Court Update



Oh I am sorry you are going through this worry.... I have seen too much of the court system, both through my sons multiple court appearances and what i see through my job, to have a lot of faith in the court system. This is why in the past i have advocated quite a bit for my son and his legal issues. (I think I am pretty much done doing that but when they are so young they need an advocate because the court system does not always do the right thing).

So this is what I would do (and in fact did do at one point)... I would write a letter to "Whom it may concern" but intend it for the judge. I would let him know your concerns and what you think would be best for your daughter and why. Then I would make sure you get it to the public defender and hopefully he will use it to help get the best disposition (or deal) for your daughter. From what I have seen (but of course it probably differs depending on the state) is that the court system tends Occupational Therapist (OT) try and get juveniles help.... but after a certain age it leans more towards punishment.

I do think if the court date is pushed out that might be a good thing if your daughter is doing well..... which I know is a question.... but if she is holding down her job and being responsible, and saving some money to pay for the car that will look good to the court. You might talk to the public defender and see if he can impress that upon her.

it is a very hard thing to go through... this watching our kdis screw up with legal consequences.



Active Member
TL, I have always given a letter to the judge. Last time he said, "I don't know if I read this or not" and tossed it aside. I am willing again. But affraid.

I have such fear of the state places. My daughter's tooth was broken in DT (boy viciously hit her with a basketball)while she awaited placement at Observation and assessment. She was in excruciating pain for 2 days. The second day we visited her and she fell on her knees weeping she looked horrible-no sleep. It took 2 hours of calling and our dentists telling them they had to give her pain medications which he called in and we took to them.He insisted on seeing her the next morning and they transported her in chains (she was not under arrest-just waiting for placement).

She went through hell with a 25 year old worker at the residential place as well. This untrained worker decided to put difficult child on a diet. She did not talk to anyone-not the counselor nor us. She put her on a tray which was brought up to the unit. difficult child never got to leave the tiny unit and socialize with the other girls. The way it was done was humiliating-they did not even try to get difficult child on board to watch her intake. This 25 year old stayed on her about not being the last in line-running faster and moving more during exersize. She dogged her. We empowered difficult child to handle the situation and it fell on deaf ears. They ignored it even the petition she put in to the director was never answered. Pretty soon the girls picked up the fact that difficult child was a "punching bag" and they started in on her. We finially had to intervene. And ask for a meeting. It was the JJS worker who insited we all meet. They accused us of enabling. Our family doctor asked that they not restrict her diet and social time at the present time because she was also off kilter with her tyroid and she felt it was not good for difficult child emotionally.

Next they refused to administer her topical acne medications (long story). She had huge cysts that have now left scars on her cheeks and back. They changed her b-control, which was prescribed for her acne, without consulting us and the acne got worse. They also did not have her blood drawn for her thyroid check up.

This was all reported and they were hand slapped by the state. The investigator wished she could have done more. The fact that they mishandled her meltdown and she almost completed suicide was also reported and on that, they all had to be retrained.

This judge could have cared less, though he did not know the results of the investigation the last court date. You can see why I don't want her in this sytem. And d#mn difficult child for putting us in this situation. She has little regard for herself.

I'm ranting-but I keep wafling between advocacy and just letting her suffer because she just keeps doing what she is doing! Didn't mean to get worked up so much! Yikes!


Oh honey, I can feel the fear in your post. I am so so sorry she had such a miserable experience. That is unconscionable ! Do whatever it takes to keep her safe {{{{hugs}}}}