
CD Hall of Fame
Jumping in really late here but have you ever thought that the medications could actually be causing the behaviors. difficult child 1 has been on most of the ones you listed and Risperdal was the worst one that caused him to go absolutely ballistic and we had to take him off it. There are several medications that his body does not "process" accurately and actually has what is called a paradoxical effect. It causes difficult child 1 to become terrible.

by the way, I have twins that are now 15 and the smaller one is my "difficult child" from day 1. It has been a very long, hard road but we are in a good place now. It took until 13 and lots of trial and error with diagnoses and medications ... and MANY suspensions from school, hours spent in the office, school property attacked, etc. to get to where we are. We've changed to online school at home, me working a different job that works around the "school schedule", giving up some of our luxuries .... I know the feeling and also what it can do to the "good kids" in the family. difficult child 2 has had to give up a lot because of difficult child 1. It's times like you're describing that made me want to give up ... but then we got the RIGHT diagnoses and finally found the RIGHT medications.

{{{{HUGS}}}} to you and your little guy.

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