Court Tuesday - not good



Ala Girl - GO YOU!! Glad he has the continuance and I really hope he takes it as a last chance to get his act together. I really, really, really do.

And if he doesn't - we are here for you.

I bet you will sleep easy tonight, I hope this is the beginning of more good news to come.


Thanks everyone! I'm still sad but I feel SO much better.

Have an appointment with an attorney next Tuesday to start planning what I need to do with my will. Going to ask him what I need to do with respect to eviction (remember difficult child is 18 - adulthood is 19 in my state) and for minimizing any liability I have for his actions because he is still underage.

In the meantime, I am going to work, spend time with my friends, and do things to take care of myself....cause I'm worth it! I wish the same for all of you.