Another update on DGD and great grandson.


Well-Known Member
It's been 15 months since she was charged with possession of meth and paraphernalia. And 12 months for possession and paraphernalia of marijuana. The court (municipal and district) both offered diversion. She has to go to outpatient substance abuse classes Monday thru Thursday from 6pm to 9pm.

She sees her diversion officer weekly, and has had random drug tests. Last month she was called in for a test but didn't show. She knew she would test positive. So then they put her on color code. Each day she has to call in and see what color goes in that day. There are only 4 colors, and they test Monday to Friday, so some may get called in twice.

I believe she messed up again. As now, the diversion officer and her are trying to get her in to an inpatient rehab facility. She has selected one that is for females. But they don't have an opening until mid October. And that's IF no other client gets their paperwork turned in first.

So frustrating. And two days ago we came home and a business card was clipped to our mail holder on our porch. From CPS! I called DGD and she said she would call the number! She had to leave a message and it was the longest hour until she heard back, then called us.

About 6 weeks ago, DGD took her son to a guy friends house and spent the night there. She had us pick him up the next afternoon as he had gotten in to nail polish and painted his eye lids! And was crying. We ended up taking him to ER to get it cleaned up. No way was I going to use nail polish remover on his eyelids!

She did meet us at the ER, then left with the guy friend. She spent another night at the same guys house. We had GGson with us. The next afternoon she called and wanted a ride home as her car wasn't running. About 10 hours later, I checked the jail log, (been a nightly habit for years) and the guy was now in jail for drug charges AND felon with a stolen gun, and illegal barrel length. On $50,000 bond!!

About two days later, this guy's mom contacted us, to tell DGD to move her car or it would be towed.

So the CPS caseworker told her that someone called in concerned about her son being at the house where the guy ended up being arrested but no reports of any specific reports of child abuse. She claims she had no idea he was dealing drugs or had guns. I am thinking it was the guys mom that called CPS.

So she may have dodged a bullet...but I feel GGson is now on their radar, even though they were "closing the case". But I don't think she realizes how fragile her keeping custody of her son.

We still have no legal guardianship or paperwork. I'm really worried if she goes to rehab for a month. We are pretty much his adults. She has maybe spent 2 nights here in 2 weeks. I keep an online digital diary and track her involvement. I add screen shots of her texts if they are pertinent.

The dad is in the picture, and has had him almost every other weekend. But I really don't think he and his wife would take him from us while she is in rehab...but there is no court documents so either could keep him from the other.

I really think she has brain deficits based on her meth usage. It started 9 years ago. If you read my posts thru the years, you know she had several months of drug induced paranoia. That's better, but she isn't able to follow thru on anything.

Well, that is probably more than anyone wanted to read. I'm now 69 and hubby is 80. And we love this little guy more than you can imagine.

But it is a lot to care for the most energetic 4 year old around.

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Well-Known Member
Hi Ksm. I read the entire post. And I lived through the story with you. Even so, I became so nervous and scared reading this post. I just can't imagine how DGD could leave her child in such peril, in so many different ways. She is being so very selfish.

I think the inpatient program is the best shot. It's almost a blessing in disguise that she has failed those drug tests.

Meth does alter the brain, and it can take quite a while to recover, but people do. I am wondering if DGD's difficulty following through on anything has to do with her drug and alcohol exposure in utero. My son has the same issue.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Copa. My son says her mom was clean when they married (she had to do UAs because she got her son out of foster care and there was follow up and random UAs because he was born addicted to drugs.

But, she may have used... DGD did very well in grade school and was even placed in advanced math and science classes in 5th and 6th grades. Seemed to have no problems at school academically or socially. But she was very shy.

Then in High School things fell apart behavior wise.

She is home tonight. First time in a week. Her son told me he had a song. He started singing "I love mommy. I miss mommy. Please don't go. Please don't go.". Last week he told me two or three times his mommy was dead. I think that's the only way he can wrap his head around her absence.

I hope in patient works. I'm feeling very disillusioned. Ksm


Well-Known Member
He started singing "I love mommy. I miss mommy. Please don't go. Please don't go.". Last week he told me two or three times his mommy was dead.
This is heartbreaking ksm.

DGD's and my son were all abandoned by their mothers. No matter how much we love them we couldn't make up for this wound. I believed with all my heart that my love could fill this space. It couldn't. It didn't.

It breaks my heart that her child is suffering this same abandonment at his mother's hand.