Advice please

sooooo tired

I am back in my daughters life after 5 years. She has made some improvements.
She fought for full custody of my grandson and has got him in a good Christian
School She has been taking good care of him as far as
His health goes and he seems to be doing very well
I can tell she still has some personality issues but she isn't on any medications and dies not do drugs or drink. She still has alot of anxiety issues and so do I. So if I get the slightest feeling that
She is getting frustrated I get very nervous. My problem is that I want to turn her into me. Her house
Is not dirty but just a total mess. I feel like why can't she keep a neat house but she never has. I am thankful that she has stayed on her feet for five years but I'm just waiting for her to start asking for
Money and depending on
Me to pick up the pieces when she can't make it.
I would like to maintain a relationship with her. But the past still haunts me.


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
This is great news! So glad your daughter got herself together and while she is no you or perfect in your eyes, we do have to accept them as they are; shortcomings and all!

Please don't ruin this time waiting for the other shoe to drop. Just breathe.....


Well-Known Member
Housecleaning is one of those things people don’t consider very important these days. It’s true that most middle aged and young people have lowered their standards, compared to people seventy and older. Part of the reason is because most women work now. My standards are a little unrealistic. I’ve had to give in and accept that it’s ok if the floor goes a week without being mopped sometimes. My parents and mother in law were very good about keeping their homes spotless. My grandma was that way, too. Times have changed.

sooooo tired

Housecleaning is one of those things people don’t consider very important these days. It’s true that most middle aged and young people have lowered their standards, compared to people seventy and older. Part of the reason is because most women work now. My standards are a little unrealistic. I’ve had to give in and accept that it’s ok if the floor goes a week without being mopped sometimes. My parents and mother in law were very good about keeping their homes spotless. My grandma was that way, too. Times have changed.
I know....she has always been really unorganized.
But I am trying. I want her
In my life. I am going on 70
And I can't handle the drama...