Anyone here have any bee-keeping knowledge?


call 911
DF checked out the situation last night and it's a MASSIVE colony UNDER THE WOODEN PORCH. The planks are about 12 feet long and 8" wide. This is going to take SERIOUS remodeling. OR (skull and crossbones).....I fear for the little buggers. Bugger anyway. I wonder if there is a way to attract just the queen and hold her captive somewhere aways away and let her just scream like Rapunzle in a tower.....and they all just go there? lol


call 911
Our luck? We'd burn down the garage........and Allstate doesn't cover us unless it's an act of God. Now while I could say - I PRAYED for the bees to disappear, instead of being poisoned and DF mystically had the idea to smoke them out, and arguabally that could be considered a blanket covereage under Acts of God? Allstate wouldn't buy it. Nor would they pay a claim to that effect. In which case....The mail slot at Allstate could just end up "Colletted"


Shooting from the Hip
LOL - I didn't say burn, I said smoke. Lots of ways to smolder stuff. Especially if your yard is as wet as ours is...


call 911
You just don't know DF's in...................capabilities. Where you see There's the volunteer fire dept.


Active Member
In Australia we have smoking ceremonies, where Ab original elders walk around an area holding a bunch of green leaves which have been lit. Eucalyptus leaves will smoulder even when freshly picked. if they've been picked for more tan a day, they don't smoulder. They just go WOOF! (Maybe that's why they call that brown stuff on trees, BARK).

Seriously - if you poison the critturs, you will still have to get in there and remove the nest and any honey. If an apiarist could remove that tricky next in the old building where I used to work, they can get the nest at your place easily.
