Karen & Crew
New Member
My experience is the 12-hour medications generally last 6-8 hours, peaking within about 4-5 hours. Our psychiatrist put R on a tiny dose of Ritalin (2.5 mg) in the evenings to get through homework and the like.
Have you ever read The Explosive Child? One of R's psychiatrists recommended it to me and I read it and when I really go by the book it seems to help immensely. I just wish it came with a sign to hang out for well-meaning strangers in the store who stop to try and help.
Have you ever read The Explosive Child? One of R's psychiatrists recommended it to me and I read it and when I really go by the book it seems to help immensely. I just wish it came with a sign to hang out for well-meaning strangers in the store who stop to try and help.