Corona virus ~ so as not to hijack 200meters thread

Deni D

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
Staff member
Done Dad, what a stress on you guys. I just can't imagine.
I hope your 10 month old grand daughter is doing much better now.

I’m pretty sure we’ve all had it (Covid-19) already. No way to know for sure since when we were sick 2-3 weeks ago, they weren’t testing here (California) at all.
There is an effort going on right now to collect the antibodies from the survivors plasma to help with treatment and for vaccines down the road. If you are relatively healthy you could search locally to be tested to see if you had it and can donate blood towards the effort.

I think you are among the many uncounted cases of people who have contracted and dealt with this plague unsupported. One good thing to think about is if you did have it then all indications are you are immune to it now at least for the near future.

Deni D

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
Staff member
Only members of nuclear families who live together will be allowed to celebrate the traditional retelling of the Exodus from Egypt together.

And then next year you can have wonderful large get togethers to celebrate together. I have noticed the more religious folks, no matter the religion, in our area, are suffering so much lately from not being able to gather in groups. It shows how strong religion runs through the thread of our existence. One day soon.... this will be behind you.


Well-Known Member
They shut Texas down y'all! Everything is closed except hospitals, grocery stores and take out food. We are told to stay home and not come in contact with others. They put in an executive order from the governor for everyone to work from home except essential employees (first responders, medical staff and food service/truckers). The shelves are empty in the meat and t.p, cleaning supplies and eggs. It's ridiculous.

On a positive note there are a group of 100 of us (and growing) making masks for medical staff. They have made 1200 masks in less than a week. The operation started off as one lady in our neighborhood and has now been spread county wide. Just women in their homes sewing and the community dropping off supplies on porches. The masks are free.

I am seeing neighbors take care of one another. The grocery stores should share photos of the nimrods buying up all the TP. To think of all that TP we wasted on trees in the 80's. LOL My teen girls cannot return to school this year, there are some tears over here. I have to work with the public. I don't want to expose my kiddos to it.

Hope y'all stay well.


Deni D

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
Staff member
They shut Texas down y'all!
You all will be good, as long as folks follow the shut down order. Please encourage anyone you can to follow it. NY and NJ didn't shut down soon enough and now all of our essential workers are in danger every day they go to work. Hope you guys get access to proactive testing so at least you can see where the enemy is.


Roll With It
OK is shut down too. At first I thought this was going to be like the "swine flu epidemic" of a couple of years ago. Much talk in the media, nothing really being done about it. This is so much worse. I never thought we would see the day that entire states would just shut down. Our grocery stores are closing early and opening late. They also have a rule that the first hour of business each day is SOLELY for the elderly and disabled. I think that is wonderful and I wish more stores would do this.

Jess has been baking a TON. She tried the BA's Best Banana Bread yesterday. Yum Yum Yum! One of the best loaves of banana bread I have ever tried. She has overnight danish dough in the fridge to make tomorrow!! I love her danishes. They remind me of the local bakeries that were a regular part of our lives when we lived in Ohio. You just don't find the old fashioned German bakeries in OK. Every neighborhood has at least 1 in Cinci! Her best friend from work is now the manager, and she said that as soon as they open back up, she is welcome to come back. It won't be for a while though.

Wiz is an essential worker. He was planning to move to another state in about 10 days. I think the virus has put his plan back by a while. I want him to be happy, but moving right now with so many people out of work just doesn't seem smart.

thank you has been out of school since Spring Break. He would rather be at school and work. The universities here all closed starting the week of Spring Break. No one is even sure if they will open before summer term or maybe even not until August. I cannot remember more than 4-5 times when the university closed due to the weather. It is rather surreal to drive by campus and not see a single soul.. Especially over by the dorms.

I sincerely hope that everyone stays healthy. I am sorry that we are enduring this mess. It does show some good things though. I get a call when the grocery store has TP (Wiz even puts a package back for me!). We are managing to stay busy.


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
Alabama shut down too as of Saturday at 5pm.

I love the sound of all of that but OMG can't have in our house. I did buy a small pound cake on sale and feel guilty when I eat it. Try to keep my weight at a certain spot and it's hard with all of the eating we are now doing. Husband is cooking up a storm! We do walk and have just started to ride bikes but it's very hilly here so it's brutal.

We will get through this!!

Deni D

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
Staff member
I just don’t know, so, so much. I don’t need anyone to say anything just knowing you all “hear” me is enough and I know you do. It’s been hard over the last weeks, hard trying not to add to other people’s troubles, not saying what’s been going on. Even throughout today I’ve had conversations with family members and other friends without mentioning the hell that has been going on, and doing yardwork to keep myself busy minute by minute but now in the middle of my night, not able to come close to sleep I have to get it out.

I have a next-door neighbor who’s been a good friend, very good friend, for the last 30 years. She was diagnosed with Alzheimers last year, after a couple of years of knowing things were very off with her. I did things for her and adjusted as friends do knowing something was going on over the last couple of years before her diagnosis. I kind of thought maybe, but then there's denial.... I’ve gone through it before with a close family member and knew what it was, how bad it is, when she got the diagnosis but thought it would be slow, like it was with my family member, thought we would have more time.

And then so while I was traveling this winter another friend of mine called me to tell me this friend with Alzheimers went into the hospital mid-February and was going to have a hysterectomy after going to an urgent care for what seemed like a bladder infection. During the operation it was discovered she has cancer, a very aggressive form of cancer. A couple of days later she went from the hospital to a rehab/nursing home across the street. From information from her nephew (who lives with her) she decided she wanted to fight the cancer. I came back into the area early March and was planning to go down to see her but missed the three day window I didn’t know I had before they shut down all visitors to the rehab/nursing home. I feel so guilty about this. The next week she was in terrible pain and was sent back to the hospital. Her nephew was the only one allowed in the hospital with her, was required to mask up, and to be escorted in and out of the room because of COVID-19 concerns. They medicated her very heavily, and informed the family that any treatment for the cancer would be fruitless, she would not last that long. They sent her back across the street to the rebab/nursing home.

Then for the next two weeks no one could contact her. Her cell phone was dead and a call from me to request for them to please try to find it if it’s there in the rehab and charge it was met with a promise from the staff that they would but resulted in them not bothering, this I only discovered today. She also had a landline phone in her room, but either she didn’t know the difference between other things beeping in her room or couldn’t reach it, I’ll never know. Myself and two other neighbors tried to call this phone number many times.

Friday her nephew, who was very frustrated from the lack of response from her social worker in the rehab/nursing home for a week, and the placating “she doing fine, but she’s not the same” responses every day when he called the nursing station, decided to bring her home for hospice care. She came home today.

This is absolutely heartbreaking! I got out of the way of him and his sister when he pulled into the driveway with my friend. I watched from my window to see how it took him 10 minutes to get her out of the car and into a wheelchair. I saw a ragdoll, not my friend of 30 years, finally being brought home into her house to live her final days/moments.

Earlier, myself and her other friends in the neighborhood thought we would be able to stand from a distance and talk to her from the door, at the very least, to keep her safe from us, not us from her. Stupidly thinking she would be around for a while. Myself and her other friends of over 30 years, real friends, not just neighbors. No that will not happen. She can’t stand up or even talk at this point. I don't know, don't know if/how different it would have been if she had contact with family and friends over the last couple of weeks. And we will not be able to even go in the house to see her, not that she would even know who we are at this point. She has a fever, and keeps telling her nephew how much she hurts, that’s the only communication she has given to him since he picked her up from the hospital. Now no one other than he can go into the house, even with that fever, and her pain even with morphine and oxycodone. The rehab/nursing home refused to test her, so we could at least know if we can be with her. Fuc$ing A$$holes they are! We are in a known hot spot. And we do not know if there are other cases from that rehab/nursing home. All we know is the social worker who was supposed to be in contact with him and support both her and him is MIA.

He told me later he “thinks” she knows she home, is not sure. He “thinks” he has this, and the hospice nurse who came shortly after he got home with my friend will be here three times a week, knows of her fever and pain and told him he can call her whenever he needs to, 24 hours day. I think that nurse is a saint. I pray he holds up and I know this is leaps and bounds the hugest challenge he has ever faced in his life and pray he has this. The only other help he will have is supposed to be a home health aid three times a week, another saint I suppose. He’s now isolated with his aunt in the house, away from his 10 year old son who he is very devoted to. Who knows when he will see his son again.

I am so fuc$ing upset, I hate this so much! My good friend deserves to have her people by her side at the last moments of her life. She deserved to have us there for the last three weeks. I know with her Alzheimer’s during the lucid moments she has been so hurt that we were not there for her and will never understand why. She has been there for us so much, memories keep going through my mind, she is so close yet so far and is dying. I know the next time I see her will be when the coroner’s office takes her out of her house under a sheet. The only silver lining I can see is it will be better for her not to linger on not knowing who the people around her are and who she is for years like so many people with Alzheimer’s have to deal with. But that was brought on by the cancer, the COVID-19 :censored2: made it so we can not be there for her with this rapid decline and exit from life of my dear friend.

Thanks for listening, no response needed, I know you listen, there’s just nothing to say.


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
I am so sorry to hear the story of your friend. How awful it must be for you not to be there for her. It is heartbreaking.

However you are there in spirit and you want more than anything to be there.

I would pray for her and for yourself. That is all you can do right now.



A real bustard
I am waiting here in the line to get into the supermarket at the mall here in our Jetusalem 'burb. Everyone is wearing a mask of some sort and is not standing too close to the people ahead of them or behind them. The supermarket is carefully limiting how many people can be inside at the same time. Someone from the supermarket just told me I could skip the line and go in. I had no idea why. Someone said, "For seniors." I said, "Absolutely not! No thank you." I will be 57 in two weeks and will wait here with everyone else thank you very much! Hmmph! The paucity of hair on my head (and what there is is mostly gray) notwithstanding, I am a spring chicken! :)
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100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
Our stores are doing the same thing and they have one way aisles now and Plexiglas near the check outs. They have a special time for seniors too.

Deni D

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
Staff member
I am so sorry to hear the story of your friend. How awful it must be for you not to be there for her. It is heartbreaking.

However you are there in spirit and you want more than anything to be there.

I would pray for her and for yourself. That is all you can do right now.
Thank you RN, she passed in the early morning (middle of the night) of the 10th. I have faith she now knows why we were not there for her during her final days.

I did watch from my window and said goodbye to her as the people with masks, gloves and white jumpsuits from the coroners office brought her out in a body bag. It was something I was figuring would happen, eventually. But not something I could even imagine at that. It was the only way I could to say goodbye none the less.

Since then a couple of things have happened around the house that surprised me and caused me to smile and look up and say "I know that was you". I believe she's at peace now, with all who have passed before her. She had been given two months to live but now I think it wasn't two months we lost with her but rather two months of suffering she didn't have to go through.

Her nephew is doing okay. He's a healthy personal trainer. He sanitized the house as best he could. We are keeping an eye out for him.

200Meters, that's funny! I'd get to skip the line but it would be valid on the age thing for me, ha!

I'm home for the most part here. Lucky I have a couple of very good neighborhood friends who also do everything they can to keep to themselves. We talk from a distance, and one even comes over for delivered (and sanitized) dinner every Saturday.

Today I had to go out to pick up medicine for one of my cats. This time, just like last month, they don't let you in the vets. You pay with a credit card from the car, they come out and hand you the medicine. If someone is bringing a sick animal they go to the car, the person hands over the animal and waits in the car while the vet does whatever they have to do. Only difference is today I was wearing the now required face mask. A very nice one of cloth with Disney characters on it (we save the real ones for the health care workers) made for me by a local woman who's been churning them out by the hundreds these days.

Something pretty cool I noticed today was people are waving. Anyone I saw from my car smiled and waved, or waved from under a mask, I think they were smiling, and I waved back. I go camping a lot, the waving in campgrounds is typical, and something I really like. I'm feeling like my area is becoming like one big campground, without any actual contact with people though.

