It has been wonderful reading the updates on this thread. I almost posted last week, but I was so afraid [of the jinx]. I'm going to give it a shot [thanks for the powers of protection], heh heh.
difficult child is doing well. She loves her phlebotomy classes and does her homework and is really really excited about it. I am thinking that she was ready for it finally and can now get the most from it. If we had forced her to go a year ago, I think she would have failed. And if we had waited till next Spring, I think it may have been too late - she would have felt defeated. Timing truly can mean everything. On the Monkeyboy front, he's gone. I was waiting to post about it because I thought there might be another reconciliation, but it's been over for a few weeks now and he apparently has moved away. And get this - she's not even hanging out with any of those kids anymore either. She's hanging with some local kids, one in particular - who is as straight as they come. He works two jobs and owns two small fixer upper cars, which is a hobby of his. He doesn't smoke cigarettes or pot and told difficult child if she is going to hang out with him, she can't smoke around him. So she stopped smoking...except for the occasional one after he drops her home. I think it's a budding romance, but of course, difficult child tries to deny it. Her awat message the other day was "difficult child is really kinda sorta enjoying the mellower side of life". She is still working but gave her notice and has two new jobs lined up starting next week. She smashed her car, but came home immediately and told H and me about it. She was truly devastated and immediately said she was sorry. H bought some new parts for it and will fix it this weekend with easy child's boyfriend. difficult child seems to be learning acceptance, which is a virtue I think very highly of.
Ciao~for now.