Behavior Modification?


New Member
Dylan has an appointment with his pediatrician at the end of this month. The school has agreed to document any behavioral problems that occur to assist us with an accurate diagnosis. The problem is - I want the diagnosis so that he can get an IEP for things like individual tutoring (He works better one on one) or avoidance of certain overly stressful situations. I also want him to start recieving speech and Occupational Therapist (OT) through the public school system so that I don't have to drive him 30 miles away. I do NOT want him medicated simply because there is no reason for it. We can manage Dylan's meltdowns by anticipating the potential triggers and reasoning with him (sometimes until I'm blue in the face, but it almost always works). Showing him unconditional love and forgiveness when forgiveness is due and respecting his wants and needs has brought him from his former status of Holy Terror to Child with Behavioral Issues. Family members often compare how he was a few years ago and are amazed at how much better he is. I actually have hope that he may grow up to live a happy, normal life.

It seems like there is a pill for everything these days, but I want to know if there is any chance of getting a diagnosis for behavior management strategies the school can use to keep him at bay without the aide of medications that have the potential to change my little boy into someone else.


Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of trying anything first before medications. I especially don't like those doctors (which my son has had) who see a kid one time, listen for fifteen minutes, a pull out a script pad for stimulants. Lots of therapists will work with you on behavioral mod. Of course, as he gets older, and if it gets worse, or he is violent, you probably have no choice, although some people try alternatives. As one with bipolar, who hates medication, I did try everything and for me nothing worked but the medications. However I was 23 when I first started them and was sure of my diagnosis. Good luck /importthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Many children have IEP's, with no psychiatric drugs. Some schools encourage trying other methods first. If he needs Occupational Therapist (OT), Speech and tutoring, then they can address those needs, with or without drugs.
Once you have a diagnosis, you can explore the many options that are available.


New Member
Thanks for your replies!! I would like to think that my SD is one that has the child's best interests at heart but ... to quote the principal "If a Child is diabetic, we're going to give him insulin." Well, that is one way to look at it - IF his diagnosis is a chemical imbalance...a MEDICAL condition. Drugs that affect the mind scare me, and it's not a decision I will take lightly. Meanwhile his teacher this year is GREAT with him. I've seen more progress in his school work in the last three weeks than I did all last year. Some of the other school personnel aren't as willing to take the time to deal with his issues, unfortunately.

Not sure how cooperative they will be. We have been requesting Learning Disability (LD) testing for my older son for two years and they keep putting us off. They have retained him, placed him in a reading tutor program, and his last principal was so bold as to make a GUESS as to my child's IQ!!!! That really made me mad. Everyone knows there is a problem, but no one wants to do anything about it. I'm not just going to sit back and "accept " this, let them label him as being "slow" when it might be something like ADD or Dislexia....He's not a dumb kid! If we can find out what we're dealing with, we can fix the problem and bring him up to speed before he starts hating school and counting the days til he can drop out. Guess I'm going to have to write another letter...

Thanks for listening guys


Active Member
I have had *huge* successes with my son in implementing The Explosive Child strategies along with behavioral modification. It takes a tremendous amount of effort which I would only be willing to do over the long haul provided I was seeing good results (which we are). Personally as a parent and a former classroom teacher I think applying these both intensively (such as when a child is unstable) for extended periods of time would exhaust a family and is more than regular schools should be expected to do. If it's simply for the purpose of making progress in addressing run of the mill :rolleyes: difficult child issues than I think it's doable.

The developmental pediatrician offered us a trial of an SSRI medication for my son during our first visit. I turned him down because first I was horrified he would suggest such a thing for *my* child, secondly because we hadn't had any of the speech assessments done and I didn't want skewed results and third, I thought we could manage him. There came a time some months later when all our of our efforts failed in helping him cope with anxiety and we did resort to medications. Those helped almost immediately and even though it went totally against my grain I was glad to be able to give him some relief. We've had problems with side effects so this will always be a last resort for us.

There's a thread about this with a similar question that I asked after first arriving here. You'll see most people's experience didn't lead me to have any hope but I was desperate and went for it anyway and the story had a happy ending.
I get so tired of comparing mental illness to diabetes. Only a certain percentage of diabetics require insulin. For most diabetics, diet and exercise are used first, then pills, and then insulin if necessary. Behavior modification is very helpful for diabetics.
Originally posted by Whysper1976:
[qb] but ... to quote the principal "If a Child is diabetic, we're going to give him insulin." Well, that is one way to look at it - [/qb]
There are many people who believe drugs are the only way. You are also blasted with ads that proclaim that a pill will cure everything. It is hard to learn about other ways to help our children. Don't forget to speak up loudly!!
Originally posted by SRL:
I have had *huge* successes with my son in implementing The Explosive Child strategies along with behavioral modification. It takes a tremendous amount of effort which I would only be willing to do over the long haul provided I was seeing good results (which we are). Personally as a parent and a former classroom teacher I think applying these both intensively (such as when a child is unstable) for extended periods of time would exhaust a family and is more than regular schools should be expected to do. If it's simply for the purpose of making progress in addressing run of the mill :rolleyes: difficult child issues than I think it's doable.

