And she is in jail.....


Active Member
PG, I am praying that this is the wake up. And, hoping that no one else will bail her out. I am so glad you were able to get in contact with the courts. If she won't freely go to rehab, maybe they can force her to get some help. Hugs.


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything, yet. I am on a business call so can't call to find out if she is still in custody....I have not heard from her but that doesn't mean much. I talked to the director at the rehab and she said difficult child needs to sit there in jail long enough to detox. She said her getting arrested may have saved her and the baby's life. So, I am hoping difficult child is either ready to go back to treatment, or we can make it a condition of her bail...I know I will sleep tonight if I know she is still locked up....


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone!! I found out that her bond is $2,200.00 and that she is still in custody.

I talked to the director of the rehab and she said difficult child needs to sit there long enough to detox. She said we could make it a bond requirement that she be in Treatment. I guess I am looking at that option may be my only shot. But, she also said the court could make that a bond requirement without my having to bail her out? Anyone ever do that? What do I do?

Baby daddy claims they are both 100% clean....yeah sure....heard that one before...


Well-Known Member
But, she also said the court could make that a bond requirement without my having to bail her out?

Read more:
I've heard of it here... and the advantage is that if she skips out on treatment, they track her down and she goes back to jail directly.... if you bail her out and she skips, you lose the $$ and she doesn't necessarily get the consequences. Plus this way, it's between the courts and her... you're not in the picture.


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Staff member
He claims he agrees with me and has begged and pleaded for her to go to rehab and she won't go.

Baby daddy claims they are both 100% clean....yeah sure....heard that one before...

Why would he be begging and pleading for her to go to rehab if they are both 100% clean? That doesn't add up.



Well-Known Member
Insane - yes, that is exactly what I would like. I will call the court back tomorrow and ask if they can do that...

Kathy - exactly!!! I said the same to him. This is the last text I got from him:

" My concern is how vocal and opinionated your being about me, and your opinion of me in your quest to see to it that she goes to rehab."

Trying to decipher what he was trying to say here...he annoys me...
Thank goodness she is safe. Sounds like this court has some sense. Do you have a rehab in mind? If it is court ordered, do you have to pay?


Active Member
I would respond to loser boyfriend:

I've thought about your text and comments. I realize that ultimately my concern is for my daughter and unborn grandchild. Nothing and nobody else should be my concern nor will be from here on. Thank you for reminding me to focus where it matters, on my own. I will
Continue to love my daughter hopefully for sobriety for herself and her unborn child. If you choose to do the same that is wonderful. Your decisions however do not and will not impact my efforts to support what my daughter and grand child need.

After that? I would be done texting him. You've got enough in your mind and your plate. He is a burden and distraction.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
" My concern is how vocal and opinionated your being about me, and your opinion of me in your quest to see to it that she goes to rehab."

I have no idea what that means. But at this point I would tell him to talk to the hand. :talkhand:



....Hopeful Now
Sending hugs and prayers for you. At least you know where she is and that she can't keep doing stuff to herself and the baby. Good thoughts that she gets back to rehab.


PG - I wouldn't sweat or try to decipher what in the heck her boyfriend is trying to say. Because, let's face it - anything an addict states is a) a complete falsehood or b) devoid of common sense or c) a combination of a & b. Enough said.

And the mere idea that he is trying to make this about him or pass the buck or find insult or whatever is a sign that his ego is still at stake and he is nowhere near the point of crying uncle and admitting that your daughter needs help at any price. And that's the kicker. She needs to see the light and accept the idea that getting help and working towards sobriety is her BEST option to change her life. If he could be humble or strong or decent enough to say - run for sobriety and it's ok to leave me behind, choose what's best for you and our baby... MAYBE that could push her towards help. But I don't think he's that guy. On the other hand, maybe the court and the threat of jail time will be enough to push her towards the light. Add some medical help for mom and the baby, a few days of sober thinking, a safe place to lay her head and a few decent meals AND some time away from the volatility that includes baby daddy...and MAYBE there's motivation towards the light...

In the meantime, don't waste your time or your thoughts on him. Don't even respond. He is not worth the fingers on the keyboard.

Still hoping and praying and waiting to hear how it goes. I am pulling for you!


New Member
PG, Ignore the boyfriend he is not worth your time. Here is hoping difficult child wakes up and starts making good decisions for herself and her baby. -RM


Well-Known Member
I put in a call to the prosecuting attorney and am waiting for her to call back. I would like to get her into the pre-trial diversion program and have it so she goes to treatment or stays in jail. I just hope I have one when ready. I called the place that is specifically for pregnant women and they have a waiting list to get in. Of course. So, my hope is with the rehab she was in before...unless they provide a state funded one? I am hoping to know more once I get a call back...

Calamity Jane

Well-Known Member
Hi PG,
Just sending my support and for your patience going forward with this. It could be a huge turning point - for the better. I hope it goes well. :notalone: