biscuits recalled now....:(


New Member
sheesh-just when I thought we were safe-as we dont feed our guys wet food....sigh.....and this makes soooo much sense-we sporadically give our dog these biscuits and he will sporadically throw up---hes been to the vet and everything-and they said he just had a sensitive stomach-so we switched foods, but still the puking-difficult child feeds the biscuits and I looked the code up and sure enough...sigh...anyway-thought you all would be interested.....

WASHINGTON - The recall of pet foods and treats contaminated with an
industrial chemical expanded Thursday to include dog biscuits made by
an Alabama company and sold by Wal-Mart under the Ol'Roy brand.

Food and Drug Administration said the manufacturer, Sunshine Mills
Inc., is recalling dog biscuits made with imported Chinese wheat
gluten. Testing has revealed the wheat gluten, a protein source, was
contaminated with melamine, used to make plastics and other industrial

Also Thursday, Menu Foods, a major manufacturer of brand- and
private-label wet pet foods expanded its original recall to include a
broader range of dates and varieties. Menu Foods was the first of at
least six companies to recall the now more than 100 brands of pet
foods and treats made with the contaminated ingredient.

The recall now covers "cuts and gravy"-style products made between
Nov. 8 and March 6, Menu Foods said. Previously, it only applied to
products made beginning Dec. 3. In addition, Menu Foods said it was
expanding the recall to include more varieties, but no new brands.

The FDA knows of no other pet product companies planning recalls,
agency officials told reporters.

"Other than that, I think, you know, the public should feel secure in
purchasing pet foods that are not subject to the recall," Stephen
Sundlof, director of the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine, told

Sunshine, of Red Bay, Ala., sells pet foods and treats under its own
brands as well as private labels sold by grocery, mass merchant and
dollar stores, according to its Web site. The recall included some of
the products made for sale under five private labels, including Ol'Roy
biscuits, sold by Wal-Mart Stores Inc., and Stater Bros. large
biscuits, sold by Stater Bros. Markets. It also covered a portion of
Sunshine's own Nurture, Lassie and Pet Life dog biscuit brands.

Previously, Menu Foods had recalled some wet-style dog foods it made
for sale under the Stater Bros. and Ol'Roy brands as well.

Sunshine said there have been no reports of dog illnesses or deaths in
connection with the recalled dog biscuits, which contain one percent
or less wheat gluten by weight.

The FDA continues to focus on melamine as the suspected contaminant of
the pet products, though Sundlof said it could be a marker for the
presence of another, yet-unknown substance. Melamine previously was
not believed to be toxic.

The recall is one of the largest pet food recalls in history, Sundlof
said. The FDA has received more than 12,000 complaints but has
confirmed only about 15 pet deaths. Anecdotal reports suggest the
tally is in the hundreds or low thousands.

Sunshine Mills said it would post a complete list of the recalled dog
biscuits on its Web site, http://www.sunshine .

The FDA last week blocked wheat gluten imports from the Xuzhou Anying
Biologic Technology Development Co. in the eastern city of Xuzhou,
saying they contained melamine. A Las Vegas importer, ChemNutra Inc.,
recalled this week all wheat gluten it had purchased from the supplier
and in turn distributed to pet food manufacturers.

Xuzhou Anying has said it is investigating the claims.



Well-Known Member
I don't see another dog biscuit recall post???

I'm begnning to think they need to test every product out there and just give us a list of what's been tested to be absolutely safe.

I've started feeding my dog cheerios. I've had a large box of biscuits from last year that she's been getting and that's it. The poor thing. I think she's hungry on just cheerios. I'm gonna get some ground beef today and make meatballs (without the seasonings and stuff) and freeze them. Take a few out every couple of days to defrost and stick them in with her cheerios.

Man, I'd hate to have a job in the dog food industry right now. Their stocks must be at an all-time low.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful

The buiscuts were just added. And of course they're the brand my dogs use. Except we don't get the peanut butter flavor and that's the one that's been recalled. My dogs are out of buiscuts and will stay out of them til this recall stuff is over. So far though their food is safe. It's the lamb and rice and I looked on the ingredients and no wheat gluten.

N's boyfriend parents just lost a cat for no apparent reason a couple of weeks ago. (well one day, died the next) They looked at her food and it is from the recall list. :frown:

My dogs aren't doing much complaining about the recall. They're scraps intake has increased dramatically, and they get cheese instead of buiscuts. lmao


New Member
That's a good idea, to feed cheerios and meat.

Our vet said that if we were goig to prepare food at home, we needed to supplement with a multi-vitamin.

.............................. :hammer:.............................

So, we decided to stick to the dry and canned food we have been giving.

Every time they come out with another recall though, my heart just stops.

We did learn one interesting thing though. If you are feeding canned cat food? You should mix a little water in with it before serving. That way, your cat will be sure to get enough water to flush out her kidneys.

We tried that?

And out cat licked every drop of it up without a problem.

So, add a little water to the canned cat food.


PS I am so glad you all are posting about this. I feel so much better informed than I would have otherwise.

Thank you so much.


Well-Known Member
I really wonder how long this problem has been going on. I lost my beloved Heidi over a year and a half ago to symptoms that are strikingly similar to what they say we should be looking for. She was addicted to Ol' Roy Peanut Butter Biscuits. She was a large dog...rottie and getting up there in years so we let her eat a lot of them if she wanted them. When this hit her it hit at once. One day she was fine, the next she was sick. Happened on a friday and by monday she was dead.