Anyone want to talk about TV shows?


Well-Known Member
DWTS - Go Evan and Anna!

I love TV...around here, we watch 19 Kids and Counting, Little People, Big World, The Little Couple, Cake Boss, all Food Network Challenges, Flash Forward, psychiatric, Fringe, Construction Intervention...and I know there's more, but I just can't think.

If someone took away my Dish Network, I'd be very unhappy.

Oh, yeah...Incredible Dog Challenge on ESPN. Gotta keep Stang in the loop on this one...she keeps missing it! And Ghost Hunters, GH International, GH Academy, Ghost Adventures, Man v. Food...
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Well-Known Member
Suz, I can't believe you are a Housewife watcher - it's my guilty pleasure! It's like watching a train wreck every week! I went from watching the Atlanta one last summer to then Orange County, New York, now Jersey!!

I'm a Grey's and Private Prac fan. Loved both of the season finales.

Have not watching Glee yet - it's on the DVR.

I also watch Modern Family, which I think is the funniest show on tv!

That's my regular TV stuff.

As far as premium channels - I'm a True Blood freak, love Weeds, Tudors, US of Tara and love, love, love Dexter!

Fund thread.



Well-Known Member
I feel rather out of it, as I haven't even heard of many of the shows mentioned on the thread so far.

I LOVE the Big Bang Theory.

Other favourites are Heartbeat, The Royal, Spooks (A British spy thriller, also called MI5 in some locations) and Murdoch Mysteries. We followed Dragon's Den (the Canadian precursor to Shark Tank), and are waiting for the new season to start. husband and I have just started watching a show called Kingdom. It stars Stephen Fry, who played Jeeves in the Jeeves and Wooster series that also starred Hugh Laurie. It's a very sweet, mild mannered sort of show.


Well-Known Member
It was week before last -

I don't want to tell you too much about the PP finale other than one of the characters died.....


P.S. Jo, I'm still loving my Nook - got a case for it at Best Buy this weekend as well as the little ELite for reading in bed!


Love me...Love me not
OMG--Nobody else is watching Flash Forward???

Really???? I can't believe it! That show is so darned addictive and well-written that the hour episode always seems like it's over in an instant and I am left on the edge of my seat waiting for the next episode...


I just went back an re-read some of the responses....OK so I'm not the only one--Muttmeister and KTMom watch it, too. Whew!

As for Celebrity Apprentice--I felt Bret deserved to win, regarless of his illness. His projects/ideas have been better than Holly's all season. Although, Holly is one heck of a Warrior Mom--and I would hire her any day of the week to manage a business or run a fund-raiser.


(the future) MRS. GERE
Someone died on PP??? Sharon, please PM me and tell me who it was. I didn't watch it at all this last season but I'm curious.

I must say that I loved the results of Celebrity Apprentice last night. :bravo: There were a few teary moments and I loved seeing Bret's Dad with a headband on as a show of solidarity. DF, I agree that he deserved to win, regardless of his illness. Holly was very gracious, "Who in America isn't crying right now?" Ain't that the truth. Go Bret!



Love me...Love me not
I hate to be the bearer of bad news about Flash Forward...

Did they change their minds?


Well, that's just GREAT!

Anybody remember Kings? Same thing happened. Fantastic show--but the network kept messing around with the time slot, and not airing episodes for a few weeks and then starting again on another day and time...

No wonder they can't build an audience! And for a show like Heroes, Flashforward and really had to catch it from the beginning to understand what was happening. How about giving more people an opportunity to catch the pilot or season premier by airing those episodes all over the map instead of your main show?

But that's just me....a lowly viewer. I couldn't possibly be as smart an a tv exec.



(the future) MRS. GERE
DF- write the network and let them know. I remember at the beginning of "Cheers" the network threatened to cancel it and I wrote them in protest. Apparently millions of others did, too, and they changed their minds...and it became a huge hit and long running series.

Write them!



Warrior Parent
I was pretty upset with the Private Practice finale. For some reason, that show has sorta gone all hollywood-way-too-unbelieveable for me. And frankly, I'm sorta tired of the Cooper/Sheldon/ Charlotte deal, and the Pete/Sam/Addison/Violet weirdness, and whatever with Naomi? Seriously. Whatever? But the finale really made me mad. No reason to kill off who they killed off. Not fair, too sad.

The Grey's finale took me completely by surprise!! It was well done I thought, until the middle or so, when everybody else seems to be able to run into the bad guy, except for the Swat team. That kinda wore me down. I do agree Baily & Christina showed wonderful acting talent!! But then I've always admired Baily's performance :)



Well-Known Member
I was so thrilled with CA and Bret! Boy is he getting around well. I cant believe it. You couldnt have put me in front of the public at that stage and expected anything but I certainly couldnt walk yet! He is one lucky man.

His little girl's are adorable.

I cant believe some of the shows we are losing for the next season. Numbers for one. I think Miami Medical is gone too. They are sticking us with some idiot shows. Hawaii 5-0 I think is one of them. Sigh.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Numbers was one of my favorites too. I see them advertising a new show on ABC that has Rob Morrow in it but Charlie was my favorite on that show.
You can just about bet that, if I start watching a show, they will cancel it. I really like Castle; I suppose that will be next.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
A ltitle late to the discussion, but I only have two current "can't miss" shows: Treme' and Breaking Bad. Sadly they are both on at 10 pm Sunday night, which means I usually have to watch one via OnDemand on Monday night (actually, today. I get to watch them both tonight because I was out last night and missed them).