I needed that today. My county made the news, not sure how far but at least down the Eastern seaboard. There was a big problem with a large nursing home about 10 miles from my house. It had me reeling in general when I heard about it yesterday and at a more personal level remembering how we couldn't talk to my friend who just passed away when she was at the rehab/nursing home (a different one) and all of the concerns I had for her care. At least now in this area the state is now involved, and bringing in resources we have not had in the county until now. Now they are providing PPE, instead of just local people finding it wherever for the hospital and nursing homes. And now we even have testing in this county, which has been pathetically lacking until now. I know there's a good chance we will make the news again due to the many people told they were presumptive positive, told very emphatically that the hospital is not someplace they want to be, and to go home and come back if they can't breath at all. Even nurses working in this area have had this happen to them. So scary and so inappropriate. I hope they are now being contacted to see how they are doing.

It's a mixed bag up here in the hills. But most importantly many people reaching out and doing so much for others, no matter what they need, no matter what the problem. A very large tree fell down in a wind/rain storm the other day, took out three telephone poles and damaged a house on the street behind me. Neighbors jumped in with generators, wifi connections, and hot meals for the people affected. The town crew was out immediately, in the rain, to cut up the tree and remove it from the road. The electric company worked all through the middle of the night to put replacement telephone poles up and spent the entire next day running the wires and getting people back in service. I know if couldn't get out or couldn't afford groceries or had any other problem I couldn't deal with all I would have to do is to post something on a local facebook page and someone would be here in a hot second to help me. I'm seeing it happen over and over again. It also feels good to me to be able to offer the help I have to others. Something I've always done as is my nature but have wondered in the recent past with the trouble with my son if I was just being a patsy, an easy mark. Not now though, because is see it all over, it has given me more faith in humanity. I've always been very independent person but knowing I have a safety net just in case around here is a very good feeling. Feels much more small town here than it felt before. Something I think will be part of our "new normal" along with things we may not like of the "new normal".


A real bustard
The death toll is up to 108.

Schools might reopen in a very modest way next week. Stuff has begun to reopen although the rules are illogical, contradictory and full of holes.

The above notwithstanding, our (72nd) Independence Day starts at sunset, in a few hours, and runs until sunset tomorrow. From 17:00 today (4 minutes from now) until 20:00 tomorrow, Israel will be under a near total lockdown, as it was on the first night/day of Passover. Normally, the city parks, national parks, nature reserves and beaches would be absolutely packed tomorrow but not this year thanks to our friend (not) corona.


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
Our governor will be on TV at 11am to let us know what restrictions are being lifted. From what I have seen I don't think many things will change right now.

I live on the coast and I'm sure her concern is with our beaches and out of towners bringing more virus here. I do hope that things are somewhat eased up so our smaller businesses can open with restrictions to stay afloat.

Tough times!


A real bustard
You got the Flu Klux Klan in your state?

As much as I loathe Netanyahu, at least he hasn't called on our medical authorities to look into ingesting bleach.


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100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
I missed that speech of Trumps. I guess he doesn't realize that in his position there is no room for sarcasm!


Well-Known Member
I know if couldn't get out or couldn't afford groceries or had any other problem I couldn't deal with all I would have to do is to post something on a local facebook page and someone would be here in a hot second to help me.
Dear Deni:

Where you live sounds like a place I yearn to live. The bonds between neighbors, friends, community sound so strong and loving. I wish I was there.

The story of your friend/neighbor is so sad for you. But I believe that she was shielded from the pain of it, both spared from suffering more, and I believe that she did not unduly suffer from the isolation. At least I hope she did not. I prefer to believe that she lived a lifetime of love and connection to family, neighbors and friends, and that she died in that embrace, in the embrace of the people who loved her and who she loved. What a blessing you were in her life.


Well-Known Member
Dear Deni:

Where you live sounds like a place I yearn to live. The bonds between neighbors, friends, community sound so strong and loving. I wish I was there.


There is a website called
It is set up by neighborhood, so that people can connect with their neighbors.

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