So, difficult child stayed home all weekend.
I guess he thought that trading his phone privileges for potheads was a good deal.
He said that he used our Wifi for email when his phone went off, because he has an iPhone. Arrgh! He even showed me how to do it.
He has been behaving better, but I can guarantee, it will last another day before I have to turn it off again. And this time, I'll just take the d*mn thing because I don't trust Verizon.
I'll need husband and another guy to be there so he doesn't get violent.
So for now, the sun is out, he has eaten dinner with-us all weekend, has showered, and is still catching up with his grades. And he's still on his lithium.
I don't have the results for his blood tests (CBC and THC) because the lab required driver's lic pics and a signature to be emailed, and I wanted everything emailed. They don't make it easy.
(Bad enough fighting difficult child, but the lab and the phone company too ...)
The detective said that we cannot get text msgs from the police because it's unconstitutional. He said that since we pay the bill, to lean harder on Verizon. And that this case may never be resolved.
He also said that one of difficult child's friends turned in something to a pawn shop, and I said, "That would be K, with his aunt's jewelry." I described him. He said, "No," and described E. "With jewelry!"
So either difficult child got them backwards, or they've both stolen way more than I think.
Grrr. So far, I'm not missing anything (I have a small safe and the handyman is coming back on Thursday for more door locks) and the other missing items were in a bag in the pantry waiting for repair. So glad I forgot about those!
We see the therapist tomorrow.