I regret marrying my ex. None of my children I had while married to him are his DNA. He had a rare metabolic disorder and perhaps that is why he is sterile and 37 is a donor child. I have no idea about that side of his DNA other than what I was told, but I know one thing: it is like there was nobody else there. He looks like my family, acts like them, and has inherited every problem we have as a group. I am glad though that he didn't also have ex's DNA thrown into the mix. 37, by the way, has absolutely NO interest in his birthfather and doesn't even want me to try to find him, which is impossible anyway. But that is one thing he doesn't care about. But he has the same problems with my ex that my daughter has. My ex has said horrible things to him, which actually was one reason I finally left the man. I got sick of hearing, "Why can't he be like Scott (He-Who-Left-Family). It was spoken out loud, in front of both boys, and 37 would cry to me and ask, "Why does he always say that?"
So now my two older kids (He-Who-Left-Famiy doesn't count) have to deal with his ongoing cruelty because he IS their father and they both do want his love, although my daughter does much more than 37.
I don't blame myself for marrying ex because it is pointless to regret what already happened, plus I thought our relationship was normal. I really did. I'm just sorry that I didn't know better before bringing children into the marriage, although it makes me sad to think of life without them. Still...he blurts out very cruel stuff and normally he has no remorse. He was never sorry when he said to 37 that he should be more like Scott. He never stopped saying it either. He still says it sometimes because Scott is a millionaire with his own business and that is how he judges people. 37 is actually nothing like my ex. When he is mean it is more like my family type meanness. Ex has a meanness that is unique and much different from 37s.
It's hard to explain.