My top favorites are in hiatus and I can't WAIT for new seasons to return: I mean, seriously, when each of these were over last year I could hardly STAND that I had to wait months for new episodes... and they're almost here again!

Mad Men
True Blood

My only reality show fixes are also in hiatus:
Project Runway
Ghost Hunters

Others I enjoy but fall into the "I like this and will watch it when I remember to" category:

Criminal Minds
Law & Order SVU
What Not to Wear
Intervention (although it makes me cry every.single.time.)

So there's a glimpse into the diverse interests of Crazy :)


Old Hand
I watched Celebrity Apprentice. I couldn't believe when Sharon said she didn't know if she wanted to go up against Holly but I also understood. I liked this whole season very much. Hulu is great for all shows and often I have used it to catch up on anything I've missed or is in conflict with something else on at the same time. I did miss the finale last night but I know that Bret won. I will watch it on Hulu today to see the particulars because it's not good enough just to know he won! lol I want to know details....details people details! lol :)

Survivior - need I say anything more? Of COURSE I watch that show, as I've always watched it since it started and it's been posted about since beginning here. I can not stand Russell and didn't the other season as well. I mean it's amazing how he instinctively finds the immunity idols all the time and has a knack for playing but I just do NOT like his playing style one bit at all. He's a player you love to hate (kind of like Johnny Fairplay and a few others). I was happy with the outcome as well. I liked how Rob has changed since when he was one (and I watched him when he was on Amazing race with Amber as well). I'm glad they've actually stayed together and made it. Too often couples like this don't stay together but they have and he has seemed to certainly mature over this time.

I have watched Grey's Anatomy on and off but mostly off however, I did watch the finale for some reason and I really liked it. I was so taken in on how she continued on even though miscarrying.

Glee - I didn't watch that but then one time the show came on and I started watching that too and yup, now I'm a Gleek too! I'm generally a sucker for anything musical to begin with. I just really hadn't heard about Glee prior (don't know why) so never watched.

DWTS - Another show I've watched every season and I too am really aggravated that the deck gets stacked with people who have some kind of training or are in the field between singing and or dancing that gives them some kind of advantage. Or even like evan or the gymnasts who use choreography already. I think taking someone who has no such advantage is more of an accomplishment is what it should be about and means more to me. Because of this, I often don't pick favorites because the ones at the end usually have had training sadly.

Bachlorette/Bachleor - Definitely WILL be watching. Always have for the most part and I knew at the end of last season she was the one that would be coming back this season before they even announced it. It just seemed that that's exactly what would happen! I really liked her and I really had hoped he would have picked her. I did not like Jake with Vienna at all and am surprised they are actually still together. I love that Ryan is still together with his pick and they have a baby. Just like Rob and Amber surviving, it's amazing to me that they made it.

I don't watch the Hills or the City. I love the Middle. That family cracks me up and the young son is so adorable, what's not to love? I watch American Idol as well but not faithfully this season as in seasons past. It's just losing it's punch to me. I love Crystal and Lee. It does always seem like the runner up does better then the actual winner but in the end everyone makes out ok. Don't know what's going to happen in the future with it with Simon leaving. I can't imagine it will be much good. Even though he is the way he is, I think he was/is a major player in making the show what it is. I have never watched Lost as I just never liked it. I have watched the Mentalist and I do like that and I LOVE HOUSE!! OMG do all of us here love HOUSE! We also watch CSI but it's losing it's punch as well. As for all the other shows mentioned, I don't watch them.

Some other things we watch here are: US of Tara on Showtime (does anyone else watch this?) - we really like it, Steven Speilberg produces it believe it or not, Tudors on Showtime, Amazing Race.


Well-Known Member
Old favorites are still DWTS and The Bachelor series. Brothers and Sisters faded from my list as it just seemed to go nowhere.New favorites are Burn Notice, White Collar and Justified. I often watch Criminal Minds but some of the shows are just too creepy/violent for me.husband, easy child/difficult child and I are Cash Cab watchers right after work. We love NYC and it's like a little tripthere listening to the destinations of the riders. If you haven't watched it, give it a try. DDD


Active Member looks like Jo and I were posting to Donna at the same time. Thank goodness for hulu! :D

JJJ, I also love Drop Dead Diva and am looking forward to the new season starting. Great premise and the gal who stars in it is great. (can't remember her name)

Brooke Elliott - I got to see her when she was on Broadway, absolutely amazing voice. I hope they let her sing more this season.

I usually try not to start watching shows until they've been on a few years cause I hate when they get cancelled. It seems like any time I love a show - it never gets reneweed. I'm very lucky this year that all 3 of my favorites got another season!


(the future) MRS. GERE
Yes! Brooke Elliott! Thanks, JJJ. :)

Mad Men... Jon Hamm...:hot:...pant, pant....the bad boy we love anyway...ooh baby! :cutie_pie:

What Not to Wear and Say Yes to the Dress- my fav TLC shows.

...and I can't even begin to count my favorite HGTV shows...House Hunters, Colour Confidential, David Bromstad, Candace Olson...etc, etc.


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