7 Stages of Grieving


Well-Known Member
So I would say that over time, I am less healing from, than becoming accustomed to, shock and grief. There is a dull finality to some of the things happening now. There is an "Of course that is what would happen next." hellishness to things. I reach for my toolbox (as COM posts to us). Or review my survival skills and automatically pick a persona, a set of interpretations and responses that will see me through the time I cannot seem to wrap my brain around.

There is a measure of comfort in knowing what to do, in knowing how to detach from the emotional maelstrom and stand up.

Boy, am I darkness personified this morning.

Must be something in my coffee!

I feel this way too. I am accustomed to it now. Not as comfortable with the dull ache as I am with, say, my mom's death. But I am used to the sadness, I understand it won't change. When it flares up I know that I can't reach for a drink or a cig, that calling a friend and talking it over doesn't help, that I need to just allow it to be, to swim with it for a while, then to rest on the shore.

Some measure of comfort in knowing what to do.

More coffee might help.
