
Mom? What's a difficult child?
Thanks everyone sometimes it is hard to take a step back and take a look at the whole child through untainted eyes...

Dreamer you can highjack my post anytime!!!! I think you always have good insight and a lot to add....

Smallworld she does have a rash...around her mouth.

sameold sameold

New Member

My difficult child has been on risperdal on and off over the years. It is a "wonder medication" for him. The weight gain is an issue but it makes so much difference with him. We notice the effects of it within minutes, when we used it as a PRN. You can almost see the tension leaving him after he has taken it. We had to take him off it for a few years during his early teen years because of the unwanted side effects and we struggled, no other medication has worked as well. He is now on it again regularly and he is making some nice progress right now.
I think you should see some good effects from it quite quickly if it was going to work for your difficult child. Good luck to you in finding the right medication. It really is a trial and error thing unfortunately.