moved out on numerous occassions. Always to similar places, with the same friends. Each time, I truly thought it would be different, but I didn't actually change anything. Just expected it to change itself, I guess. My aunt tells me that it took everything she had not to slap me upside the head and say "The only change is the shape of the house, and you expect EVERYTHING to be different because of that?!". She would advise me, but ultimately I did what I was going to do. And the mistakes that followed were NOT my aunt's. My uncle is a very big guy. Very fit, too. If she asked him to, he would chain me to a wall and not allow me to

up like I constantly do. And I wouldn't be able to do a thing about it. But she doesn't. Thought has probably crossed her mind a few times, and I know it hurt her to see me mess up, but they were my mistakes to make. And I made them. In spectacular fashion, no less. I have learned a few lessons since then, and I will not be moving into another situation like those, but I still had to make the mistake 3 times to get any benefit from them.
Addicts are the kind of people that touch the surface of a hot stove numerous times. It's perplexing to watch, I am sure, but it isn't that we're dumb. It just takes us longer to learn from our mistakes than it probably should.