Shooting from the Hip
What everyone else has said, goes very well. Honestly? I've always considered lying right up there on the worst behavior list. Because lying violates trust. Little white lies? Like telling the child you don't have any cash when they ask, when in fact you do, but they've been mooching all week and you're tired of it.
I got to the point where I just assumed Onyxx was lying. All the time. husband believed her, I didn't, which caused some major stress. Jett, on the other hand, can't lie to save his life. Mostly because the things he picks to lie about are easy. Such as wearing shorts in 20-degree weather. "Did you wear those home from school?" "No." "Are you lying to me?" "Yes." (I have a pretty good bovine manure radar.)
Anyone that tells you ANY child cannot lie is, quite simply, full of beans. (I don't lie much - I omit and redirect - because it's simply too hard to remember!)
I got to the point where I just assumed Onyxx was lying. All the time. husband believed her, I didn't, which caused some major stress. Jett, on the other hand, can't lie to save his life. Mostly because the things he picks to lie about are easy. Such as wearing shorts in 20-degree weather. "Did you wear those home from school?" "No." "Are you lying to me?" "Yes." (I have a pretty good bovine manure radar.)
Anyone that tells you ANY child cannot lie is, quite simply, full of beans. (I don't lie much - I omit and redirect - because it's simply too hard to remember!)