Cut-up staw--used for anything besides Cocaine?


Sunny, thank you, and I have every intention of continuing to read and post. I know our trials aren't over simply because I know my son.

I think you have it right that my son is "testing the waters." In fact, he was quite methodical about it the first week or so that he was home. It was almost as though he was parading the neighborhood by his doorstep to find out what everyone was up to so that he could decide whether or not he wanted to join in or opt out. I believe he's made his decision now and has grouped everyone into a "don't go there" camp, a "maybe" camp, and an "okay" camp. I know the "okay" camp includes pot smokers, although these are kids who are also attending school and/or working. The "maybe" camp appears to consist of kids that he'll talk on the phone with but does not choose to be physically around. The "don't go there camp" are kids he wants no contact with in any way.

As for my son's plans, after speaking with his therapist, we agreed to give him a 90-day "summer vacation" during which time we don't pressure him about what he wants to do. He tried working with his dad, but was so bored (as I knew he would be), that his career lasted only one day (actually, part of one day). He still wants to attend our community college, and that's what we would really like for him to do. In the meantime, we agreed to pay for his cell phone and necessities (hair cuts, etc.) for these next 90 days. But, he knows that, if he wants money for other things, he's going to have to figure out a way to earn it for himself. He continues to honor his curfew, clean up after himself, and behave considerately.

So, we've stepped back and are letting him figure things out. If he decides to attend school full time (doubtful), we'll give him some sort of allowance. If he decides to work full time, he'll be expected to contribute some sort of rent which we'll then add to his savings account. That's about as far as we've planned so far...