Most DV places don't have set programs for battered parents because parents don't come forward. I was the first in my area, but not the last. I made a ton of phone calls to find help for my son, and probably called every counselor and pastor in our county. I told them that he attacked me. A few months after I went to our DV place and they designed a program to help me work through my problems, they called to see if I would help them work with other parents with kids who battered them. I did for a little while. Those counselors and pastors each had a parent or two with that problem and they NEVER sent them to the DV place for help because they thought they were the only one. But my call somehow let them know there were others, and they got to talking together, and figured out there are a LOT of parents like us. So now my county has an actual program for parents who are abused. And our court sends parents of abusive teens to the DV shelter for help as part of the family program for kids who get arrested for battering a parent.
And our cops/sheriff's deputies had to get training on how to deal with kids who hit parents because I made one heck of a fuss over the deputy having to be forced to do ANYTHING on the 3rd time he came out.
This is a real problem, just like a few decades ago when battered women were totally ignored by the law and there were no resourced for them when husbands hit them. Or when kids were hit and no one cared a few years before that. There are still too few resources, but at least we try now.
I am glad he is out of your home. Do NOT let him back in, no matter what ANYONE says. He had his chance, he blew it. You have an absolute right to safety in your home. He had zero right to do any of what he did. He was a total abusive little coward to ever lay a finger on you or play his little mind games. He needs to grow up and learn to be a real man.