The developmental pediatrician offered us a trial of an SSRI medication for my son during our first visit. I turned him down because first I was horrified he would suggest such a thing for *my* child, secondly because we hadn't had any of the speech assessments done and I didn't want skewed results and third, I thought we could manage him. There came a time some months later when all our of our efforts failed in helping him cope with anxiety and we did resort to medications. Those helped almost immediately and even though it went totally against my grain I was glad to be able to give him some relief. We've had problems with side effects so this will always be a last resort for us.

There's a thread about this with a similar question that I asked after first arriving here. You'll see most people's experience didn't lead me to have any hope but I was desperate and went for it anyway and the story had a happy ending.
I have three in school and we used medications at first. Which I didn't like it was a fight but now I have two honor rolls and one A B average. They haved learned how to control their outbursts and keep them confined to home. Which is sometimes really stressful here but I'd rather it be here than at school. I basically set up a schedule at home for homework. Where at any time they can excuse themselves to go to their room or special calm down place. And I also made the same arrangement for school. Although now they no longer have an IEP they still continue a relationship with the Special Education Teacher. This at first helped only slightly but after they new that they could go to a private place when in need they felt better about it and it really helped. Now they function great at school and their teachers love them. It took a couple af years working with the teachers and arguing with them as well but in the end it has been a true blessing. It is really hard work don't get me wrong but the payoffs been great. It has even helped at home. And the more involved you are with the school the more the teachers cooperate. Just remind them that it is the schools responsiblity to educate your child and you will get them there by any means necessary. At one point my oldest had to have the teacher come to our home to teach. They are required by law to provide an alternative if the child cannot attend for any reason. Look it up and see what laws support your childs education envirenment.


New Member
I have heard the saying "if he was diabetic you would give him insulin" I have actually said this myself. BUT insulin is already in our body and it is required. Some are insulin deficient. Who is ritalin deficient? Ritalin is not in our body already. It is a foreign substance to the body!!
Many diabetics don't need insulin and could stop their pills, if they would modify their diet and behavior. Of course, if your pancreas stops working, you have to use an artificial substitute. The body has amazing powers to heal. It needs the right impetus.


New Member
"Many diabetics don't need insulin and could stop their pills if they would modify their diet and behavior" Your right on about that. I had a neighbor that had been doing insulin shot's for year's but finally decided to change her eating habit's, No more insulin..... I believe she does have to take some type of pill to aid in controlling her sugar but she also has an array of other health issu'e going on too, But I have to say I was impressed with her determination to help herself by changing her bad eating habit's.
Many children have IEP's, with no psychiatric drugs. Some schools encourage trying other methods first. If he needs Occupational Therapist (OT), Speech and tutoring, then they can address those needs, with or without drugs.
Once you have a diagnosis, you can explore the many options that are available.
Would you be so kind as to give me a general starting place? I have a grandson that has outbursts at school, they are fairly controlable at home but for some reason he feels it's okay at school. He has kicked at adults and the other kids, tried to run away, hit, screamed and turned over chairs. My son took him to a doctor who observed him for an hour then stated she didn't believe he was ADD but from the school's information and my son's she put him on a medication for bypolar. As with everything we have tried, it works for awhile then he has another outburst. We are very warry of doctors and the whole "system" the kids can fall into. We are all at the ends of our ropes and are willing to do whatever he needs to feel better...........he has a step-mom and no contact with his real mom, if you can call her that. I love him so deeply and we are greatly concerned with his welfare. Any suggestions on how to get the ball rolling would be greatly appreciated.
Help for Grandmaw Cunningham


New Member
In the early days when my DS was first diagnosed simply as ADHD the paed. quickly pulled out the pad to write a script for Ritalin. I really shocked hiim when I asked for something more natural. He reluctantly suggest a product called EFELEX, which has high content of fish oil etc. So, we tried that, and there was the beginning of my research.... I found lots out in those days, such as colors that I should avoid, etc. etc. Several years went by, and his learning was suffering, and his behaviour was alternating between good, and dreadful. Towards the end of his 6th grade I was working closely with his teacher aide and learning support teachers. One pointed out to me that perhaps we could trial a stimulant for school time only.... so we did. But this was only for school time, not holidays or weekends. We had good results... and I continued my research and implemented changes regarding food/colors etc. which I feel made a difference.
Good luck, you don't have to take the first suggestions of your therapist.

Mrs. M

New Member
I am brand new to this site, and I have no ideal where to go. My son has ODD, ADHD, Depression, He's in Learning Disability (LD) classes. I was unaware of the ODD diagnosis until recently. I am worried about him, and his future. I long for him to tell me he loves me on his own, not just repeating it back to me, which honestly doesn't happen very often. I want to help him do things on his own, and I wish for him to want to do things, and care about something. I'm at a stand still, and I worry all the time.


Active Member
Mrs. M- Welcome! You might try starting a thread in the General forum since many people frequent that area and that is where we see the most new posters. I will need to have another cup of coffee before I can offer anything more useful. LOL!!

Also, it would help others to know your son's age and few more specifics, like what type of professional diagnosed (diagnosis'd) him and how long ago and what type of interventions have been tried.

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