Hound dog
Nana's are Beautiful
I know that overall Travis has far exceeded all expectations. In general he has done very well considering his dxes and disabilities.
But for a while now I've felt that the boy is stuck. There is not much opportunity around here for him work wise, social wise, or housing wise. The pitfalls of small town rural living. I believe it's holding him back on independent living and severely in his socialization.
Here lately I've seen steps backward. Darn it to heck.
Not that it's something we haven't seen before, but I still hate it when it happens.
Seems we're getting back into 12 yr old behavior. (guess I should be glad it's not 6 yr old behavior lol) He's taken to aggravating the devil out of Nichole. Who of course doesn't always react tactfully, which turns it uglier. *sigh*
This wouldn't be so bad, except when Nichole tells him she doesn't want Aubrey doing something Travis will ignore her and do it anyway. Which of course makes Nichole livid. Then I have to step in. The whole concept that Nichole is the child's mother, and what she says goes doesn't seem to click. And it's not just Aubrey. This has been an issue with Darrin too, but since he doesn't live here not as bad.
Now I know he's just wanting to have fun with the grandkids. And honestly, so do Nichole and easy child, but trying to wrestle with a child before bed or slipping them a sugary snack before a meal........Well, you know. And since many social cues slip past him, when Aubrey's cranky or whatever and doesn't want to play and Travis doesn't recognize it, it starts a whole new set of problems.
And now we've got an attitude going on. Okay, so we've had it for awhile now. lol But it's beginning to grate. My patience is wearing mighty thin.
We were having the yard sale this weekend. I told Travis he'd help us carry stuff out to set up. (the whole family was doing this) We couldn't get him up. FINALLY got him up but he refused to do anything. Instead he sat around making snide remarks all morning.
easy child bought lunch and he expected her to buy his too. She did to be nice but wasn't happy about it since he didn't bother to help and told him so. He didn't help with the sale at all. She didn't include him in supper. I stayed out of it. He had money and could either make a sandwich in the house or eat at work. Plus I was too exhausted to care one way or the other.
Sunday was a repeat. easy child asked him to get her and I a glass of ice and a pepsi. He did. Turned out he'd put loogies in both pepsi. I though easy child was gonna kill him. I had to bite my tongue. I knew I was in no condition to react or it would get ugly. Aubrey had drank from my cup before I spotted it in mine. Then he had the guts to deny it! ugh!
So I refused to drive him to work. husband did it. I refused to drive him this morning. Again husband did it.
I do not need difficult child juvenille behavior starting up again.
For a while now My Mom and I've been discussing Travis coming to stay with her. Mom has always favored him. And she wants to learn to use her new laptop. I think it would be wonderful for him in many ways.
1. public busing will take him all over the city 24/7, and month bus passes are pretty cheap.
2. City is full of retail where he could work, plus more likely could find computer work.
3. Mom is excellent at forcing a noncompliant child to grow up.
(seriously) and teaching them how to do it.
4. There are 2 colleges and a tech school right there in the city he could go to if he wanted.
5. Since he'd have bus transport, he could go anywhere he wanted when he wanted. He could have a social life.
But I think he's stagnating here. I mean, he could just visit and see if it would be something he would want to consider. I dunno. Mom needs/wants someone to live with her. Travis needs/wants to get out from under Mom and Dad but isn't quite to independent stage yet. The 2 of them get along great.
I know I'd worry with him being so far away. But I'm trying to think of what would be best for him. He needs to go forward, not back.
And yeah, I know my Mom is mentally ill. But age has mellowed her considerably. And Travis would call me if anything went wonky. My brother and an aunt lives just around the corner, and another aunt lives maybe 2 blocks away.
I dunno. I guess I'm just venting/thinking out loud.
But for a while now I've felt that the boy is stuck. There is not much opportunity around here for him work wise, social wise, or housing wise. The pitfalls of small town rural living. I believe it's holding him back on independent living and severely in his socialization.
Here lately I've seen steps backward. Darn it to heck.
Seems we're getting back into 12 yr old behavior. (guess I should be glad it's not 6 yr old behavior lol) He's taken to aggravating the devil out of Nichole. Who of course doesn't always react tactfully, which turns it uglier. *sigh*
This wouldn't be so bad, except when Nichole tells him she doesn't want Aubrey doing something Travis will ignore her and do it anyway. Which of course makes Nichole livid. Then I have to step in. The whole concept that Nichole is the child's mother, and what she says goes doesn't seem to click. And it's not just Aubrey. This has been an issue with Darrin too, but since he doesn't live here not as bad.
Now I know he's just wanting to have fun with the grandkids. And honestly, so do Nichole and easy child, but trying to wrestle with a child before bed or slipping them a sugary snack before a meal........Well, you know. And since many social cues slip past him, when Aubrey's cranky or whatever and doesn't want to play and Travis doesn't recognize it, it starts a whole new set of problems.

And now we've got an attitude going on. Okay, so we've had it for awhile now. lol But it's beginning to grate. My patience is wearing mighty thin.
We were having the yard sale this weekend. I told Travis he'd help us carry stuff out to set up. (the whole family was doing this) We couldn't get him up. FINALLY got him up but he refused to do anything. Instead he sat around making snide remarks all morning.
easy child bought lunch and he expected her to buy his too. She did to be nice but wasn't happy about it since he didn't bother to help and told him so. He didn't help with the sale at all. She didn't include him in supper. I stayed out of it. He had money and could either make a sandwich in the house or eat at work. Plus I was too exhausted to care one way or the other.
Sunday was a repeat. easy child asked him to get her and I a glass of ice and a pepsi. He did. Turned out he'd put loogies in both pepsi. I though easy child was gonna kill him. I had to bite my tongue. I knew I was in no condition to react or it would get ugly. Aubrey had drank from my cup before I spotted it in mine. Then he had the guts to deny it! ugh!
So I refused to drive him to work. husband did it. I refused to drive him this morning. Again husband did it.
I do not need difficult child juvenille behavior starting up again.
For a while now My Mom and I've been discussing Travis coming to stay with her. Mom has always favored him. And she wants to learn to use her new laptop. I think it would be wonderful for him in many ways.
1. public busing will take him all over the city 24/7, and month bus passes are pretty cheap.
2. City is full of retail where he could work, plus more likely could find computer work.
3. Mom is excellent at forcing a noncompliant child to grow up.
4. There are 2 colleges and a tech school right there in the city he could go to if he wanted.
5. Since he'd have bus transport, he could go anywhere he wanted when he wanted. He could have a social life.
But I think he's stagnating here. I mean, he could just visit and see if it would be something he would want to consider. I dunno. Mom needs/wants someone to live with her. Travis needs/wants to get out from under Mom and Dad but isn't quite to independent stage yet. The 2 of them get along great.
I know I'd worry with him being so far away. But I'm trying to think of what would be best for him. He needs to go forward, not back.
And yeah, I know my Mom is mentally ill. But age has mellowed her considerably. And Travis would call me if anything went wonky. My brother and an aunt lives just around the corner, and another aunt lives maybe 2 blocks away.
I dunno. I guess I'm just venting/thinking out loud.