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Ok. Wondering about difficult child 1 his medical condition with his eye and his impending release tomorrow. I still haven't heard from him. So I called the prison. I talked to a "counselor" who said son is still in infirmary and maybe didn't have anywhere to go tomorrow. He starts to berate ME saying isn't there a cousin or friend or someone who could give him a place? As a matter of fact there isn't. I tried to explain to him that because of my son's bipolar and reticence to take medications it made it difficult for someone to take responsibility. This fellow goes on to say how hard can it be, the Salvation Army can't make him take medicine.A family member would probably have more influence. I patiently explain to him that as his 57-year old mother weighing 110 lbs. (this is a lie, but I was desperate to make my point) I couldn't hold a 29-year old, 180 lb. man down 3 times per day to make him take his medications. If I could, he wouldn't be incarcerated. I tell him that there are intermediate care facilities that require as a condition of living there that psychiatric medications be taken. He says that they can't force him. Huh???vHe transfers me to a caseworker supervisor who tells me that he can't tell me what is going on. He does say that a couple of half-way houses have turned our son down, probably due to the eye infection and the doctor won't release him to anyone because they don't want to be sued for the eye infection. Ok. So I am picturing my bipolar son in a depression, in pain with his eye and devastated that he is not getting out tomorrow. I picture him wallowing in it and not calling, angry at us or himself or both because we can't/won't/have vowed not to take him in. Worse yet his facility is on lockdown. I don't even know if I am on the approved visiting list. My son said he added us but when he later checked it hadn't been done yet, citing the inadequacies of the correctional system. I had a tendency to doubt his dissing the system, but from what I heard on the phone today, yikes. I wish he'd call. I'm sending a letter asking him to and we'll see what happens. I am in totally unfamiliar territory here. He can serve out his probation in jail, which is another 18 months. Holy crap. Should we give him another chance at home?